Loose Virgin :)

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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    yeah, a half-prismaster is about the amount of snus in a regular (large - not maxi) portion.


    • mwood72

      He He....I'm getting the hang of this now so now I can make anything from a mini to a maxi portion depending on what mood I'm in ... I think I also worked out why my pris was crumbling yesterday - I wasn't pressing the Snus in my Prismater hard against my thumb before popping it under my lip. Doing this today I've had no problems with crumbling.


      • frizodanizzo
        • Feb 2009
        • 53


        Id say a gram for half a pris master and 2 for a full amount or close to it feels like that anyways you take a gram portion break it open and its about the same amt for a crumbled pris from half a pris master. Vs two portions worth with a full one I kinda like it for when I'm smiling and talking like crazy a gram does me fine 2 at home since I ain't doing as much with my mouth so I love to throw in a couple grams of some skruf stark


        • mwood72

          Re: prismaster

          Originally posted by frizodanizzo
          I love to throw in a couple grams of some skruf stark
          Wow! That must give one hell of a kick!


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            OMG Image size!


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Xobeloot
              OMG Image size!
              Someone needs a new wide screen monitor :^P


              • bewtros
                • Dec 2008
                • 19

                icetool virgin

                OK, so I'm not a lös virgin, since I had tried handbaking a while back and could never get it to work that well. So I finally bought an icetool from northerner since I felt bad that I complained so much about my last order being late that they sent it out TWICE (so I got a free order) + 2 cans of claq qui. Anyway, they probably lost some moolah on that one so I decided to finally get a 3ml skulls icetool. As others have said, it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but it's a great thing to have. I got it yesterday with some General ES lös and both kinds of Göteborgs (Rapé and Prima Fint).

                Thanks to Zero and Xobeloot for the helpful pics and comparison. Browsing last night for tips, I found a lot of my questions re: icetool had already been answered re: portion size vs. pris size. However, I do have a few more questions.

                1) Do you pack it REAL tight? And is this tightness derived from putting the snus in the icetool, using the plunger, or both?

                2) How long generally before the flavors kick in? I remember sagedil was talking about how he prefers portions because he gets more flavor faster, possibly because of abusing and prodding them. Naturally, I don't want to do that with lös until I get a stiffer pris. At the same time, the flavors are much more subdued. I've got a pris of Grov in now, and Grov is likely my fave snus ever. Yet I can't taste but a bit of the classic Grov taste. Does it take longer, or am I doing something wrong?

                3) How often do you oil the o-ring? Do you take it off and put it back on, or just leave it on and use chap stick/burt's bees, as others have noted?

                Thanks for the tips, guys. Keep on snusin'!



                • outsidelinebacker20
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 187

                  Roda and Prima do pack the best.

                  Being an old Skoal guy, I use a spoon and alternate from one side of my lower lip to the other. If you pack it tight, the juices will not flow. Some moving around is OK and adds to the flavor.



                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Re: icetool virgin

                    Originally posted by bewtros
                    1) Do you pack it REAL tight? And is this tightness derived from putting the snus in the icetool, using the plunger, or both?

                    2) How long generally before the flavors kick in? I remember sagedil was talking about how he prefers portions because he gets more flavor faster, possibly because of abusing and prodding them. Naturally, I don't want to do that with lös until I get a stiffer pris. At the same time, the flavors are much more subdued. I've got a pris of Grov in now, and Grov is likely my fave snus ever. Yet I can't taste but a bit of the classic Grov taste. Does it take longer, or am I doing something wrong?

                    3) How often do you oil the o-ring? Do you take it off and put it back on, or just leave it on and use chap stick/burt's bees, as others have noted?

                    Thanks for the tips, guys. Keep on snusin'!

                    1) I pack it fairly tight. Not a dying strain or anything, but firm.

                    2) The flavor starts immediately, but I poke it with my tongue, and squeeze it with my lip. You can even kind of suck on the lös without it turning to mud. Instructions really can't be given. After awhile you'll learn how to handle it, and know what you can get away with.

                    3) I clean mine with hot water when it starts getting sticky. I just run hot water over it, and clean the bore with a chopstick. The O-ring stays in place, and after it's dry, I put a bit of olive oil on the the O-ring. Just enough to make it glisten, not dripping. I'm going to try the Chapstick the next time I clean mine.

                    Btw, it seemed to require more frequent cleaning when it was new. I used to do it every week. Now that it's broken in, I clean it every 2 0r 3 weeks; Sometimes longer if it's working well.


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