Newbie...been using snus for one month now

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  • click
    New Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 8

    Newbie...been using snus for one month now

    I smoked for twenty years and quit by using snus. I have using snus for about a month now and I absolutely love using it! As I am a woman, I really like the fact that I no longer smell like cigarettes and can get my nicotine in a very discreet manner. My co-workers had noticed that I had stopped taking smoke breaks and were asking about it. So, I told them about snus. So far, I have two co-workers now using snus. They also hope to stop smoking.

    My mother and a cousin of mine also want to try to stop smoking buy using snus. I have made them a try out box from the varieties of snus that I have and will get their boxes next weekend when I go home for a visit. I think they are just as excited as I am to get rid of the cigarettes.

    Just want to say hello to everyone and give a little back ground. I have read so many posts on this forum and I want to thank you folks for the wealth of information I have learned from you all.
  • ctimb2002
    • Apr 2009
    • 483

    Welcome click. We actually have seen a bit more of the female persuasion around here. I must say it's been nice Welcome to the site and ask all the questions you want and read some old posts...lot's of good info all the way around.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Welcome to the forum Click, and welcome to the non smoking side of life. Snus is definitely an adventure.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Welcome click and congratulations. I past the 6 month mark after 38 years of smoking. My biggest problem now is deciding which ones are my favorites, so much variety to choose from.

        I don't know if they still make it, but Swedish Match used to make snus in India under the name Click. 8)


        • click
          New Member
          • Apr 2009
          • 8

          Thanks for the warm welcome! If I have any questions, I will definitely be asking y'all.

          I started off with trying several of the mini portions and found a few I liked. At this point I have in my rotation Göteborgs Rapé No2, Mocca Cranberry and General Dry Mini, Göteborgs Rapé and Catch Dry Vanilla Mint. I am waiting on an order of Skruf Cranberry.

          I was never a so called "heavy smoker". It would take me 2 to 3 days to smoke a pack unless I was really stressed out or out on the town. I found the mini portions gave me a headache and they still do when I have my first snus. So, I started making my own half mini portions using teabags that I can seal with heat.

          I start off my day with my half mini and then later on go to the full mini portions. I have no idea why I don't get a headache later on when I use the full mini portion. No worries though, I will continue to do what works for me.

          I have been going crazy with wanting to try all kinds of snus. Is this something most of y'all have experienced?


          • Rizza08
            New Member
            • May 2009
            • 13

            click, I'm new to snus also and find that if i go a bit overboard (i wasn't a heavy smoker either, aboput the same as you) I get a bit of a headache too. I assume it's because we're getting more nicotine than we're used

            it's just so hard not to keep popping them in to try out the different kinds!


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Welcome to Snuson click.

              yes, it's normal. Snus tends to take over a huge part of your world. Note how many posts have here. I am obsessive about everything snus.

              It's a wonderful adventure you have embarked upon. Please let us know if you have any questions.


              • Badfish74
                • May 2009
                • 1035

                Welcome click! I like you am a former smoker and have been using snus for about a month. I found that I overdid it the first two daysa after I got my first shiop because I just couldn't wait to try the next variety! I've calmed down a little bit but not much!


                • ODurren
                  • May 2009
                  • 66

                  Everyone who switched most likely went through the phase of finding their "The one!" can. problem with that is until you do you have like 30 different kinds in the mail and you'll damn fast with polishing off a can to try the next flavor. Which when i'm sitting here thinking about it I think I overdid the nicotine intake this past month lol.


                  • knob
                    • May 2009
                    • 15

                    Re: Newbie...been using snus for one month now

                    Originally posted by click
                    I smoked for twenty years and quit by using snus. I have using snus for about a month now and I absolutely love using it! As I am a woman, I really like the fact that I no longer smell like cigarettes and can get my nicotine in a very discreet manner. My co-workers had noticed that I had stopped taking smoke breaks and were asking about it. So, I told them about snus. So far, I have two co-workers now using snus. They also hope to stop smoking.

                    My mother and a cousin of mine also want to try to stop smoking buy using snus. I have made them a try out box from the varieties of snus that I have and will get their boxes next weekend when I go home for a visit. I think they are just as excited as I am to get rid of the cigarettes.

                    Just want to say hello to everyone and give a little back ground. I have read so many posts on this forum and I want to thank you folks for the wealth of information I have learned from you all.
                    I work with nothing but women. I wish they were more like you. We have a lot of smokers where I work, and they all wonder how I (so far) quit smoking. I show them snus and explain it to them, and they all just get disgusted at the idea, associating it with dip. Only one so far has been willing to try it so far, and unfortunately, I only had Claq Qui, which is good stuff, but a bit too strong for someone who isn't used to snus. She loved the nicotine buzz it provided, but after a half hour or so, began feeling sick and had to spit it out.

                    I'm almost done trying to explain this stuff to people, and I'm pretty new. I'm already sick of people saying I chew, even after I explain to them that it's different.


                    • hoss
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 93

                      Hi and welcome!

                      The 'must try them all' obsession is normal. You'll get a respectable collection in no time as you order more favorites + try new ones.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by click
                        At this point I have in my rotation Göteborgs Rapé No2, Mocca Cranberry and General Dry Mini, Göteborgs Rapé and Catch Dry Vanilla Mint. I am waiting on an order of Skruf Cranberry.
                        I would suggest trying the new Catch Peppermint if you like the Catch Dry Vanilla. It's flavor #2 in a 4 flavor series this year. I didn't know Mocca made a Cranberry flavor? But you should try their Pomegranate, it's great. I would stay clear of their mint variety, as the General Dry Mini Mint (I assume that's what you're referencing by saying General Dry Mini) is much better.

                        Also, if you're into flavored snus (as I am) and are looking for that next step, I would suggest trying Jakobsson's Ice Fruit. And when it comes to Skruf Cranberry, there seems to be 2 stables of people when it comes to cranberry snus, Offroad guys and Skruf guys. I'm an offroad guy, for sure, when it comes to cranberry snus. If you don't dig the Skruf, I'd suggest trying Offroad.

                        Good luck!


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