Tried to give up a snus a few times with NRT. The furthest I got was about 2 weeks with patches. Missed it too much in the end. Tried cold turkey once and went through 3 days of hellish nicotine withdrawal but, as I guess with most addictions, although the physical withdrawal subsided the mental addiction didn't.
I think the thing is with snus you don't feel such an urgency to give up as with cigarettes as it is far less harmful.
No idea but considering the nic content it seems it would have somewhat severe withdrawl symptoms. Fortunatly, nicotine withdrawl is pretty quick to get through. The mental part is another thing all together.
When ever I tried to quit smoking I could get over the physical part in just a couple of days, but the mental part would have me lighting up in no time. With snus in just a few weeks Im already reaching for the snus first thing when I wake up so I dont imagine it's much different.
I do get cravings, but having smoked cigarettes for so long, my cravings with snus are different. Not as strong, and they don't have the "urgency" that a cig craving seems to have.
When I smoked, I'd light up a cigarette first thing, and I mean first thing,lol. With snus, I get up, let the dog out, make coffee, hit the bathroom, etc before popping in my Gen ES. I do this without thinking about it too, but maybe it's because I like my morning snus with my coffee. Not sure.
During the day, I have no idea what a snus craving feels like,because I pretty much have a portion or pris in at all times.
I had my first withdrawls earlier when I had to go to a meeting and it lasted a lot longer than my portion.
I would say its about the same as cigarettes, maybe slightly less urgency as describe above. Ive only been a few days without smokes so my feelings are probably way off from anyone else.
But I wont be going places without some backup snus on me.
nicotine withdrawal, is more of a craving feeling. It's not a big deal at all...a bit irritable, but that its. Anyone can deal with it. Its actually very difficult for the body to become truly dependent on nicotine, which happens VERY easily with drugs such as benzodiazepines or opiates. Nicotine half life is about an hour or so, so the liver gets rid of it almost just as fast as it hits.
If you have been using nicotine for years, and suddenly stop yeah you'll have cravings, headaches, etc, but nothing serious. If you've been on a benzo like alprazolam for only a few months and suddenly stop, you'll have horrible anxiety attacks, seizures, and most likely have to be hospitalized. This is what true withdrawal is, so I get kind of mad of people who complain about nicotine withdrawal.
All I can say is if you quit nicotine, you'll be perfectly fine and the symptoms which are never that bad in the first place will fade quickly.
I agree with what sage said, It feels like ditching a friend for me too. A cigarette or snus portions is like a reward for me, same as a cup of coffee. I think coffee would be just as hard to quit as snus for me.
nicotine withdrawal, is more of a craving feeling. It's not a big deal at all...a bit irritable, but that its. Anyone can deal with it. Its actually very difficult for the body to become truly dependent on nicotine, which happens VERY easily with drugs such as benzodiazepines or opiates. Nicotine half life is about an hour or so, so the liver gets rid of it almost just as fast as it hits.
If you have been using nicotine for years, and suddenly stop yeah you'll have cravings, headaches, etc, but nothing serious. If you've been on a benzo like alprazolam for only a few months and suddenly stop, you'll have horrible anxiety attacks, seizures, and most likely have to be hospitalized. This is what true withdrawal is, so I get kind of mad of people who complain about nicotine withdrawal.
All I can say is if you quit nicotine, you'll be perfectly fine and the symptoms which are never that bad in the first place will fade quickly.
I agree with what sage said, It feels like ditching a friend for me too. A cigarette or snus portions is like a reward for me, same as a cup of coffee. I think coffee would be just as hard to quit as snus for me.
I still miss my cigarettes. :cry: :cry:
I second that point. "Real" withdrawal is from benzos, alcohol, opiates, stimulants etc. Example, hardcore alcoholics in withdrawal can get delirium tremens (DTs) with major symptoms such as seizures and potentially even death if not treated.
Benzo withdrawal can last for months and the only way to treat benzo withdrawal is more benzo. Not good.
Heroin is one of the hardest drugs to kick, and stimulant withdrawal isn't fun either.
In my (limited) experience no one every presents to the ER with nicotine withdrawal. Awful but not deadly like other substances.
If anyone is trying to quit a tobacco product, the best thing to do is to TAPER DOWN. While all these idiots go cold turkey, is ridiculous. Lower down half of your intake ever week so, and I can guarantee you will have no symptoms of physical withdrawal. If you need to quit do this and it will be easy as pie. If it takes 3 months or so to fully stop using tobacco products, so what??
When I stopped smoking, it was a joke! I cut down my cigs every other day. 3 weeks later I stopped. I started again months later, just because I said "what the hell, why not?" and have a bit more enjoyment during the days.
Last time I gave up smoking completely (lasted about a month) I noticed that the withdrawals from snus are a bit milder but lasts longer. Never was like "shit I need snus bad!" like I am with cigarette cravings. I call them functional withdrawals. lol.
nicotine withdrawal, is more of a craving feeling. It's not a big deal at all...a bit irritable, but that its. Anyone can deal with it. Its actually very difficult for the body to become truly dependent on nicotine, which happens VERY easily with drugs such as benzodiazepines or opiates. Nicotine half life is about an hour or so, so the liver gets rid of it almost just as fast as it hits.
If you have been using nicotine for years, and suddenly stop yeah you'll have cravings, headaches, etc, but nothing serious. If you've been on a benzo like alprazolam for only a few months and suddenly stop, you'll have horrible anxiety attacks, seizures, and most likely have to be hospitalized. This is what true withdrawal is, so I get kind of mad of people who complain about nicotine withdrawal.
All I can say is if you quit nicotine, you'll be perfectly fine and the symptoms which are never that bad in the first place will fade quickly.
I agree with what sage said, It feels like ditching a friend for me too. A cigarette or snus portions is like a reward for me, same as a cup of coffee. I think coffee would be just as hard to quit as snus for me.
I still miss my cigarettes. :cry: :cry:
I've been through benzo withdrawl and that was only halfing my legally prescribed valium. It was actually comparable to the few times I tried to quit smoking. Snus has more nicotine so I can only imagine how it would be to quit this stuff. Can't imagine wanting to though. If for some reason I can't pop a portion I keep snuff on me to sniff. Nic'd for life.
There is no way you can EVER compare benzo withdrawal with nicotine withdrawal. Thats ridiculous.
If you are comparing the two, then your body did not become dependent on the valium, which is great to hear. Benzo's are saviour drugs, for me esp., but if you use them daily, you're basically ****ed in the long run.
These withdrawal threads are depressing as hell....I'm no longer commenting on these.
Quitting smoking isn't easy and the nicotine withdrawal symptoms occur in all individuals that finally decide to quit smoking cigarettes. If you were...
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