Recommendations for next order?

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  • Arcaed
    New Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 9

    Recommendations for next order?

    I'm not sure if there is a recommendations thread, but there should be. If there is, let me know and feel free to ignore/delete this thread.

    Now, I'm still new to this - if you've missed my last two threads they're fairly recent. I'll be needing to order a roll of something (Probably Ettan or Roda Lacket), and am looking to pick up a couple new things to try here in a few days.

    Below is what I ordered, and have since tried, rated from 1-10 (10 being my favorite in the lot, as this list is my complete collection of snus atm)

    To save space, everything below is in portions.

    10/10 Ettan Original
    9/10 Roda Lacket
    7/10 General Onyx
    7/10 Goteborgs No.2
    5/10 General Mini Mint
    4/10 General White
    ??/10 Thunder Original (Bought for a friend who doesn't believe it'll stop him from craving a smoke)

    Ettan is my favorite mostly because it seems to produce the least juice, the juice is the easiest to swallow/take, and it's the softest portion on my gums.

    Roda Lacket actually tastes like something besides tobacco and salt (obviously not used to the flavor of snus yet). It's juice is also easy to take, and isn't too hard on my gums. Goetborgs No2 was good, similar to Roda, but a sharper flavor - which makes it harder for me to handle.

    General White was the first snus I popped in my mouth- and haven't since. It was very tangy-almost bitter and made me want to gag like mad. Though, honestly, I've gone through 20+ portions since then, maybe I should give it another try. The mini mint was very unfulfilling- little to nothing for the nic hit, and the flavor I'm indifferent to- I didn't leave it in for more than 45 minutes, then I popped in a Roda Lacket.

    General Onyx is similar to general- but because of the larger nic hit, it's my morning snus. Only problem? Hurts my gums. I'm not hot on the taste though- unlike my two favs I absolutely have to have something to drink, and in large quantities to make it over the hour mark with one in my mouth.

    Given my tastes so far- what would the prestigious community of SnusOn recommend I throw into my next order?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    If you like licorice, LD Black. Otherwise...

    Camel original
    Tre Ankre


    • covetousjew
      • May 2009
      • 375

      give the lucky strike original and the lucky strike white the pall mall whites a try they are very good too and right now northener still has that one the granit is another one that is very good in my own opion the level is worth a try too it is really good despite all the bad reviews about it also give the gustavus a try that one is very good hope this helps


      • HK11
        • May 2009
        • 631

        general loose, skruf stark loose, ettan loose.


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          If you don't like the juice, try out more white portions.
          Try some loose as well even if you don't think you'll like it.
          I would also suggest not ordering any rolls until your snusbuds develop more. Take your time and keep trying a bunch of different things for a while. The price break for a roll is not really much IMO.

          Welcome to SnusOn!


          • Badfish74
            • May 2009
            • 1035

            I would say combine lx's, cj's and Mr. Snuff's suggestions, and you'll have a winner!

            Basically get the brands they suggested in white portions. I think you'll enjoy the flavor of all those, and the white portion will take care of the problem with too much juice! 8)

            And don't worry about your thread being deleted. There are more duplicate threads than be counted, but good bunch of people on snuson, always happy to make suggestions!


            • MasterGuns
              • Jun 2009
              • 312

              I'm surprised you thought onyx was rough I would buy a pillow made of that stuff if I could. To each is own I suppose.
              Check out some whites, my favorites are Tre Ankare and Roda, which you've already tried.
              Definitely try Ettan Los, and Roda Los too. Roda is very easy to bake into a pris, kinda like play doh, and tastes pretty good too. And if the idea of loose tobacco doesn't appeal to you, take heart! I never thought I'd enjoy loose but now I use it quite a bit. It's easier on the gums too.
              If you like a kind of apple taste, try Gotlandsnus Flader, it's delicious!
              Happy snusing!


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                If you are getting too much juice, make sure you have the portion placed in the front part of your mouth, not dead center, but in the front, not on the side. I was siding it at first, and for me, the juice was too much, and I was about to quit till I put it in the front.


                • Qor
                  • May 2009
                  • 197

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  If you like licorice, LD Black. Otherwise...

                  Camel original
                  Tre Ankre
                  How dare you, lxskllr!

                  You can't throw down a tasty recommendation like that without including the Lucky's!



                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Qor
                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    If you like licorice, LD Black. Otherwise...

                    Camel original
                    Tre Ankre
                    How dare you, lxskllr!

                    You can't throw down a tasty recommendation like that without including the Lucky's!

                    I'm not sure why I didn't include that :^/ I agree it's a very good snus. I've been divesting myself of my Lucky stock, but that's only because I don't use portions much anymore. It was a regular back when I used mostly portions.

                    I also thought about throwing Grov on the list, but was afraid it might juice too much. I have a hard time identifying "juicy" portions, because I like a lot of flavor, and suck on the portions to get more out. I've never had one that was too much(except for the nasty ones of course :^D)


                    • Dgtl Dvnt
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 101

                      and if you like the Ettan original try the white. Ettan turned out to be one of my favs the first three rolls I ordered were Ettan. Los, original, and white.


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