I finally got around to trying prima fint recently, and while I find it to be very bland and boring taste-wise, its texture is such that you could hand bake a nice pris behind your back. Its great for either practicing or for the inexperienced, but IMHO the flavor or lack thereof renders it almost worthless. For bold flavor and great texture, I suggest Skruf. That and odens es are my favorites. GES is pretty damn good too. And like tom said, grov los is a must.
EDIT: I take it back about the Prima. I just put a big, quickly baked pris in to enjoy with my can of cheap shitbeer and it's definitely not "almost worthless". It's very unique and subtle actually, in both grind and taste -- like clay on both counts but not a bad thing in terms of flavor. Sometimes I really run my mouth lol. I'm fairly quiet in real life.
Thank you. Sage gets a bit upset when folks don't just blindly follow his lead again.
So.....Just to be clear here. Sage, once again...Right!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just handbaked a pris of Ettan los. I usually use a portion tool. It molded well, and is still in together. I think I'm just gonna handbake for now on.
Thank you. Sage gets a bit upset when folks don't just blindly follow his lead again.
So.....Just to be clear here. Sage, once again...Right!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll give you the Prima, but I still dislike virtually all whites, both Lucky Strikes, both Retros, and... oh god I won't even mention the last one. I don't want to ruin your night or get you all worked up about taste vs. functionality! LOL to each their own sage, to each their own.
I just ordered General Los. I like the taste of the reg. and white, so I'll give it a try. I'm sure I will give everyone an update on how it goes for me.
Thank you. Sage gets a bit upset when folks don't just blindly follow his lead again.
So.....Just to be clear here. Sage, once again...Right!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll give you the Prima, but I still dislike virtually all whites, both Lucky Strikes, both Retros, and... oh god I won't even mention the last one. I don't want to ruin your night or get you all worked up about taste vs. functionality! LOL to each their own sage, to each their own.
Your still young Roo. I didn't come over to the light of Whites until about a year in. So still time for you. :wink:
Silly question about los. I have watched many videos about how to bake a pris. I have seen how large they are.( 4 times the size of a portion) I have read how people say they leave them in for 2 hours. Does the flovor last longer because it is los, or does the flavor last longer because the pris is so large?
I don't make huge prises. Mine have as much, or perhaps just a touch more tobacco as a standard portion. I think the flavor lasts longer because it's harder to suck on lös. You can poke it with your tongue and stuff, but you can't be abusive like you can with portions.
Silly question about los. I have watched many videos about how to bake a pris. I have seen how large they are.( 4 times the size of a portion) I have read how people say they leave them in for 2 hours. Does the flovor last longer because it is los, or does the flavor last longer because the pris is so large?
I don't understand the huge pris thing...I saw that one video where a Swedish guy made a quick huge pris in can in about 10 seconds, popped it in, and his lips barely stuck out.
I usually will make a circle about the size of a pea, sometimes as big as a marble (but that's the biggest). I pop it in, push it on my gums, then flatten it with my lip and tongue. It works pretty well, especially with skruf stark and RL. With Grov or General it's a little toughter, gotta be more careful.
I've noticed I can keep a pris in for about 2 hours if 1) I don't touch it with my tongue after it's there, 2) I don't drink anything, and 3) I suck air in through my teeth occasionally to dry my gums.
Thanks for the welcome and replies! I picked up a couple of cans of General Los at a local cigar shop, so i could give Los a try. The first attempt was too large, like in a couple of the videos. Then, i have made a couple of smaller ones with some success. I have since purchased a prismaster, and a couple of los brands online. I have actually found that the pinch and ball method works pretty well. The only problem that I have been having, is leaving it alone. I really play with the portions.