How long can my snus be out before it gets unuseable

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  • ChrispyPolanks
    • Jun 2009
    • 65

    How long can my snus be out before it gets unuseable

    Im currently new to this forum and i have seen plenty of good snus tips and good info. i have been currently snusing for about 3-4 months and i love it. Im currently got deployed and i brought about 10 tins with me and i lost them in my bags and found them 3 days ago. Now to the question will my snus still be good to use after being out and about for like 2 months. i poped open a sealed tin of odens extra stark kanel and it doesn't seem to be dry and tatse quit fine to me wile my other open tins are power like. Thanks to you guys i orderd an assortment of los snus and should be getting it in today.
  • heppycat
    • May 2009
    • 220

    You should be fine. Of course the manufacturer suggests keeping it refrigerated. If you can't refrigerate it, keep the cans in an airtight container to help keep it from drying.


    • heppycat
      • May 2009
      • 220

      Oh and welcome to the forum!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Welcome to Snuson ChrispyPolanks

        Yeah, don't stress it. Best buy dates and such are for "optimal" performance. The longer you let is sit, some snus will dry out faster than others. I once found a can that had fallen behind my refrigerator taht was like 8 months old. Stuff was WAY dry and not to appealing. That I just tossed.

        And thank you for your service ChrispyPolanks!!!!


        • tical00
          • Jun 2009
          • 83

          As long as its not an american snus it shouldn't dry out all that fast.
          I know my camels snus's used to go dry in less than a week! Nasty!


          • Badfish74
            • May 2009
            • 1035

            Welcome to the forum and thank you for your sacrafice that ensures us our freedoms!

            I know they're not as good as an industrial vacuum sealer, but I use the ziploc vacuum seal bags and find they serve the purpose. If you have family stateside, maybe they can send you some. Or pm me your name and unit address and I'll be happy to send it to ya.


            • ChrispyPolanks
              • Jun 2009
              • 65

              thanks for the advice guys i tried opening a tin of general portion and it was fine after a day or two of freezer duty. for some reason it made my week alot more brighter. im still waiting for my lossnus to come in. its been 7 days and nothing. maybe when i get into to work tomorrow it will be there. i could hope so then i will have a mouth full of mud and a grin on my face wile i do what i do.


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                Welcome to the forums! The good folks at Swedish Match have assured us that unrefrigerated snus is not dangerous. The taste and moisture content may change somewhat, but if it tastes fine to you then by all means keep using it!


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