using snus wrong?

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  • Master Chief
    • May 2007
    • 46

    I only spit with the strong stuff, it makes me queasy when I swallow it

    But with original and white portions I can swallow with no problems at all


    • vill666
      New Member
      • Dec 2007
      • 5

      I'm having similar issues with the skruf stark I received...I get a gooey taste...spit brown n a bit queasy..I'm soldiering on though


      • Kindrd
        • Oct 2007
        • 266

        Originally posted by vill666
        I'm having similar issues with the skruf stark I received...I get a gooey taste...spit brown n a bit queasy..I'm soldiering on though
        Probably no need to jump right into the strong brands.


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          I find the brown spittle and overwhelming snus flavour release comes more quickly sometimes - I have a feeling that popping a snus in when it is fresh out of the freezer or fridge may be the reason. When the brown spit starts, I throw the snus away. After all, one big attraction to snus is the spit-free tobacco experience, and the juice makes me feel ill. If the snus starts to misbehave, out it goes.


          • ice
            • Oct 2005
            • 142

            Portions makes you spit more than well baked loose. I hardly ever use portions because of that.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Weird, I never have this problem. Loose or portions - they just go up there and sit. Whether I have snus in or not I basically produce the same amount of saliva and just swallow it in the same way one does naturally (like when not snusing). Did you dip previously, Opeth? Perhaps it's a Pavlov's Dog kind of thing... like the snus is triggering an excess-saliva response left over from using dip/chew? Maybe a weird suggestion, but perhaps a hypnotist could trick you out of it.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                I don't know, if there's a noticeable difference in saliva-production, but I do know, that in some cases, exspecially when I have a dry mouth, the salty snus-saliva can be a bit nasty, while I hardly notice it, when I have something to drink.



                • databat
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 66

                  Back when I was trying to quit American dip and hiding it from my wife, there were times I would have to swallow to keep from getting caught. I learned a few things from this, and hopefully you can gain some insight from this.

                  Swallow very small amounts as you go to keep it moist but not soppy. That will lessen and eventually eliminate the sickening / overwhelming feeling of the spit in your mouth. Over time your throat and stomach will adjust and it won't bother you. Eventually you won't salivate as much either.

                  Try not to think about big juicy steaks while snusing. :P

                  Keep a glass of water or a drink handy. This is sooo much easier with snus portions than it was with American dip. With dip you had to be careful not to swallow the tobacco.

                  While I could stomach swallowing American dip juices (more and easily after years of dipping), swallowing the actual tobacco was/still is a definite trip to either praying to the porcelain gods, or at best a lengthly trip to the can with enough time to go through a rather thick novel to pass the time while your tummy gurgles and does it's best to right the terrible wrong you've done it. There is a limit on how much American dip juices you can swallow before your tummy goes, "Ok thats enough!" So far, I haven't hit that mark with snus juices. But that could be because snus juice is like a vacation for my stomach. :P

                  If you do spit, never, and I mean NEVER forget which is your spit cup and which is your drink and accidentally take a big gulp of the wrong one. If your lucky you can force back the gag reflex and just get dizzy. At worst... well... I'm sure you can figure out what happens. :P It gets really really bad.

                  For me with portions, slightly off center stuffed up in the top lip, folded length wise. Not really a perfect fold actually, more like a cylinder scrunch.

                  As was suggested earlier, sucking the excess saliva through your teeth keeps your mouth from getting too wet, and can also bring out the extra subtle flavors of the snus.

                  Again, each person is different, so your mileage may vary. Just remember, advice is like bottoms. Everybody has one, and they are all broken with a large crack in them. :lol:


                  • Erik327
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 64

                    I too have to spit. Nowhere near as much as with American dipping tobacco, but when it gets really dark and brown, it's just too difficult to swallow. ops: Not the best taste or feeling in the gut. I fold the portions in half, and put them in my upper lip, and still, at some point around 15-20 minutes, it begins to run. That's when i toss 'em and go for another one. Sometimes I just keep a small bottle on hand and out of site, but it kind of bothers me to have spitters all over the place. I just ordered a bunch of different white portions (i've been using original) to see about this helping with the whole over active saliva thing. I think it's just a involuntary reaction - you have something in your mouth, and the body salivates.


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