A disease infested dog is force fed 50 pounds of coffee grinds and tobacco.
The resulting excrement is then gathered, dried, and ground to a perfect Snus consistency.
(The scary part is I may just be right.)
Having experienced this Snus first hand I now find myself driving along thinking .. If I don't pop one in my mouth and wake up I may fall asleep at the wheel and crash and die. And then the great debate in my mind starts. Would I rather die or pop in an Elyxr Energy Snus? Sometimes I chose to take my chance on death. It seems more pleasant.
That was great man....ROFL...Great & honest review (well, maybe not a review but perfectly describing your feelings after having popped one in)coupled with fantastic entertainment. I always had a feeling I shouldn't touch this thingie.
Guys, the taste is not THAT bad. Just something to get used to. Honestly, after a year, I *almost* like tt. Of course, I always liked the burn of meth in my nose becasue I associated that feel with how good it made me feel. So something very similar is probably at work here.
I got a can of this with my latest Northerner order to see what it was like and because I like strong mint flavours (but have yet to find a good strong...
So as folks know, I woke up ina panic Mondya morning to find I had screwed up and ran out of Elyxr. Of course, non of the US shipping sites had it so...