In Denmark

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  • Gorau
    • Jun 2009
    • 21

    In Denmark

    Hi i'm new to the forum and new to snus. In fact a smoker trying/thinking about moving on to snus. My story, i moved to Copenhagen a while back now my gf here is going to be moving in with me int he next few weeks. To make it nicer and healthier for her here i decided to stop smoking inside adn start smoking on the balcony. Until i went to Sweden on Friday where i discovered snus (i have no idea how i've not heard of it until now).
    I picked up some Lucky Strike original portion as i smoke lucky strike's, although i am hoping to try other brands and flavours. After trying it and a bit of research it seems like a better solution for all than smoking.
    Reading here and other places it seems the portions are illegal here but the other is not although in my time here i've never seen it for sale. Does anyone know what kind of store sells it here?
    My other question is:
    How long does it keep? and is it worth going over to sweden every now and then to buy it or better to order online?
    Also is it worht buying an icetool or should i stick with portions for now?
    Thanks in advance for any help/advice and look forward to spending time on the forums.
  • CM
    • Apr 2009
    • 329

    Better go to Sweden and buy them, if you dont want the hellish taxes. : (
    Just buy so much snus so you dont need to go there anytime soon like I do at friday when going to Sweden with boat :P

    Try lös first with handbaking so you wont buy the icetool for nothing, would be waste of money then! And lös is alot better than portions imo.

    How long does it keep? Mm dunno what you mean with that =E


    • Lucky Striker
      • May 2009
      • 280

      Welcome Gorau!

      I'm not sure of all the laws in Denmark. I do know that most snusers in Denmark go over to Sweden once or twice a month and bring back their snus. I believe four rolls (forty cans) is the limit that you can bring back with you at one time. (If this has changed, someone please chime in!) If going over to Sweden is an option for you, that would probably be the way I would do it.

      As far as longevity, snus keeps indefinitely if frozen for long term use. I have snus that has been in my freezer for well over a year and a half that is still as fresh as the day that I put it in there. If you have a refrigerator and a freezer then I would not worry about your snus going bad at all.

      Once again, welcome to the forum!


      • Svarthvitt
        • Jun 2008
        • 97

        I don't know about Denmark, but when we're going to Sweden to buy snus, we are only allowed to take 1 roll of portions OR half (!) a roll of loose with us. But maybe that's because Norway isn't in the EU, and I think Denmark is.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Hopefully Subtilo will see this thread, and be able to give you some first hand experience, as he's Danish also.


          • Gorau
            • Jun 2009
            • 21

            Thanks for all the replies so far. From what i understand the lös is legal here as i said i havn't seen it but then i havn't really looked. I think there is a tobakshandlere in lyngby which is about a 10 min cycle from where i live so will check there tommorow as it's not that easy to get to sweden so if i can get it here i will probably do that. But if there is anyone from denmark any info about getting it here would be great. Thanks again all.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I have no idea where to buy, but the 2 Danish companies I know of are V2, and Orlik. The Danish snus is a little bit different from the Swedish makes. I've had snus from both companies, and there's a commonality between them. I'd definitely try a tobacconist. If you're gonna find it anywhere, I'm sure that's where to go.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Welcome to the forum, Gorau!

                There's an old thread where some shops in and around København are mentioned:

                From many vacations in Denmark I know how hard snus is to find. In fact I didn't find it at all in the last two years (as a snuser) and have never noticed it before. Luckily I always carry enough snus with me, therefore I also haven't searched too thoroughly.

                If everything else fails (and since you can only buy a small selection of lössnus in Denmark) you can also just use the trusted Swedish webshops, like most of us. Snus is duty-free in Denmark as in the rest of the EU.



                • Gorau
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 21

                  Well i went down to lyngby today and managed to get some General lös in the tobacco shop. Although it was the only one they sold so i may head into central copenhagen too see if i can find other brands.
                  Now for the hard part, leavign the saftey of the Lucky strike portioned and "handbaking"(?) some lös.


                  • Jesnus
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 28

                    A little off topic, but I've been to Denmark twice, and I plan on going back several more times.

                    Just wanted to complement you on that beautiful country of yours!


                    • Multinic
                      • May 2008
                      • 111

                      Come on Gorau! It's as if you lived in Detroit and said that you don't want to go to Windsor if Windsor would have had fantastic snus stores on every corner while in Detroit there are three stores that only sell General los. Or Brooklyn to Manhattan etc. It turns out that there are commuter trains from Copenhagen to Malmo that depart every 20 minutes, and the trip takes about 30 minutes (I checked this on the Internet). What are you waiting for?


                      • Gorau
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 21

                        I never actually thought about going on the train, we drove last time but a train may actually be easier. I agree Jesnus Denmark is a beautiful place but it's not actually my country. I was born in Wales and have lived here for only a little over a year maybe almost 2.

                        I have now got snus, i still have some Lucky Strike portions and the general lös i managed to get in a store here. I am liking the luky strike but havn't tried the lös yet. A little worried about the handbaking. Guess i'll have to look for some video's on how to do it and give it a go later today.


                        • Chainy
                          New Member
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 2

                          Hi, I just randomely stumbled upon this forum.

                          And I saw one of the posts which said that you could bring 4 rolls back to denmark..
                          I'm not quite sure what the law says about it, but bringing it to Norway is completely different. I'm only allowed to bring 1 roll of portion snus or half a roll of loose.


                          • smeden
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 28

                            there is no limit importing snus from sweden to denmark as long as its for personal use ...

                            also the tax on snus in dk is only 63dkk per 1000g so the costum dont even care

                            and i guess the wery limitet number of custum people is trying to cacht swedes trying to smugle beer an alkohol to sweden insted 8)

                            ex 0,7 l snaps in sweden 250 kr
                            in dk 80 kr

                            1 beer in sweden 14kr
                            in dk 4kr


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Welcome, Gorau!

                              No, it ain't always easy to pick up snus here in DK. Lös snus can be found in most 7-elevens, but mostly just General and Grov (and from time to time some Orlik). Same thing goes for the central station, except here you can also get some Offroad. General can also be found in some Skjold Burne stores, and if you go to the little neat pipe shop in the beginning of Strøget (nearest Rådshuspladsen) you can get more General and sometimes Grov. Pretty one dimensional selection.

                              I lived in Frederiksberg a couple of years ago. Back then I usually picked up PORTION SNUS (yes, that's right) from Candy Store on Falkonér Allé. They kept it hidden in the bottom of a Coke fridge :lol:
                              Their selection was quite random. Sometimes all they had was one brand, other times you'd find five or six different ones. I haven't been in that area for a long time, but if you're in that neighbourhood you should check it out.

                              When I started using snus I went to Malmø once a month, but today I just buy it online from primarily

                              Let me know if you have more questions!



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