Camel + General

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  • rscott222
    • May 2009
    • 346

    Camel + General

    I can see now after trying some snus why Camel chose to have it taste so much like candy, besides marketing to kids, to help cover the flavor.

    Many of my friends are not coffee drinkers or hard liquor drinkers but rather order sweet drinks to help mask the alcohol, both at the bar and at home. Soda and sports drinks are king and I think many Americans born in the 80s have a lot sweeter tooth than other countries or generations.

    If I bought Camel Snus and it tasted like General I probally wouldn't have come back, I didn't know what snus was or appreciate any of the true flavors of Snus. America is out of the loop when comes to Snus.
  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090


    To be fair though.

    How did your first cigarette taste?
    your first cup of coffee, cup of tee, your first beer, your first scotch?

    Many things we try do not taste good until we develop a taste for them.

    Camel is so sweet it could be made with corn and you wouldn't know the difference. Nicotine flavored candy. It only took me a week or 2 to develop a taste for Swedish snus, it was well worth the effort.


    • rscott222
      • May 2009
      • 346

      True but look at where coffee has gone here, Starbucks has changed how coffee is drunk in the US. Now even McDonald's has their line of sweet coffee.


      • Snusages
        • May 2009
        • 32

        The taste of Camel is starting to make me sick. It really is too sweet. My General Mint has a much more natural tasting flavor that sits well with my stomach. Plus, the Camel tends to give me a stomachache if I swallow too much. The General does nothing of the sort. I really wish I didn't buy that extra tin of Camel. It'll wind up going to waste. Oh orders from Sweden begin.


        • rscott222
          • May 2009
          • 346

          I agree if I snus too much Camel I get the runs with all of the sugar. I've noticed also that I don't pick-up any of the salt which makes me wonder about their manufacturing process. I had heard awhile back that in the EU you couldn't call certain products by their traditional names unless it was either made in that location or had a similar manufacturing process ie parmegan cheese (sp?). I wonder if this holds true for Sweden and Snus.


          • HK11
            • May 2009
            • 631

            Originally posted by Snusages
            The taste of Camel is starting to make me sick. It really is too sweet. My General Mint has a much more natural tasting flavor that sits well with my stomach. Plus, the Camel tends to give me a stomachache if I swallow too much. The General does nothing of the sort. I really wish I didn't buy that extra tin of Camel. It'll wind up going to waste. Oh orders from Sweden begin.
            I had the same experience with camel right after i started using swedish.

            I doublebarreled a couple of the general minis this weekend while mowing and they are too sweet to me now as well. Its funny how fast your tastes can change.


            • rscott222
              • May 2009
              • 346

              As a snubie I am digging General Wintegreen right now, didn't smell and in it went. I could taste Wintergreen right away, with some tobacco. Mini mint reminds me of Altoids.

              Getting better...


              • sth
                • Jan 2009
                • 118

                The first snus I ever tried was general wintergreen, it is still one of my favorites to this day. I don't use it 24/7, as I don't purchase it when I do bulk purchases because it is readily (well, a subway ride away atleast) in my area from a local retailer.

                I tried camel snus, and I didn't like it at all. The flavor was sickly sweet and I couldn't taste any tobacco, and I personally think that if you're going to use tobacco, it shouldn't be 100% hidden, it's good to taste it so you know what you're doing. Same goes for alcohol if you ask me too actually...


                • rscott222
                  • May 2009
                  • 346

                  If it was presented as a smoking alternative I am not surprised that the two flavors choosen are similar to Nicorette.


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