Snus and Chapstick

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  • fedora
    • Aug 2008
    • 251

    Snus and Chapstick

    So I been snusing all day. Weather is a bit dry here these days. Lips are a bit dry (I have a tendency to this - winter is really bad).

    Anyhow - snus and chapstick: Don't really mix. At least not the kind I got - which is some sort of SPF type.

    Anyone else got thoughts on this? Good flavor matches? (LOL) Advice? Same problem?
  • desirexe
    • Feb 2008
    • 1170

    I have the same problem with dry lips as well as finding the right chapstick! I must have tried 20 different lip balms (Chapstick, Softlips, Burts, Bath & Body Works, etc..etc..) and narrowed it down to one that works for me w/ snus and the ones that don't work. For example, petrolatum (Vaseline) products are a huge NO for me. The smell and taste of that stuff mixed with Skruf is NAAASTY!!! The lip balm that I use faithfully and always carry with me is Alba pineapple. It's a tad costly and even though it's flavored, it stays put on my lips so it doesn't effect snus. I've also learned to apply chapstick all around my lips near the edges as opposed to going to town and putting it all over the entire lip area, this will help keep the balm from getting in your mouth. Okay, so enough rambling, as you can see, I am very passionate about lip balm. As a matter of fact, I am the same way with makeup, I'll save that discussion for another day seeing as I doubt there are many Snuson members that would benefit from that info. (This would make a great topic though: Best foundation/powder and lipstick to use with snus)


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      Originally posted by desirexe
      As a matter of fact, I am the same way with makeup, I'll save that discussion for another day seeing as I doubt there are many Snuson members that would benefit from that info. (This would make a great topic though: Best foundation/powder and lipstick to use with snus)
      I suggest the mineral powder route myself...less time to apply and that leaves more time for popping in a snus! hehe

      Lipstick, hmmm...something moist and close to natural looking...unless you're really messy with los and need a brown-tinged lipstick to hide the crumbs that make their way out of your mouth :P


      • fedora
        • Aug 2008
        • 251

        Thank you, ladies.

        Any men out there want to comment on this? (No offense to the two responses I already have.) Men seems would have different responses or experiences and flavor preferences.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          I actually noticed this yesterday.

          With blistex, no problem.

          But if you use Carmex/Carmex Chap Stick it mixes TERRIBLY.


          • fedora
            • Aug 2008
            • 251

            Chadizzy - tks. What kind of blistex?


            • mlkramer
              • Jul 2009
              • 393

              Originally posted by fedora
              Thank you, ladies.

              Any men out there want to comment on this? (No offense to the two responses I already have.) Men seems would have different responses or experiences and flavor preferences.
              I haven't found a lipstick that matches my skintone yet....ohhhh wait....scratch that...uhh....yea

              Carmex has been my goto for a long time. Colorado's dry as 30 year old chicken sh**.


              I usually just use the original in the jar and haven't tried the flavored stuff. Mostly beeswax I believe.


              • Sigg
                • Sep 2009
                • 161

                It's weird that this topic popped up. Since starting snus about a week ago I've developed really dry patches at the corners of my mouth that have started to split and become painful. It could just be a coincidence because I recently started using some of those cheap plastic flossers which require a good amount of pressure in those areas when getting to those hard to reach molars.

                Regardless, I picked up some of the Blistex medicated balm (in a tube) about 2 days ago. I just squeeze a dab on my finger and just hit the problem areas a few times a day. I hardly taste it and I'm almost completely healed already.


                • Gizmer
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 103

                  I use plain old Burt's Bees with no problems. It doesn't taste like anything so it doesn't bother the snus. As far as lipstick goes, I use the pomegranate stuff from bath and body works and it's all fine.


                  • Sector Clear
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 14

                    I would suggest not getting the SPF style chapstick, as it tastes funny. I bought that kind one time on accident, and it was a world of difference - not a good world . I'll let you know come brutal BRUTAL winter time here, but get a good old generic brand basic non-SPF chapstick and I can't imagine it would interfere with snus at all.


                    • Christi
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 2104

                      Bumpin' this up.

                      I noticed just now w/ Carmex on a General OP in and a sip of coffee, NASTY. The mint flavored snus don't seem to bother me. This time of year I has to have me Carmex...for these lips to continue to look this good! J/K


                      • Paul
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 364

                        yes they are christi

                        for me natural cream from olives does the trick


                        • Christi
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 2104

                          Originally posted by Paul
                          yes they are christi

                          for me natural cream from olives does the trick

                          I have never thought of using olive oil, is that what you are referring to?


                          • Paul
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 364

                            No it's a natural cream made from olives, not plain olive oil


                            • Christi
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 2104

                              Originally posted by Paul
                              No it's a natural cream made from olives, not plain olive oil
                              Wonder if I can get that here in the US? You might have to send me some!!!


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