Confused my snus

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  • tical00
    • Jun 2009
    • 83

    Confused my snus

    Hey guys,
    been reading the threads here for about a week, and sorry about having my first post be a new thread. Anyways, I am very confused by snus and have been trying my best to get into this sub-culture. The only snus I have tried so far is the Camel frost snus and I feel that there is so much more to experience but whenever I go to a snus webpage to try and order some I just get so overwhelmed by the vast amount they have and just get lost and decide to say **** it. Does anyone have any snus websites which can explain all of this to me? Not just how to put it into your mouth which seems to be all that I can find in my searches. For instance, a simple question of how big is a maxi? Do you pack snus like you would dip? And other such newbie questions I don't want to bother you with on here.

    As for my smoking, which I have seen other new posters explaining in their introduction posts, I have been smoking for 7 years now. I started with regular cigarettes than graduated onto the bliss known as menthol. Smoke a pack a day, used to be 2 packs, and just am really relieved to find a way to get my nicotine that doesn't involve smoking or nasty dip. Smoking has been a hard thing for me to quit because of my OCD which requires me to have a cigarette before and after a meal, smoke all the way down to the filter, or else I will have the obvious OCD anxiety. Don't know why I just through that it in there.
    I guess the main question was does anyone have any informative websites to help a newb?

    Thanks guys,
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to Snuson!!

    Take a look here...

    Be sure to check out some of the other articles, then maybe come back with questions.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome to Snuson tical00

      First, absolutely post your questions here. All and any of them. What we exist here for, more important, at least to me, than anything else we do.

      As for choosing your first snus, I always recommend getting the Top 10 box from This is a starter box that is priced very inexpensively, and basically is there top 10 sellers. It is very good, and will give you a great, broad introduction to what Swedish snus is all about.

      Both Northerner's site and also have good information for a beginner. Where I went 2+ years ago to learn about it. You can also get much info from Swedish mat's site. Swedish match is the 1000 lb gorilla in the snus manufacturer world, they have something like 80% of the snus market (used to be a monopoly in Sweden).

      I have never used a maxi, but they are big. Regular sized portions are just fine for me, if I want more nicotine, I use a "sterk" meaning strong. Typical nicotine in a regular is 8 mg, the strong's have between 11 and 17. If you go to Northerner or Buysnus, the strong's have their own category.

      So check out what I suggested Matt, and then come back and ask anything else you need to know.


      • tical00
        • Jun 2009
        • 83

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        Welcome to Snuson!!

        Take a look here...

        Be sure to check out some of the other articles, then maybe come back with questions.
        Ah thanks alot, this is the perfect site.

        And Sage, in a thread I read about a week back you said something about this very strong but energizing snus spelt some weird way. jayzly or something? I tried looking back and trying to find it but couldn't.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Elyxr - it contains both caffeine and Taurine, and makes me feel really good, really fast, regardless of how little sleep I have. been using it over a year now.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            Welcome Tical00,

            Maxis are approx 1 inch high by 1.5 inches long, and chalk-full of snus. They are huge. Pretty much from the very top of your gums to the bottom of your teeth. I never dipped (I have, but it never was a habit), but I imagine them to be good for either dip users who are used to having a big wad in their mouth ( :wink: ), or I also read on this site that some Swedish los users who are accostomed to huge prises enjoy them. As for me, like sage said, just go for a strong variety. If you are a high nic-tolerance kind of guy (like me) I would recommend Oden's original, Skruf Stark, General Extra Stark, and Thunder frosted if you like spearmint. These recommendations only apply if you think you need a lot of nic to quit cigs. Get plenty of regular strength and test those first is my advice. Like sage said, order a sampler box from either or That's how I started, and it's the best way to sort out your first impressions.

            And as sage will be sure to come back and tell you when you get the sampler, don't write off anything you don't like at first. You will definitely go through phases with your tastes changing. Very few of us find 1-3 varieties and stick with them exclusively. I am on the other end of the spectrum... I like to use as wide of a variety as possible, and each time I order I'm all over the place with what I choose. Cheers and welcome to snus!


            • outsidelinebacker20
              • Aug 2008
              • 187

              You can get the mixed box or the Swedish Match sampler. Do you want lös or portions. I was a Red Man, then Skoal Longcut Mint and then snus guy. If you like Cop, start with General or Ettan. I use lös and like:

              Gotlands Yellow and Gray
              Roda....packs really well
              Prima Fint....packs really well also

              The SM stuff is best to start with. Gotlands is a stronger, saltier change of pace. The Gray Gotlands is Anis. Think black liquorish.
              Don`t worry about all the pris this and that. I use it like Skoal. There is no correct way. I spoon it out and pack it in my lower lip with my tongue. They call it the Red Neck method.



              • EsotericPC
                • Mar 2009
                • 166

                Re: Confused my snus

                Originally posted by tical00
                Hey guys,
                been reading the threads here for about a week, and sorry about having my first post be a new thread. Anyways, I am very confused by snus and have been trying my best to get into this sub-culture. The only snus I have tried so far is the Camel frost snus and I feel that there is so much more to experience but whenever I go to a snus webpage to try and order some I just get so overwhelmed by the vast amount they have and just get lost and decide to say **** it. Does anyone have any snus websites which can explain all of this to me? Not just how to put it into your mouth which seems to be all that I can find in my searches. For instance, a simple question of how big is a maxi? Do you pack snus like you would dip? And other such newbie questions I don't want to bother you with on here.

                As for my smoking, which I have seen other new posters explaining in their introduction posts, I have been smoking for 7 years now. I started with regular cigarettes than graduated onto the bliss known as menthol. Smoke a pack a day, used to be 2 packs, and just am really relieved to find a way to get my nicotine that doesn't involve smoking or nasty dip. Smoking has been a hard thing for me to quit because of my OCD which requires me to have a cigarette before and after a meal, smoke all the way down to the filter, or else I will have the obvious OCD anxiety. Don't know why I just through that it in there.
                I guess the main question was does anyone have any informative websites to help a newb?

                Thanks guys,
                Welcome Tical00! By your name, I can tell you either love Method Man or possible some herb


                • tical00
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 83

                  Re: Confused my snus

                  Originally posted by EsotericPC
                  Welcome Tical00! By your name, I can tell you either love Method Man or possible some herb
                  Yeah man tical is my favorite album by method man.

                  This snus stuff is great so far, can't wait for my begginners (sp) package to come in and I can taste real snus! This camel stuff is like sucking on a jolly rancher. But atleast its been helping me cut down on my smoking. I've slowly been replacing my OCD cigarettes (that I talked about in the first post on here) with having a snus instead. My next OCD cig would be before the bus comes in 45 mins so I'm going to try and replace that one with a snus. Hopefully it works!



                  • EsotericPC
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 166

                    Re: Confused my snus

                    Originally posted by tical00
                    Originally posted by EsotericPC
                    Welcome Tical00! By your name, I can tell you either love Method Man or possible some herb
                    Yeah man tical is my favorite album by method man.

                    This snus stuff is great so far, can't wait for my begginners (sp) package to come in and I can taste real snus! This camel stuff is like sucking on a jolly rancher. But atleast its been helping me cut down on my smoking. I've slowly been replacing my OCD cigarettes (that I talked about in the first post on here) with having a snus instead. My next OCD cig would be before the bus comes in 45 mins so I'm going to try and replace that one with a snus. Hopefully it works!

                    Good luck with the OCD. I know a couple people that are afflicted as well.

                    From all the success stories concerning people switching from smoking to snus, I would say your chances are very good!


                    • paulwall9
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 743

                      Alas, I also suffer from this disorder,ocd, which makes it mentally impossible to use ne snus i get in a trade that looks open or otherwise tampered with I hate this as it is most likely stupid and annoying! But I find that snus has helped me more than cigs did and i only suffer from ocd when i let it get to me or when my aggression disorder kicks in because snus DOES NOT help with that!!

                      Good luck!


                      • tical00
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 83

                        Hey guys, didnt want to make a new thread for this so I'm just posting in one of my old threads. Is grand prix snus any good? And if so what flavors? That is the only brand a tobacco store (Smokin Joe's) near me sells and I wanted to pick some real snus up before my order comes in, I'm getting kind of antsy! Thanks guys.

                        Btw they said it was ten bucks for a 5 pack, is that true?


                        • Lucky Striker
                          • May 2009
                          • 280

                          Originally posted by tical00
                          Hey guys, didnt want to make a new thread for this so I'm just posting in one of my old threads. Is grand prix snus any good? And if so what flavors? That is the only brand a tobacco store (Smokin Joe's) near me sells and I wanted to pick some real snus up before my order comes in, I'm getting kind of antsy! Thanks guys.

                          Btw they said it was ten bucks for a 5 pack, is that true?
                          Don't buy a five pack. Buy one can and go home and pop it in. After you spit it out, rest assured that you will never taste anything as nasty as that ever again. It's all uphill from there.


                          • zmanzero
                            • May 2009
                            • 766

                            tical00, when you get your order of real swedish snus your eyes will be opened. like you, my first experience was with the camel super sweet stuff, hey, i can thank it for introducing me to snus and without snus i really don't know if i could have quit smoking. chain smoker for 38 years here. you're in for a little fun coming up when your order arrives, if you half assed like the camel ya better hold on for a ride! hey, what did you order? just curious.


                            • covetousjew
                              • May 2009
                              • 375

                     also has some good info on snus and they have a bunch of new sampler boxes to choose from too and there based in the states! happy snusing


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