How to keep your Snus moist (make your own Snus humidifier)

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  • ddandb
    • Mar 2009
    • 570

    How to keep your Snus moist (make your own Snus humidifier)

    I was all set to get a small button humidifier to put in my Snus cans when another idea occurred to me. Why not a built in Snus humidifier?
    As long as you don't mind giving up your catch lid I think I've come up with the perfect idea.
    The only thing you need to get is florist foam (wet). This is the same material used in commercial humidifiers because of the amount of moisture it can hold.
    So without further adieu....

    1. select a suitable plastic snus can with a catch lid.
    2. punch or drill some holes in the lid as shown
    3. place the catch lid on the foam and
    4. press it in as to leave an indentation.
    5. cut in and around the indentation to make your humidifier block (in my case I was able to cut it in half and make two of them)
    6. place it in the catch lid
    7. apply some white glue around the edge of the lid and press in place
    8. once the glue is dry soak the lid for the humidifier to absorb the water and you are ready to add your Snus.

    A word on florist foam. Make sure you get the wet and not the dry foam.
    The wet is used to hold fresh flower arrangements and can absorb lots of water. The dry is for dried or artificial flowers to just hold them in place without absorbing water.
    You should be able to get it at a hobby shop or a commercial florist will usually sell you some... Or just order online.
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Killer idea...good pics, now does it work? have you seen a marked difference in how long los will stay moist? I assume it would work for portions as well. Again, great idea!


    • Azrsuperstar
      • May 2008
      • 55

      Great idea. One of the better inventions I've seen on these boards. Bravo. :twisted:


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        Cool beans.

        Another MacGyver


        • deebocools
          • Nov 2008
          • 661

          good work!

          my go-tos have a habit of staying moist enough for me, but if I find one that dries out I know I have this option.


          • tylerweaver
            New Member
            • Apr 2009
            • 1

            Similar to what I've been doing, except I use the florist foam in
            a plastic film canister and put that open canister in a ziploc bag along with
            my open snus tins and store in the fridge.
            I also use a 50/50 mix of propylene glycol and distilled water for the
            humidification solution. It's the same stuff used to keep cigar humidors
            around 70% RH. Too wet, and tobacco can mold. Too dry, it loses
            I like the lid adaptation for everyday carry. Will give it a try.


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