Traveling tips needed

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  • dupee419
    • Aug 2009
    • 398

    Originally posted by lxskllr
    I'd repackage the Skruf, and put it in a convenient container, maybe even on your person. Keep the allowable amount in the factory tins, and put the rest in a candy bag or something.
    good thought, you could repackage it as licorice actually, just make sure there's still some candy in the bag over the top of the snus.

    another thought.... is said individual female or flying with one (i didn't notice)? if so tampons make AWESOME stash spots, no one in customs anywhere will screw with womans "products".


    • dupee419
      • Aug 2009
      • 398

      Originally posted by Aaron480
      In Iceland snus, los or portion, is considered as a kind of a drug. the other tobacco products that is given up in the information from the Icelandic customs are; cigars, Icelandic nasal tobacco and other smoking tobacco. Ive heard that can of Prinhles might help, but I have my doubts.
      that's kind of messed up. you can bring in a carton of smokes, a bunch of nasal snuff or cigars, but not a roll of snus?

      Sounds like a bill that's rolling its way through the system here... *cough* PACT *cough*


      • paulwall9
        • Nov 2008
        • 743

        you are very right sir.


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030



          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743



            • Jason
              • Jan 2008
              • 1370

              Originally posted by dupee419
              Maybe bring the 4-5 you're allowed and ship the rest to yourself in Iceland
              This sounds like a plan to me. How tough are Icelandic customs in regards to shipping?

              I also agree that trying to hide things in Pringles cans is probably not a good idea. That will only make you look suspicious if they decide to check.


              • paulwall9
                • Nov 2008
                • 743

                Yeah, the pringles cans would make the whole process drawn out a lot longer because than if they catch you will be a suspicous person!!


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  I say just bring it in your carry-on and feign ignorance if you get searched. All they do is confiscate it, which would suck, but it wouldn't be your demise. Last time I was stopped at customs I had a bunch of bratwurst from the Frankfurt airport LOL. I lied and said I was not bringing meat into the US. The dude was not pleased but in the end he just took them and probably had a tasty meal that night. Just say it's swedish tobacco and you weren't aware of the illegality of importing it for personal use. Not the most responsible advice, I'll admit, but I bet it will work. I have a client who got caught with a fifth of booze coming into Iran. They just took it and put his name on "a list" lol. Good luck to that guy trying to get another visa to Iran! OK I digress...


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Even better advice. Just never lie to customs. They don't ask, you don't say. They ask, you say. If you do that, ALL that can happen is they confiscate.

                    You lie, they can be di**s.


                    • sm0ke42o
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 105

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Even better advice. Just never lie to customs. They don't ask, you don't say. They ask, you say. If you do that, ALL that can happen is they confiscate.

                      You lie, they can be di**s.
                      ^ agreed.

                      Think about it, those guys live for that shit. Its like that show Locked Up Abroad... those customs guys are just waiting for the next person with something they shouldn't have to come walking up. Be it some fruit or an ass-full of heroin.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

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