Greeting everyone!
I'm another one of those "new guys" around these boards. Been a smoker for around 10-13 years. Dipper for around 5-7. Cigar smoker for around 3. Of course I'm one of the many that seen the new "must try camel snus!" ads so I figured why the hell not!. Bought a tin (amazing tin) but other than that did absolutely nothing for me.
So I did a little research. Found a General brand retailer close to home and got one of each of their cans. I believe it was los,white,portion and mini mint. Since I still had a few of the Camel Frosts left I tried the mini mint first. Wow noticeable difference! And it didn't even leave me feeling a tad bit sick. So on and so forth I tired the other brands. Mind you my weapons of choice have always been Newport/American Spirit Menthol, Copenhagen long cut, and Swish Sweet menthols (inhaled 90%). Was power snusing until they were gone because they didn't QUITE hit my nic fixation. More research!
A few online ordering companies refuse to sell to Indiana, where I'm from. Did I want to risk international crap? nah. Found Northerner and they're hella wide selections. I turned on my "kid in a candy store" switch and started clicking like crazy! But then I held back. Lets think about this... reading the nicotine contents and such steered me directly towards the Strong portions. ordered a few of the more popular choices. Skruf strong, General Onyx, And General Extra strong. Took 11 days to get here and was well into a carton of cigarettes and a tube of copenhagen...
First can was the Skruf. Figured General listed nic content by percentage and skruf just said "high". Kick ass can. Everyone is so amazed and intrigued by the new. Getting comments and also a few older gentlemen from around the world who instantly took notice and anxiously asked if they might buy a pouch from me. PSH! no need to buy if it'll please an elder who used to snus and would wish to relive his pleasant past! SIDETRACKED!
I stopped smoking for an hour and chewing as well in anticipation to try this "strong" stuff! Popped it it, enjoyed the taste, a little salty. sat in front of my computer for 30-45 minutes with it in. Had to pee so I got up.... That damn thing put me on my ass. And THEN I just realized "I haven't smoked/chewed for the past 2 hours!" 3-4 days go by just on snus. unto the Onyx can, disliked the taste at first but it got to me eventually. But now my lungs are crying for sweet carbon monoxide!!! I assumed its just the sudden change of things.
Finished all that stuff satisfied. I placed another order with a bit more variety and a few Los cans as well. Yes I STILL smoke every so often and I do enjoy a lil swisher sweet here and there. But I really feel this might be a worthy tool to use to actually stop smoking and american dip (Always love the half bloody, gaping hole in my bottom lip [That's healing very nicely!]) More time is needed but I feel as if I'm on a better road. But I still kinda feel, to me, nothing hits the spot more than a fat pinch of Copenhagen and an open porch to spit off from. Time will tell.
And thats my half ass'ed story. And now for questions!
-I enjoy the strong stuff because its pretty much what my body is needin' right now. Can you recommend me any brands that you enjoy? Even the white/portion because I'm always willing to try at least once!
-I'm not going to attempt to know all the fancy words and phrases for things, But since I have a few Los cans. And if I enjoy them, would an icetool be worth it? I've been chewing for a while and I like to admit I can make a pretty damn tight pinch as it is. (And I have enough stuff in my pockets to begin with, lol)
-Lastly, is it true that Swedish snus is controlled by what they consider an American equivalent of the FDA? If I then I would see how it would be alot safer for you, if anything, a lot less risks associated.
Thank you for your time!
I'm another one of those "new guys" around these boards. Been a smoker for around 10-13 years. Dipper for around 5-7. Cigar smoker for around 3. Of course I'm one of the many that seen the new "must try camel snus!" ads so I figured why the hell not!. Bought a tin (amazing tin) but other than that did absolutely nothing for me.
So I did a little research. Found a General brand retailer close to home and got one of each of their cans. I believe it was los,white,portion and mini mint. Since I still had a few of the Camel Frosts left I tried the mini mint first. Wow noticeable difference! And it didn't even leave me feeling a tad bit sick. So on and so forth I tired the other brands. Mind you my weapons of choice have always been Newport/American Spirit Menthol, Copenhagen long cut, and Swish Sweet menthols (inhaled 90%). Was power snusing until they were gone because they didn't QUITE hit my nic fixation. More research!
A few online ordering companies refuse to sell to Indiana, where I'm from. Did I want to risk international crap? nah. Found Northerner and they're hella wide selections. I turned on my "kid in a candy store" switch and started clicking like crazy! But then I held back. Lets think about this... reading the nicotine contents and such steered me directly towards the Strong portions. ordered a few of the more popular choices. Skruf strong, General Onyx, And General Extra strong. Took 11 days to get here and was well into a carton of cigarettes and a tube of copenhagen...
First can was the Skruf. Figured General listed nic content by percentage and skruf just said "high". Kick ass can. Everyone is so amazed and intrigued by the new. Getting comments and also a few older gentlemen from around the world who instantly took notice and anxiously asked if they might buy a pouch from me. PSH! no need to buy if it'll please an elder who used to snus and would wish to relive his pleasant past! SIDETRACKED!
I stopped smoking for an hour and chewing as well in anticipation to try this "strong" stuff! Popped it it, enjoyed the taste, a little salty. sat in front of my computer for 30-45 minutes with it in. Had to pee so I got up.... That damn thing put me on my ass. And THEN I just realized "I haven't smoked/chewed for the past 2 hours!" 3-4 days go by just on snus. unto the Onyx can, disliked the taste at first but it got to me eventually. But now my lungs are crying for sweet carbon monoxide!!! I assumed its just the sudden change of things.
Finished all that stuff satisfied. I placed another order with a bit more variety and a few Los cans as well. Yes I STILL smoke every so often and I do enjoy a lil swisher sweet here and there. But I really feel this might be a worthy tool to use to actually stop smoking and american dip (Always love the half bloody, gaping hole in my bottom lip [That's healing very nicely!]) More time is needed but I feel as if I'm on a better road. But I still kinda feel, to me, nothing hits the spot more than a fat pinch of Copenhagen and an open porch to spit off from. Time will tell.
And thats my half ass'ed story. And now for questions!
-I enjoy the strong stuff because its pretty much what my body is needin' right now. Can you recommend me any brands that you enjoy? Even the white/portion because I'm always willing to try at least once!
-I'm not going to attempt to know all the fancy words and phrases for things, But since I have a few Los cans. And if I enjoy them, would an icetool be worth it? I've been chewing for a while and I like to admit I can make a pretty damn tight pinch as it is. (And I have enough stuff in my pockets to begin with, lol)
-Lastly, is it true that Swedish snus is controlled by what they consider an American equivalent of the FDA? If I then I would see how it would be alot safer for you, if anything, a lot less risks associated.
Thank you for your time!