Question about lös grind and portion tobacco

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  • click
    New Member
    • Apr 2009
    • 8

    Question about lös grind and portion tobacco

    I have seen posts stating that the tobacco in portions and lös are not the same. What is the difference between the two?

    Can a certain type of lös grind be put into homemade portions? I am asking due to the fact that there types of lös that I would like to try, but I cannot see myself using lös without it being in a portion.
  • Badfish74
    • May 2009
    • 1035

    I've been wondering the same thing myself, except in reverse! I've been wondering if I could open up a few portions of Onyx to make a pris, but I don't know enough about the difference in the grinds to know if this is feasible. I hope you get a response from some of the vets, because this subject interests me as well!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      A number of folks have broken open bags over the years, and general say that portions make a bad los. Guess the moisture content is bad.

      I suspect you would have fewer issues going the other way. Just get some teabag material and try. A can of los costs like $3 - $4, so not a very costly experiment.

      Differences are generally moisture content and the way the tobacco is cut. But nothing that should prevent it from working as a portion.

      And click. I am famous here on Snuson for being passionate about my portions. But I am giving los a try again because many folks have said that they eventually came to love it. I am not loving it yet, but at least I am giving it a good chance. I would encourage you to at least try it. What have you to lose? You may hate it, but you could possibly even like it.


      • PassedPawn
        • Dec 2008
        • 319

        I tried using Ettan OP as los and found it to be harder on the gums.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          I've opened portions before to try as loose.

          The main difference is the "stick" factor. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to stick together.

          I also found WAY more nicotine. I got my head spun pretty well baking a pris out of what was probably three portions worth of snus.

          All brands are different. I only tried it once.

          Go for it.

          Let us know.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Cut open a portion of Nick & Johnny. The texture reminds me of Skoal Fine Cut. As well, the tobacco is completely black.


            • click
              New Member
              • Apr 2009
              • 8

              Well, I got two cans of lös in today. Röda Lacket and Ettan. I am going try them by making my homemade portions. Maybe if I can get up enough guts and stop being such a sissy girl, I may attempt just lös by itself.

              Thanks, y'all for the feedback!


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Just lock yourself away, no one even has to know. :wink:

                Let us know how it works for you.


                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  Ok here's how the experiment went so far. I took about a half can of Onyx and opened the portions into the empty can. I made a nice solid pris of 3ml with a 5ml syringe. After 30 crumbling or mudslide and the nic hit is shall we say HOLY EXPLETIVE! Definately a morning pris to get ya going...not something you want to do after a good bit of snus under your belt for the day! I can barely type right now!


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