After months of struggling with loose snus, I'm finally converted. I have finally perfected my hand-baking skills so the snus doesn't erode onto my teeth. In my opinion, baking snus by hand is the most intimate and easiest way to enjoy loose snus.
The flavor of loose snus is better than portioned snus by miles. Portions have a salty, caustic flavor that loose snus does not have. Strong and Ekstra Strong portioned snus are even worse. Loose snus, including the strong varieties, don't have this drawback. All loose snus has a mild flavor and delivers nicotine faster and stronger than any portioned snus I have tried.
During work hours, however, I still use portioned snus. While working with the public, I have very little time to put my snus in and remove it. With time, however, I will try to improve the speed of baking snus in hopes I can use loose snus exclusively.
This is a question for you Norwegians. Is the use of loose snus acceptable in the workplace? In America, any kind of smokeless tobacco use during work hours is frowned upon greatly. In your country, does loose snus have less of a stigma attached to it? In America, smokeless tobacco is associated with spitting, thanks to the popularity of spit-tobacco (dip, chewing, etc.).
For everyone else, do you think it would be worth purchasing an Icetool? I've read from some forum members that is cuts down on the time of forming snus and is much more sanitary.
Please let me know!
The flavor of loose snus is better than portioned snus by miles. Portions have a salty, caustic flavor that loose snus does not have. Strong and Ekstra Strong portioned snus are even worse. Loose snus, including the strong varieties, don't have this drawback. All loose snus has a mild flavor and delivers nicotine faster and stronger than any portioned snus I have tried.
During work hours, however, I still use portioned snus. While working with the public, I have very little time to put my snus in and remove it. With time, however, I will try to improve the speed of baking snus in hopes I can use loose snus exclusively.
This is a question for you Norwegians. Is the use of loose snus acceptable in the workplace? In America, any kind of smokeless tobacco use during work hours is frowned upon greatly. In your country, does loose snus have less of a stigma attached to it? In America, smokeless tobacco is associated with spitting, thanks to the popularity of spit-tobacco (dip, chewing, etc.).
For everyone else, do you think it would be worth purchasing an Icetool? I've read from some forum members that is cuts down on the time of forming snus and is much more sanitary.
Please let me know!