thinking about loose

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  • ringdoc
    • Sep 2007
    • 35

    thinking about loose

    I want to hear what can happen if you dont bake a pris properly. I have dentures and imagine a horrible muddy mess in my mouth. something I am not wanting to have happen at work, protions work well, but its cheaper to buy loose, and you say the flavor is stronger. also does it crumble in your mouth when you move it. does it stay all balled up? can you squish it with your gums to extract flavor. what about time, I leave mine in for 1 hour or sometimes 2 or 3, still get flavor doubt nicotine but still some flavor. would like to hear all the downsides and horror storys
  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    Re: thinking about loose

    Originally posted by ringdoc
    I want to hear what can happen if you dont bake a pris properly. I have dentures and imagine a horrible muddy mess in my mouth. something I am not wanting to have happen at work, protions work well, but its cheaper to buy loose, and you say the flavor is stronger. also does it crumble in your mouth when you move it. does it stay all balled up? can you squish it with your gums to extract flavor. what about time, I leave mine in for 1 hour or sometimes 2 or 3, still get flavor doubt nicotine but still some flavor. would like to hear all the downsides and horror storys
    I'd try it at home before trying it anywhere else. I saw another, older post from another user on here who also has dentures and said that loose just didn't work out for him for that reason, so that's something to keep in mind.

    I'll address your questions from my personal experience:

    Moving the pris: Not something you can do very easily. Sometimes if I've misplaced one that I've just put in, I can sort of lift up my upper lip and gently use the thumb and index fingers of one hand to sort of lift and slide the pris over to where I think it should be. After it's been in awhile, though, about the only place it's going is out.

    Retaining form: After awhile, the pris seems to take on the contours of my gum line and kind of get into the tops of my teeth a bit as it starts retaining moisture. It's almost like Play-Doh at that point, except you can't really make little animals out of it.

    Extracting flavor: You can technically do this, but it flattens the pris against the gum further, and might make removing it a tricky prospect.

    Time left in: I usually leave one in for about an hour, although there have been times I've left a pris in for about 2 hours or so. The flavor is still there, but at a lower strength, and I don't get as much nicotine from it at that point.

    Hope this helps...


    • FetFnask
      • Oct 2007
      • 29

      I'll list the way swedes bake in order of experience, from least to most:
      1, Use index finger and thumb and take the amout of snus you want. bake it in the palm of your off hand and your fingers.

      2, Take snus like above. Bake it with index fingers and thumbs.

      3, Use index finger and thumb and bake it against the edge and bottom of the tin. (this is the way i did it when i used lös).

      4, Take a wad and stick it up there. If needed use lip and toungue to shape it. This is what most older guys do.

      A great tip imo is to make it into a sphere and compress it when it is in place. If you try to make it into a tube shape or something, chances are it will break. Also, be gentle, applying too much pressure to it will make it break MUCH more easily when being inserted or when being in place.

      With dentures I wouldn't recommend lös at all. Use two portions if you want the extra kick. Or one maxi portion.


      • Stargazer
        • Aug 2007
        • 225

        I bake a litle pyramid in the can.
        Then take it out and put in my left hand.
        then I compact it together with my right hand until I'm happy with the
        I don't bake it to much, as it dries it up to much for me, I like it a little juicy.

        I have never seen anyone use the tin when they bake.
        But it's very individual I guess.


        • FetFnask
          • Oct 2007
          • 29

          Originally posted by Stargazer
          I have never seen anyone use the tin when they bake.
          But it's very individual I guess.
          Really? It's quite common here. Just continue to work on the pyramid and finish it with your upper lip.


          • ringdoc
            • Sep 2007
            • 35

            thanks for the advice and tips, I belive that I will stick with portions, I do have a can of loose dipomat coming soon, but will try it at home .


            • chitownsnuser
              New Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 1

              RE: Thinking about loose

              Originally posted by FetFnask
              4, Take a wad and stick it up there. If needed use lip and toungue to shape it. This is what most older guys do.
              Thanks buddy! Been hand baking barrel shaped prillas for a while now. Have wanted to try different shapes to see if they would fit better. Tried your tip No. 4 - pinched a wad of RL Lös using index finger and thumb. Excellent advice - Worked like a charm and shaped up with a simple swipe of my tounge and light press of my lip. Found it to be much more comfortable shape under the center of my lip than the barrel shape. Also took a lot less time. Next up: Working on a sphere shape...


              • Grim
                • Jun 2008
                • 850

                I use los at home for the most part and portions at school and work.

                But if we are going to the grocery store or somewhere like that ill also use los.


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