Really bad tasting snus after unfreezing

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  • Osmodia
    New Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 4

    Really bad tasting snus after unfreezing

    Did my freezer make my snus go bad?

    I have about 30 cans or so in my freezer, all in vacuum sealed bags. I went to pull a few out and noticed a few of the bags had lost their seal and were no longer airtight. In one of those bags I had an Ettan Portion and 2 Claq Qui's.

    I decided to thaw these out since no longer in a good seal (had been in the freezer for about 2 months). I popped open the Ettan (first time trying) right away before it had thawed just to give it a sniff, and it smelled bad, kind of like very old, stale musty chocolate (I have no idea how else to describe it). I thought maybe that's just what Ettan smells/tastes like and tried one, and it tasted just as bad as it smelled. So I opened a Claq Qui which I love and had enjoyed a few cans of, and it had that same smell. I could smell the Claq Qui a bit but it was overpowered by that odd musty odor. I popped one in and it tasted like that, I could barely make out the delicious dried fruit taste of all the other Claq cans I had tried. The other can of Claq in that bag had the same problem.

    Could this be a result of freezer burn? I have had that problem with some food items lately because my freezer has been packed.

    I've pulled out some white portions and some los I had in other bags and they were fine, some in good airtight bags and a few in the other bag that had lost it's seal.

    Now I need to note that probably 4-5 times during those two months I would take all the snus out of the freezer for 15 minutes or so while I would re-organize how I group them in the bags. Not sure if they would thaw out a bit and then re-freeze and if that would cause a problem.

    Has anyone else had this happen, or at least kinda recognize that wierd smell/taste?
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I don't recognize what you're describing.

    I don't even bother with freezer bags to be honest. I occasionally pull out all my snus and rotate first in first out and such.

    I have never seen any problems with my snus.

    Now I do have a reasonably new refrigerator. Perhaps different makes/models of refrigerators act differently.

    I have all sorts of varied things in my freezer too so if there was any migration of flavors or skunk floating around I would notice. Never having had a similar issue like you have I'm at a loss to suggest anything.

    I do recommend doing the freezer to refrigerator thaw if you don't like seeing white portions turn brown. Swedish match fiberboard cans will get a little soft if you take them directly from the freezer to room temp. too.

    Only quirks I've ever noticed with freezing my snus are those.


    • rscott222
      • May 2009
      • 346

      I like the freezer to refirdgerator approach, otherwise they condense when they come out. I could see the cardboard ones becoming soggy.


      • Lucky Striker
        • May 2009
        • 280

        I've never had this problem. I do have a newer fridge/freezer, though, and it's rarely full. I keep about three full rolls still sealed in the factory plastic sleeve, and I have about thirty various cans that are kept in freezer bags. I store all of this in the door of the freezer and I let it thaw in the fridge a couple of days before I use it. I have stuff that's been in there over a year and if there's any degradation, I can't tell. I used to not even bother with the freezer bags, but it seems that with a ziplock bag, the tobacco doesn't dry out quite so badly.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I have an old freezer, I have had 90 cans before in it, I took a can of Offroad Peach out the other day, 15 months AFTER the best buy date, and it was fine.

          I too have never had any issues.


          • Osmodia
            New Member
            • Jun 2009
            • 4

            Thx for quick replies!

            I just tried a few more cans that were from the same order, and frozen at the same time, also in a bag that lost it's seal, and they taste/smell just fine. Maybe was just an odd happening to those cans in that one bag


            • desirexe
              • Feb 2008
              • 1170

              Just sharing my experience with freezing/thawing here. I too vacuum seal my snus, individually. I have my regular freezer/fridge (we'll name freezer #1) and also a deep freezer (#2) which is way colder than the #1. I began freezing snus in freezer #1 and upon thawing, I noticed the snus seemed more moist and pungent, but not 'bad or rotten.' I now store snus in #2 and have not experienced 'ripe' snus. Perhaps your freezer setting isn't low enough??? That's the only thing I can think of..either that or perhaps your tastes are changing???


              • alex
                • Jul 2007
                • 226

                Originally posted by sagedil
                I have an old freezer, I have had 90 cans before in it, I took a can of Offroad Peach out the other day, 15 months AFTER the best buy date, and it was fine.

                I too have never had any issues.
                You are my hero. This gives me hope for some of my recent order that expires soon.


                • DrewS
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 17

                  i have had Ettan portions smell/taste exactly how you describe it... chocolate.


                  • Qor
                    • May 2009
                    • 197

                    I am fairly new to snusing, but I have done a lot of tests to come up with my own conclusions from the advice posted on these forums.

                    I keep everything in the freezer, inside of a big tupperware container. I have about 30 cans in there right now. Now, I more often then not, take the can from the freezer and put it in the fridge to let it thaw a bit before using it. However, with some brands (Odens XS Kanel portions, General los) I find I enjoy much more after it has been opened (I guess it breathes like a wine would.) and put the lid back on, and then have it in the fridge a day or two. I still use it, but I find that it tastes better, for me anyways, after it's been opened for a couple days.



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