Where to put the Pris?

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  • cigator
    • Aug 2007
    • 96

    Where to put the Pris?

    Where do you put the pris to extend its life in your mouth? I am using my icetool. I think I am forming a fairly firm pris. I have been placing the pris on either side of my upper lip just to the left or right of my front teeth. I find that if I dont play with it, or talk too much it stays put for 30 to 45 minutes. However, If I am talking more, it seems to flatten out and show on my teeth in 15 minutes or so. Should I be sticking the pris further back?
  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    I find that keeping it as much in front as possible helps when the pris (in any case) starts to flatten. I've tried putting it further back both left and right, but I quickly loose control and get caught in the tobacco-avalanche (a concept known to many brave and curious men). The front-lip - or at least my front-lip - just does a much better job keeping everything in place.

    I use the tool too and always give it quite a solid press as I prefer a more compact pris - but! in my experience they're actually sometimes more likely to break up than a less firmer one. It sort of looses its flexibility.

    It's a fine balance, and the interesting thing is that this exact balance probably varies a lot from mouth to mouth. In any case is it a part of what makes snusing fun - the experimenting, the ups and downs and that long-legged miss Nicotina ...


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      I do find that icetool portions, having hard edges, don't conform to the lip as well as rounded, hand-baked pris' do. The hard edges of the icetool pris collapse first and tend to soften more, initiating the "tobacco avalache" as it were, at the edges of the pris, which tend to seep further back into the mouth sooner. I usually use a dry finger to pack up and round the ends of an icetool pris about 5-10 mins after putting it in - this quells the avalanche and firms up the pris, helping it to hold together for longer.


      • Subtilo
        • Dec 2006
        • 524

        ^ Yes, it's possible to 'nurse' it over time. I use the tongue mostly though. Takes some practice, but hey - it's fun!


        • Dementis
          New Member
          • Sep 2007
          • 13

          "Hand-baked" are the best way to go, the "tool" is just annoying, i´ve had one of those way back in the day and they are just a waste of money, learn how to handle the tobacco and pack them hard, then just relax the upper lip and it chould be fine, unless your tounge goes exploring that is....


          • Subtilo
            • Dec 2006
            • 524

            Originally posted by Dementis
            "Hand-baked" are the best way to go, the "tool" is just annoying, i´ve had one of those way back in the day and they are just a waste of money, learn how to handle the tobacco and pack them hard, then just relax the upper lip and it chould be fine, unless your tounge goes exploring that is....
            I wouldn't say that 'hand-baked' per se is the best way. It's just another way. I use both methods (+ sometimes even the old Prismaster) depending on mood and situation. If I feel like playing around with it, I hand-bake, and if I'm more in the mood for a nicely shaped quickie, I reach for my stainless shooter :wink:


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