using snus wrong?

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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    using snus wrong?

    I'm sure this is probably rather similar to my other first posts and recent ones as well....
    I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I think I'm using snus wrong.
    I just cannot stop the urge to spit at all. My mouth gets all slimed up in the flavor and overloaded with the taste..basically that taste you get after eating too much candy. You can't taste it like it was before because your mouth is fermenting it up. Rather reminiscent if I was using chew and trying not to spit. If I swallow it just sorta makes me tired of the stuff quick, adding to the bastardized taste factor. Plus my throat muscles get rather achy the next day.
    Like I said before I get quite a case of worn-out mouth symptoms...My tongue right now feels terrible.
    Maybe I'm using too much or something. But other people say they go through a can a day? I'm currently sampling from all the flavors I bought so I say I've gone through maybe 1-1/2 cans of loose and a 1/2 can of portions over the last week and a half or so.
    I don't remember having these problems the first batch of snus I used, besides the spitting bit. I do remember however drying out where I put the snus with a paper towel prior to placing it make the flavor a bit more aromatic than liquidated. At the point it got slimy and too moist, I would take it out...let it dry a bit, put it back in. That was just my idea of how snus should be appreciated, a drier, cleaner experience. But I'm sure not many people, if any do this. Perhaps their saliva glands aren't as active as mine.

    So I've been trying to relax, not allow myself to **** with it with my tongue, squeeze my lip muscles and such so my mouth doesn't feel like shit but I always end up doing it.
    I dunno I'm just kinda bummed at the moment because I haven't been feeling the vibe lately and I was super excited to get this shipment in. Not sure what the psychological deal is on it now.
    I think perhaps if I lived in Sweden, or anywhere that sold snus conveniently at the store, I wouldn't have to bother with large shipments, trying them all out at the same time, trying to get the best 'marginal utility' and somehow falling short because I"m trying too hard.
    With dip and cigarettes, no psychological chicanery was really involved. You buy one or two cans, or a pack, finish that up...too lazy to get it right when it's done...get the urge, buy some therefore your appreciation for the stuff is at a natural level.
    anyone get what the hell i'm saying here, share the same thoughts?
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I haven't had any problems of this sort, no. Maybe you do have overactive salivary glands. I have gotten too much of a saliva build-up before, and while swallowing this was intense, I wouldn't describe it as being anything more than a tad bit unpleasant.

    Never had any achy throat muscles either.

    While I usually recommend the original portions over the whites, maybe whites would be better in your case, considering the lesser moisture content. Although it might bother your gums a bit more.

    **** man, I'm sorry. I hope you get this resolved. I'd hate for you to have to give up snus entirely.

    And you know, if you're at home and are more comfortable spitting, why not spit? There's nothing that says you can't. Just do whatever works for you. The first time I gave a friend of mine an original portion of Ettan, he had to spit a few times because the flavor was stronger than he had been expecting. I didn't bust his balls for it though. I completely understand the urge to spit that some could have with something so strongly flavored.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      I have a fairly similar experience but am soldiering on. I have yet to find the magic spot where the snus will simply sit and stay and do its thing. I have them moving all over the place and making the spit flow and after 15 minutes to 30 minutes the juice gets heavy and I end up swallowing. This is not what the experience is meant to be, from what I read and hear.

      One piece of advice I saw here which has helped is to fold a full-size portion lengthwise and stuff it in that way. It seems to help stick it in place, in my experience. It also helps, as advised here, to relax and not squeeze to try to hold it in your lip.

      I am enjoying snusing more and more, however, I just was expecting something different - sticking a wad in an then just forgetting about it and getting on with things including work and so on. So far, I only snus when I am not on task with anything much else, when I am not in public.


      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!

        And you know, if you're at home and are more comfortable spitting, why not spit? There's nothing that says you can't. Just do whatever works for you.
        Well thats what I do with loose. I spit constantly. That's why I have such great stories of my bottle of snus spit smelling like a landfill of rotting corpses . (no, I'm not too lazy to throw bottles out or weird enough to keep them...just had an incident one time, forgot about a bottle.. lol)

        But at the same time I hate spitting. Doesn't matter whether I'm at home. I'm just tired of doing it because it wears my mouth out to constantly try to get a clean palette and spit it out.
        With dip its one thing because you KNOW you're going to need to spit. No big deal doing it at home.
        With snus I don't like to just do it at home. I want it to live up to it's hype of being spitless. Often I'll use portions for school and stuff, but the flavor really gets screwed up in my mouth when I cant spit. I'll often get a pretty growling stomach after a long class.
        As far as white portions go, I don't see a hell of a lot of difference. Perhaps longer time of dryness, but that's not really saying much as they get moist as they hit your mouth and still induce incredible spit depending on their flavor such as ones like GR#2 and Mocca pomegranate.


        • Stargazer
          • Aug 2007
          • 225

          I only have the snus in at aprox. 30 min at a time.
          a bit longer if it is a loose one.

          I can't see the purpouse of having it in a hour at a time.
          it's the taste, sure, but a portion dos'nt taste that much anyway.


          • KentuckySnusser
            • May 2007
            • 109

            Opeth, are you putting whatever bit of snus you're enjoying waaaaay the hell up there where the top of your gums meets your lip, or are you keeping it lower?


            • darkwing
              • Oct 2007
              • 415

              Shouldn't it be tucked way up at the top? I find it starts to slip withing a few minutes.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Maybe you could try some of the Catch dry minis. They're all crazy flavored, but they're small, and don't run much. I especially like the Eucalyptus, though I get the normal portions. I know what you mean about the growling stomach. I'll feel like I'm starving sometimes after snus, even though I know I shouldn't be hungry.

                When my portions get a little slimy, I kind of suck on them through my teeth, and that helps pull the extra moisture out. I don't know if that would help you, but it may be worth a shot.


                • RealmofOpeth
                  • May 2007
                  • 407

                  Originally posted by KentuckySnusser
                  Opeth, are you putting whatever bit of snus you're enjoying waaaaay the hell up there where the top of your gums meets your lip, or are you keeping it lower?

                  as stuffed up there as possible. i don't like the feeling of my lip bunched up, sorta 'gripped' on the side of the snus...i like to have it wrapped around nice and snug.
                  I'll often hold it with a couple of fingers while i take my lip and pull it over to get it as lodged as i can. i'll also try to keep it up front instead of disintegrating down the sides.


                  • RealmofOpeth
                    • May 2007
                    • 407

                    Originally posted by Stargazer
                    I only have the snus in at aprox. 30 min at a time.
                    a bit longer if it is a loose one.

                    I can't see the purpouse of having it in a hour at a time.
                    it's the taste, sure, but a portion dos'nt taste that much anyway.
                    i'll usually have em in for a couple hours. when i'm absolutely sick of them i throw em out. i try to reap as much as possible.


                    • itchystiches
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 194

                      Hmm, all this talk about spitting and stuff has got me concentrating on the saliva issues.

                      For me at least, yes... Snus does create a lot of saliva. However, I have no issues with swallowing and if I had to compare the amount of swallowing with Snus in to with Snus out, the difference is marginal.

                      As for swallowing 'Snus juice', I think this is different to swallowing just regular saliva. For me at least, when I suck on the portion through my teeth I get that Snus juice feeling in my throat. Although in all honesty I love that and tend to savor the Snus juice on my tongue for a while to get all the flavor out.

                      Hope you get this worked out buddy.... man I would HATE to have to quit Snus... it's one of the most appreciated consumer goods I've ever tried.



                      • Gangleri
                        New Member
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 3

                        This is a matter of experience - I started using snus when I was 14, and spat regularly. I also had a snus in for at most 10 minutes (I used portions back then). I did not have this problem with loose snus.

                        I noticed that I spat less and less as time went on, and then one day I just... didn't.

                        So I think if you stick with it, you'll get there eventually.


                        • Master Chief
                          • May 2007
                          • 46

                          I agree with Gangleri, you get better at it the more you do it, its not just something that comes the first time you use snus.


                          • Soft Morning, City!
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 772

                            I swallowed the first time I used snus with no problems. Am I a minority in that regard? Did you guys all start out spitting and slowly begin swallowing?

                            Personally, I loved the taste of my first Ettan Portion so much that I couldn't help but swallow. It was bliss; love at first taste.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                              I swallowed the first time I used snus with no problems. Am I a minority in that regard? Did you guys all start out spitting and slowly begin swallowing?

                              Personally, I loved the taste of my first Ettan Portion so much that I couldn't help but swallow. It was bliss; love at first taste.
                              No, I never spit. That was the big attraction for me. I read where you didn't have to spit, and that sounded great. If I had to spit, I wouldn't use snus.


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