Snus kick

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  • Crews
    • May 2009
    • 22

    Snus kick

    Hi! You can concider me as another newbie in this forum (not in overal ;D). Well, where to start..
    I've done snus about 2,5 years for now. I started with Stark and nick an johnny.

    For the past half year or something, the snus kick is really gone. I usually use snus in lectures or when I'm driving. In lectures it kinda annoys me, because I am used to the kick.

    I do 2-5 pouches a day, some of them i "second use", when I have use it for a short period of time.

    I've tried many different flavours, types.. but nothing. I've been for the past month on Thunder (Frosted, regular and a bit Witnergreen). Before that different kind of stark'n'stuff. But the kick is gone.

    So I was wondering, how could i get my kick back? Any tips? I usually do one pouch per time. If i do 2 or 3 (the last option with big pouches is quite disturbing, but sometimes in home I've done it) i get a very little of kick. With 2 pouches is still nothing.

    I've tried many things, for example i've rubbed my top lip so it would get a bit more "bloody" so the salts can destroy it more :twisted: . It didn't work. I put my snus in top left or right, doesn't matter.

    I've even concidered to giving blood. Only problem is that, they take it from veins and it's really pissing me off when somebody takes my blood from my veins. One time doctors have taken it and the nurse didn't find my vein for about 2 very-freakingly-long minutes, tried different places so my arm was dead for a half day.

    Okay, very big and probably full of mistakes text, but I hope you guys understand and forgive me : ).
  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090


    You will never get the same kick unless you give up snus for awhile. Your body adapts to the nicotine. You either take a break every once in awhile to get your body back to "normal" or you up your dose.

    Nicotine is like other drugs. The longer you take it, the more you have to take to get the same effect. Stop chasing your high.


    • melly mel
      • Apr 2009
      • 92

      Maybe you can try switching to a nicotine free snus for a while? Since you don't feel a kick from it anymore and having the nic free portion in will still help with the "feel" of having something in. Then after a while, start back up with your regular rotation.


      • desirexe
        • Feb 2008
        • 1170

        I just bleached my teeth with opalescence for 1 hour last night. Today when I had my first Skruf Stark portion of the day, it kicked my ass! I've been using for over a year now and Skruf is my main snus. I feel as if I am immune to the 'obvious' effects of nicotine, but today, I literally had to spit the portion out and sit down for a bit! I'm guessing the bleaching session irritated my gums or something, making the nicotine absorb into my blood faster. BTW - I do know that snussing is counter-productive to bleaching but oh's a quick, easy way to restore my teeth to white!

        EDIT: I am just sharing my experience. I am not recommending bleaching as a means to get a good nic hit. I guess a method that may work would be to just mainline some snus. JUST KIDDING!


        • Nicobuzz
          Banned Users
          • Apr 2009
          • 144

          I've only been snussing for two months but I've got a theory that your gums become hardened and less sensitive so therefore the absorption of the nicotine isn't as much.

          Another theory is that, just like smoking, if you're smoking a lot - you just don't get any more kick. The best cigarettes are when you haven't smoked for a while - it'll be the same with Snus.

          It's more than likely it's a combination of these factors so I'd just cut out some of your daily snus. Personally though, I've stopped chasing the high because nicotine doesn't really work like that. I've mentioned this before on a previous post that when your brain has had enough nicotine the receptors in your brain close up and no more nicotine is absorbed. It takes a few hours of nicotine absence for them to open up again so you're only going to get a good dopamine release after a long time of abstinence.

          If I'm getting enough nicotine, feel comfortable and I'm not craving a cigarette, I'm cool.


          • Crews
            • May 2009
            • 22

            Thank you all for answering. I think myself as a professional snus-user, but I have no idea about niccotine-free snus.

            What kind of are there? Can you recommend some? Does northerner send them?


            • ODurren
              • May 2009
              • 66

              I don't think one can call themselves a professional snus user. Just a normal person who likes tobacco and nicotine who prefers to have it a nice and unique way. Unless you're 80 years old, been doing it for 50 years tried every brand and can throw an entire can of los in your mouth and tonguebake it into one giant pinch.

              Kinda sounds like your chasing the addiction. Body is getting used to the higher amount of nicotine. What I normall do, actually, is switch to normal non-strong white portions. Let my body come down with that (Usually try a completely different flavor than my norm. for the added affect) and then perhaps switch back if I'm having those stressful/etc weeks.

              But if you want to chase your high. Don't keep them in nearly as long and instead of 2-5 try 4-6. That tobacco/taste/nic doesn't just stay there in full force when you second use them. Its like smoking half a cigarette and saving the rest for later. Good for a little pick me up but still not a full cigarette pick me up!


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                If you still wanna chase the high..try some american loose kodiak. I heard that stuff is one of the highest american dips, in both nicotine and tsnas. Or, try some nasal snuff. I snus and snuff all day long! There are some pretty potent snuffs out there.


                • EsotericPC
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 166

                  Originally posted by desirexe
                  If you still wanna chase the high..try some american loose kodiak. I heard that stuff is one of the highest american dips, in both nicotine and tsnas. Or, try some nasal snuff. I snus and snuff all day long! There are some pretty potent snuffs out there.
                  Agreed about the nasal snuff! Try a bit of W.E. Garrett & Sons Scotch snuff! I had a tiny bit I sniffed and my world was all funked up!


                  • Snusages
                    • May 2009
                    • 32

                    This is what I fear. I try to keep a normal break period. My girlfriend, currently living at her aunts, keeps the stuff there during the week and then when I see her on the weekend, we snus 1 or 2 times a day. Hopefully I can maintain some sort of progression like that. I'm right at the beginning of my "snus career", but still worry.

                    I suppose, knowing that all drugs are the same, you should probably take some time off for a while or only use it when you feel you really need it.


                    • Multinic
                      • May 2008
                      • 111

                      To snus and abstain from nicotine on alternate days would give me a great high but also terrible days in between, so the average would be much worse.


                      • Maxpower05080
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 185

                        I don't get much of a buzz anymore, but actually quite like it. The slow nicotine from a regular portion, is great for me. I'm not looking to get knocked over from nic, if I did though, I'd quit snus, smoke reds and use dip. :? Ugh...gross thought just thinking of it.


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                          I don't get much of a buzz anymore, but actually quite like it. The slow nicotine from a regular portion, is great for me. I'm not looking to get knocked over from nic, if I did though, I'd quit snus, smoke reds and use dip. :? Ugh...gross thought just thinking of it.
                          This is me too, I don't use snus to get a high or buzz. I do however use snus to keep the cravings for nicotine at bay. I'm a junkie for the vitamin N, but don't enjoy the high I get from too much nicotine. If and when I feel it coming on a little too hard, I take the portion or prilla out and wait awhile.

                          I just don't want to smoke cigarettes ever again. I enjoy the fact that snus keeps my blood serum levels of nicotine level enough that I don't crave, plus I really dig the flavors.


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