snus isnt doing anything for me

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  • pimp my ride
    New Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 3

    snus isnt doing anything for me

    hello all, i have been thinking of quitting smoking for a while now, and everyone is talking about this new camel snus stuff... so i went and got a tin.

    the first time i tried it, i put it in my lower lip, since thats how i thought it was used.

    anyways, i read some stuff on the forums before i joined, and i now know it is placed in the upper lip.

    i am trying to switch from smoking to snus, but it just doesnt do it for me.. i thought using this would make me not have urges to smoke, but it really doesnt

    for example, i have a packet in right now, but i still want to go outside for a smoke.. am i doing something wrong here?
  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    Hi! Welcome to forum. There's a lot of knowledge here to soak up for your enjoyment.
    I don't know if you already read the sticky topic called "American Snus" but that pretty much sums it up for ya. -->

    Only the real stuff, the genuine article from them wacky Scandinavians will do the job. Camel and Marlboro "snus" is a piss-poor attempt by an American tobacco company to copy a product with almost 300 years of history and turn it into something they think will appeal to americans who don't know any better.

    Buy the real stuff, it's even cheaper (for Americans atleast) when ordered online. What you're using isn't fit to be called 'snus' at all.

    The third and fourth lines in this post sum it all up:


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      You probably just like smoking :wink: If your trying to quit, snus can help with the nicotine craving, but it doesn't really do much to replace the smoking experience. If you really want to quit smoking, snus can help, but it'll still take considerable will power on your part. You may also want to order some Swedish snus online. It has a good bit more nicotine, and some of the brands will almost knock you out if you over do it. I would suggest trying the 24 can sampler from the Northerner

      You may have better luck avoiding cigarettes with some of those brands.


      • pimp my ride
        New Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 3

        thanks for the quick replies.

        there is a tobacco store down the street from me, do you guys think they will have some for me to buy?


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          That's very true, lxskllr.
          In my twilight days of smoking I wasn't really tempted to snus even though I had snus available to me. Plus I wasn't interested in quitting smoking anyway. I alternated smoking and snusing for about a month or two and bit by bit my mind was protesting more and more against the smokes.
          One day I just realized I hadn't smoked in 2 weeks and a full pack of rolling tobacco was laying idly on my table gathering dust, waiting for me to pick it up again.
          I did eventually, to throw it in the trash.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by pimp my ride
            thanks for the quick replies.

            there is a tobacco store down the street from me, do you guys think they will have some for me to buy?
            I would say the odds are pretty close to 0. You never know though. Swedish Match does have a limited outlet for some of their brands in the USA. It wouldn't hurt to stop in and ask, you may get lucky :^)


            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              SM's website has a store locater i think.
              In the mean time you could tuck 2 Camel portions under your lip. Seems to work.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                SM's website has a store locater i think.
                In the mean time you could tuck 2 Camel portions under your lip. Seems to work.
                Here's a link for their store locater


                • pimp my ride
                  New Member
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 3

                  thanks, they dont have any around me..

                  does anyone know how much nicotine the camel snus has compared to their cigarettes?


                  • darkwing
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 415

                    You know, using 2 snus at once can give you the nicotine you may need to be able to forget the cigs for the moment. Nicotine content of a Camel snus is something I don't really know, but I think they are 4 mg in a pouch, so probably a bit less than 1 mg will be absorbed. Probably as much as some cigs...


                    • ringdoc
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 35

                      Ill go for using two portions at once myself trying to quit black and milds, usually 2.5-3 packs a day down to 3.5 packs a week, working on getting that lower. just have to try different things, I have been mixing, nick and johnny, off road, and granit and diplomat, it takes two to subdue the erges for a smoke


                      • RealmofOpeth
                        • May 2007
                        • 407

                        coming off smokes to snus was easy as cake for me.
                        for me, smoking was more habit than enjoyment. it was something to do. the nicotine factor was sort of subconscious.
                        the only time i really enjoyed smoking per-se was when i hadn't bought a pack in a while and got another for the first few smokes. the rest were largely forgettable.
                        i was sick and tired of having that phlegm in my throat, mouth-rot taste, ashes, finding a proper place to dispose the butt, burning myself/objects, losing lighters, the ache in the throat, dryness of the smoke, etc
                        it's great after a meal or with a beer, but the whole ordeal otherwise got on my nerves. not to mention that your health is in the gutter from it.

                        with snus of course there's the trade some of the inconveniences of smoking for the inconveniences of snus which are simply just different. refrigeration, dealing the saliva - whether or not to swallow it/ no place to spit (for most this isn't an issue because they don't illicit the same amount of spit or have reactions to swallowing it if they do) having it look ugly towards other people (depending on amount you have in), having a drink to swill it out (the particles from loose)...etc. those things I find to be minor. The flavor is much better and the nicotine more extended. i don't have to deal with any stinkyness or otherwise unsanitary issues (other than the fact it's confined to the mouth) and health is overall much better. i can smell again! and I don't smell anymore...if that makes sense
                        dip would be more of a direct, break-even alternative to smokes. it fully depends on what you'd rather do. rot your lungs or rot your mouth? require a spit bottle or an ashtray?
                        snus is better in that it's for the most part, less of a bitch to deal with and your health isn't severely affected.

                        with cigarettes, like someone pointed's a shotgun effect of nicotine...that settle of nerves of something to do immediately, an activity. snus is just savoring flavor for the most part. but it's a slow creep of nicotine. it's not all at once like smoke. it's not too compatible with drinking beer if you're using loose. it lasts a lot longer. i have yet to have a pris or portion fully lose it's flavor before i just got bored with it. the fact it lasts longer may also be your issue, as smokes are nice 5 minute deals.

                        i just find it more imperative to use snus than smoking given the value of those differences. regardless of how much i would like a smoke from time to time. keep in mind your health and annoyances you'd like to trade for lesser ones. let yourself adjust.
                        mind over matter friend!

                        if all else fails, get the strong shit like Nick&Johnny, Skruf Stark...loose. get a prismaster to make sure it's packed nice and tight. that stuff will settle your ass down

