Hi, i'm new and i think i get it

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  • brenAWESOMEdan
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 6

    Hi, i'm new and i think i get it

    I'm an America and i started using the camel snus and thought to my self "Self? This is fun and i think i could get into this snus thing"

    Then i did what i always do and started researching snus. Then i found out that there is a whole world of snus products out there i didn't know existed.

    Then i ordered a try it out box from swedish match.

    Then i tried some swedish snus, and now i get it. Mellow, smooth, not disgustingly sweet.

    So i just want to say that i'm a newbie, but i think i might be "getting it".

    glad to be aboard!
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    Welcome to the board and the world of good snus. We all understand because we get it too.
    Feel free to ask questions.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      Welcome! Glad you found us, and found Swedish snus!


      • brenAWESOMEdan
        New Member
        • May 2009
        • 6

        hey is the swedish stuff higher in nic than the american camel stuff? i couldn't find any nic data on the camel american


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          AFAIK, the nic content is about the same between Camel and Swedish brands(8mb per g). I'm not sure how much tobacco's in a Camel portion though, so the actual number per portion could be more or less depending on weight.


          • brenAWESOMEdan
            New Member
            • May 2009
            • 6

            i was using the frost for three weeks, then yesterday i bought the mellow and i felt sick.

            but now, with the swedish i'm a happy camper.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              brenAWESOMEdan, welcome to Snuson

              We have never been able to get good data on the Camel snus. And although it *may* have the same nicotine content, it seems to be made differently and the nicotine uptake is much less than Swedish snus.

              I used Swedish snus long before I ever tried Camel and the Camels just never made me feel like I was getting enough nicotine. Equivalent, at least to me, to Swedish minis.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by brenAWESOMEdan
                i was using the frost for three weeks, then yesterday i bought the mellow and i felt sick.

                but now, with the swedish i'm a happy camper.
                I think some of that might be the sweetness. I'm not a fan of sugar in my vices. Sweet alcohol makes me feel sick also. Camel alright, but I think the Swedish makes are more sophisticated, and while perhaps not immediately approachable, are more satisfying in the long term.


                • brenAWESOMEdan
                  New Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 6

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  Originally posted by brenAWESOMEdan
                  i was using the frost for three weeks, then yesterday i bought the mellow and i felt sick.

                  but now, with the swedish i'm a happy camper.
                  I think some of that might be the sweetness. I'm not a fan of sugar in my vices. Sweet alcohol makes me feel sick also. Camel alright, but I think the Swedish makes are more sophisticated, and while perhaps not immediately approachable, are more satisfying in the long term.
                  thanks. they are awfully sweet.

                  so far i've just tried the Catch eucalyptus which is pretty good. i like menthol and mint too so, i'll give that a go. I'll eventually work up to the more original flavors. I love snuff and pipe smoking too, both of which i tend towards the tobacco flavor and not flavored with other stuff.

                  thanks guys!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    When I first started, I tended to stick with flavored snus. But it didn't take me long to realize that I really loved the non flavored more. After about a year, I stopped using most flavored snus, other than LD Black. I have now added Odens Cinnamon to the mix. But other than those two, it's just straight tobacco for me now.


                    • ctimb2002
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 483

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      brenAWESOMEdan, welcome to Snuson

                      We have never been able to get good data on the Camel snus. And although it *may* have the same nicotine content, it seems to be made differently and the nicotine uptake is much less than Swedish snus.

                      I used Swedish snus long before I ever tried Camel and the Camels just never made me feel like I was getting enough nicotine. Equivalent, at least to me, to Swedish minis.
                      My guess after trying the camel and then switching to swedish is that camel has the same nic content as a normal portion...8mg...but the ph level is pretty low...i did not get the same calming effect from the camel that I did from swedish stuff...just fun speculation of course...damn RJR!


                      • Badfish74
                        • May 2009
                        • 1035

                        I'm an America and i started using the camel snus and thought to my self "Self? This is fun and i think i could get into this snus thing" Then i did what i always do and started researching snus. Then i found out that there is a whole world of snus products out there i didn't know existed.
                        I'm right there with ya man! I hate to knock Camel because they did a great thing...they brought informed shoppers like you and me one step closer to the real thing! I'm not afraid to admit that I had never heard of snus before the Camel variety came along. Being as I've only tried one variety of the real snus, I still consider myself a newbie, and probably will until I have a year and much much more experience! I'm glad you found this forum...you couldn't ask for a nicer, more informative bunch of guys(now don't go gettin the big head veterans). Oh and welcome to the world of true tobacco bliss!


                        • ddandb
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 570

                          and Ettan. Try Ettan Snus. If you want the more traditional tobacco flavor that's the way to go.


                          • brenAWESOMEdan
                            New Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 6

                            Originally posted by Badfish74
                            I'm an America and i started using the camel snus and thought to my self "Self? This is fun and i think i could get into this snus thing" Then i did what i always do and started researching snus. Then i found out that there is a whole world of snus products out there i didn't know existed.
                            I'm right there with ya man! I hate to knock Camel because they did a great thing...they brought informed shoppers like you and me one step closer to the real thing! I'm not afraid to admit that I had never heard of snus before the Camel variety came along. Being as I've only tried one variety of the real snus, I still consider myself a newbie, and probably will until I have a year and much much more experience! I'm glad you found this forum...you couldn't ask for a nicer, more informative bunch of guys(now don't go gettin the big head veterans). Oh and welcome to the world of true tobacco bliss!
                            thanks yeah i didn't know what snus was until a friend bought some camel cigs and the tin was taped to the back! glad i found out about it though.


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