I can't get it hard ;-)

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  • isteen
    • Jun 2009
    • 55

    I can't get it hard ;-)

    EU still maintain the foolish stand to ban portions in Denmark.
    I usually buy my portions from The Northener, I just can't use loose danish snus. I have tried a few times, but I just can't bake a small pris as hard as I want it. Without using an Icetool etc. - does anyone have a tip to bake a small hard pris?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Coarse snus bakes up harder than the finer grinds do. Your home town boys V2 make a good hard baking snus. It comes out very cleanly also.


    • isteen
      • Jun 2009
      • 55

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Your home town boys V2 make a good hard baking snus. It comes out very cleanly also.
      I actually just read a big article in todays newspaper about V2.
      They grow bigger all the time, even that they export 99% of their production


      • MojoQuestor
        • Sep 2009
        • 2344

        It seems to me that lös will only compress so much. After that it tends to sort of shatter. A couple of times I pressed the dickens out of some in my icetool, and the pris that came out was hard, but broken. The image that came to mind was diamond, how it may be hard but it will fracture along a fault line. With handbaking, when I overdo it I'll see those little fault lines form. So with lös I just go for that optimal compression where it will hang together as well as possible. It just takes practice and feel.


        • isteen
          • Jun 2009
          • 55

          I just hate when it splatters all over my mouth


          • MojoQuestor
            • Sep 2009
            • 2344

            Have you ever had a portion leak or fall apart in your mouth? It doesn't happen very often, but it's ten times as gross as with lös. I guess it's because it's formulated differently, since portion snus isn't intended to be directly in the mouth.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Get some Skruf los or Prima Fint. Those stay together no matter what. I'm not a great handbaker either, but I've gotten better in the 3 weeks since I lost my icetool (just found it!). One early method I used with the stickier snus like Skruf is to gently roll it into a ball, about the size of a blueberry. It keeps its shape and comes out clean. Another one I like for a quick pris is to pinch it into a pyramid shape or a wedge, without worrying much about how "hard" it is. There's much to be gained in flavor from a pris that is not overly compacted and messier to remove.


              • isteen
                • Jun 2009
                • 55

                Thanks for the tips, Roo


                • CM
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 329

                  Be happy that there is snus at your country, we need to visit sweden everytime if we want snus, or buy them from cafe's and stuff. :P And thats illegal.

                  And skruf lös is awesome, my favourite with röda lös.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                    Have you ever had a portion leak or fall apart in your mouth? It doesn't happen very often, but it's ten times as gross as with lös. I guess it's because it's formulated differently, since portion snus isn't intended to be directly in the mouth.
                    yeah i had that happen twice and it is seriously awful.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      try Viagra
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • isteen
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 55

                        Originally posted by CM
                        Be happy that there is snus at your country, we need to visit sweden everytime if we want snus, or buy them from cafe's and stuff. :P And thats illegal.
                        Where are you from?


                        • Jason
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1370

                          Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                          try Viagra
                          I was expecting that around 5-6 posts ago.........you're slipping, dude! :lol:


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Originally posted by Jason
                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                            try Viagra
                            I was expecting that around 5-6 posts ago.........you're slipping, dude! :lol:
                            lol, I read this thread waiting for it too.


                            • sheilalynn
                              • May 2009
                              • 1103

                              I didn't want to be the one to say it first...knew PP would be along sooner or later!


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