I'm FINALLY converted to Los

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I'm FINALLY converted to Los

    After months of struggling with loose snus, I'm finally converted. I have finally perfected my hand-baking skills so the snus doesn't erode onto my teeth. In my opinion, baking snus by hand is the most intimate and easiest way to enjoy loose snus.

    The flavor of loose snus is better than portioned snus by miles. Portions have a salty, caustic flavor that loose snus does not have. Strong and Ekstra Strong portioned snus are even worse. Loose snus, including the strong varieties, don't have this drawback. All loose snus has a mild flavor and delivers nicotine faster and stronger than any portioned snus I have tried.

    During work hours, however, I still use portioned snus. While working with the public, I have very little time to put my snus in and remove it. With time, however, I will try to improve the speed of baking snus in hopes I can use loose snus exclusively.

    This is a question for you Norwegians. Is the use of loose snus acceptable in the workplace? In America, any kind of smokeless tobacco use during work hours is frowned upon greatly. In your country, does loose snus have less of a stigma attached to it? In America, smokeless tobacco is associated with spitting, thanks to the popularity of spit-tobacco (dip, chewing, etc.).

    For everyone else, do you think it would be worth purchasing an Icetool? I've read from some forum members that is cuts down on the time of forming snus and is much more sanitary.

    Please let me know!

  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    I wasted almost an entire can of Ettan los trying to learn how to hand bake a decent pris, never "really" got it. I used the pris master with some success, and realized that los was fantastic!

    That being said, the Icetool changed everything for me, now los is so much easier and enjoyable. I can quickly form a pris, and control the size if needed, pop it in and go on about what I was doing. No mess, and no loss of snus.

    I will always suggest getting one, it was/is a fantastic innovation.


    • Soft Morning, City!
      • Sep 2007
      • 772

      I strongly recommend getting an Icetool if you've got the extra money floating around. I use mine everyday and it works great every time.

      Welcome to the wonderful world of loose!


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        The IceTool is neater to use, and I use much less snus than when I handbake. My IceTool(3ml) pris is probably 1/2 the size of my handbaked, but it feels fine, and the nicotine's right. I guess I could train myself to bake smaller, but if I hadn't gotten the IceTool, I never would have known the difference. It's easily payed for itself a couple of times over in saved snus.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I can't say about Norwegians, but I know in Sweden, most snus used is portions. Snus usage had fallen dramatically in Sweden until portions were invented, then snus usage zoomed again.

          And as for all this talk about los being so much better than portions, blah, blah, blah, blah.

          Whatever. :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:


          • hoss
            • Mar 2009
            • 93

            Welcome to the fold of looser's! I always have a tin of portions around for meetings & such, but the majority of my day is spent with a fat los snus snarl


            • MN_Snuser
              • May 2008
              • 354

              I have been using alot more los snus aswell. I am hooked on general los. No ice tool or pris master (i'm too cheap). I just pinch it, and use the side of the can to form it. You get a little snus on your fingers, but not a big deal. Even been using it at work. I still carry general white portions for times when I need to be a little more discreet.


              • mercvrivs
                • Sep 2008
                • 484

                Welcome to the promised land.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Thanks for the feedback. I just ordered an Icetool a few minutes ago. I can't wait to get it in the mail!


                  • spirit72
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 1013

                    Re: I'm FINALLY converted to Los

                    Originally posted by snusjus
                    After months of struggling with loose snus, I'm finally converted.

                    You're a Löser, dude.


                    • Svarthvitt
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 97

                      Re: I'm FINALLY converted to Los

                      That all depends on who you work for, really :lol:
                      If you work in a store, the boss may don't like it if you have a huge wad of loose, but if you use a normal size pris it's most often not a problem.
                      I work in a shop and I'm allowed to use it if it's not too big.


                      • outsidelinebacker20
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 187

                        Your English is better than my German.

                        Welcome to the Dark Side. Lös is it.



                        • ddandb
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 570

                          Unless you have some giant pris in who's going to notice.

                          I've been using loose more and more. I'm really at the point where I'm just trying to use up the portions I have as not to waste them. The only thing I order anymore is loose.

                          We had a senior staff meeting at work the other week. I went into it with a pris of Grov. After an hour I excused myself, went to the bathroom, got rid of that one and put in another. It ended up being a 3 pris meeting.
                          I didn't announce what I had in my mouth. No one noticed. No problem.

                          I just don't get it. Unless you tell someone how would anyone even know?


                          • nottin
                            New Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 14

                            I've had a variety of jobs in Norway, and snusing hasn't been a problem anywhere as long as you keep it neat.

                            This wasn't a problem in Hong Kong either when I lived there, nor is it a problem here in Canada.

                            In any case, I don't see why you'd need to bake a jumbo pris. When the effect wears off, just bake a new one


                            • Badfish74
                              • May 2009
                              • 1035

                              Welcome to the wonderful of los! In my inital order i only ordered a few cans of los figuring it would be a real hassle, and only planned on using it occasionally. Boy was wrong! I absolutely love los! Needless to say my next order was the exact opposite of my first! I'm still trying to try as many varieties as possible unitl i settle upon my go to and my occasionals. Out of a 12 can order only 4 were portions and all are different varieties. I figure my next order i'll start ordering rolls and half rolls. Man i love trying new snus...it's like having many varieties of fine microbrews on hand! Sorry for the rambling...ADD and all that!


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