Where do you put it??? (keep it clean!)

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Slightly to the left. I used to place snus further away from my center teeth, but that has changed. Snus seems most comfortable when most of its over my center teeth; especially los, otherwise it melts away.


    • daveg
      New Member
      • May 2009
      • 2

      Originally posted by captncaveman
      I use the bottom lip. Have been lower lipping for a while now. At first the flavor was too bitter, now its so damn satisfying. I usually use grov and general.
      Same here. Drinking milk while at it and giving it a good swirl there once in a while.. delicious.


      • Snusages
        • May 2009
        • 32

        I switch between four positions. Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. The top is excellent for consistency and a longer lasting flavor, but the bottom gives me a quick buzz that is sometimes exactly what I need. I do compromise spitting a little, but that's fine when I'm by myself. Don't really prefer anything specifically yet (beginner), but my left side feels a bit more comfortable. Gotta try the top and bottom center as well.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by phish
          I don't even want to think about 'other'. Can anyone say suppository?
          I wonder what would happen if you stuck a portion in your ass. That would be a hell of a nic rush, followed probbably by vomiting lol, and pooping.

          Free can of 2 month old dry and partially used offroad cofee-vanilla (shipping not included) to whoever does this! lol


          • deebocools
            • Nov 2008
            • 661

            It's taken me a long time to work it out, but for the last 2 month it's been the same:

            bottom left or bottom right, as far back as I can get it on under my molars.

            I experienced some gum recession by using the top("upper decker" as the dippers say) and thebottom spots w/ a folded portion don't touch my gumline at all.

            I usually spit for the first 2 or 3 minutes, then don't worry about it(if I can)

            Also, I have no facial hair worth growing, so its the most inconspicuous on the bottom right or left side


            • Qor
              • May 2009
              • 197

              I alternate between left and right top, but I do it in a certain way to get the most enjoyment out of my portions.

              If I go right, I push it to the back of my mouth a bit and wait until it juices slightly. After it does that, I then move it to the front right and I can get more flavor from the portion. If it is los (and I am very new to snusing), I alternate between top left and right in the front of my mouth.



              • DaveInPA
                • May 2009
                • 119


                I alternate between top left and right when I'm at work or any social atmosphere where I might have to talk or smile. I go top center when I'm relaxing alone at home, since I feel like I get a better nicotine hit there.


                • Nicobuzz
                  Banned Users
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 144

                  Originally posted by phish
                  I don't even want to think about 'other'. Can anyone say suppository?
                  You'd get bum cancer.


                  • rscott222
                    • May 2009
                    • 346

                    Other could be under the tongue, good capillary bed there but burns, snus tea I would suppose though the thought of drinking tobacco water makes me sick.


                    • paulwall9
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 743



                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I've recently made a change in my placing of the snus. I just use portions. When I 1st did snus, my body was not used to it at all. And I placed the portion more to the side, like on my upper canine going back past it. But doing this, I would get alot of salaiva, and even used a spit cup for about a week, but then, I placed the portion right in the front, off center. And that was so much better. But recently I have been having discomfort in my upper gum area. I looked at my upper teeth, and I think I see some recession. Plus when I had the portion in the front, I guess it wasn't so comfortable, as I was constantly changing sides and flipping it over. Well, now that I've used snus for a while, my body is used to it, so I placed the portion where I did when I 1st started, and now I don't have the same issues I had then. Any my front teeth, while not being terrible uneven, are not totally even, and I think that added to the discomfort. I have no fear of cancer from smokeless tobacco, but I do have some concern about my gums and teeth. So, anyway, just felt like sharing that now I have placed my portions differently, to avoid irritating my teeth/gum area in the front.


                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • Fury
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 205

                            I voted multiple. I bottom lip white portions like Roda Lacket so I can actually get some flavor out of it. I wish they made that in a regular portion.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              used to be top left...now multiple


                              • burningcow422
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 183

                                Top left.


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