Pris Help

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  • spy1325
    New Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 5

    Pris Help

    Hello everybody

    I just bought 3 cans of General snus (white portions, portions, and loose)
    and really am enjoying the portions but am having trouble with the loose.

    I've watched probably all the videos online about how to hand bake a pris etc. and have tried that, and i also cut the end off a syringe and use it like an icetool, which also kind of works. the results look alot like what iv seen online, but when i put them in, they dont really hold shape and end up smooshing out to the contours of my mouth and in to the crack of my teeth!

    It is remaining fairly dry and am not messing around with my tongue so i dont know what the problem is.

    My can of General loose may have been a bit dry, it was in a refrigerator where i bought it, but when i cracked it open for the first time ti was all in the center compacted in a disk, with about 1/3 of a CM of space all around, i dont know if this is normal or what but maybe it is a sign of the can being dry and the snus forming together.

    What can i do to keep my pris together in my mouth, they become hard to take out and usually end up brushing my teeth after to get the bits out from the tops of my teeth..

  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    As far as I know, that's the usual way for a tin of loose to look when it's first opened, especially if it's been properly refrigerated.

    The best I can offer is to keep practicing hand-baking, esp. if you've got a local source for General and can replenish your supply without ordering from Sweden. I'm sure you've seen this video already, but it was the best one for the job, IMO:

    Zero, one of the moderators here at SnusOn created this, and after several (dozen) tries, I picked it up and got the hang of it pretty well. Just keep trying.

    If you hand-bake, start small (maybe a thumb/index finger pinch instead of a thumb/index/middle finger pinch) to get the hang of it and to make placement easier. Also, once it's in place, try to keep your lip relaxed and not compress the pris as much as possible. After you're done, I've found that a hand-baked pris comes out a bit easier and more intact than anything else, although the icetool forms a good solid pris that only leaves a few bits of tobacco.

    Hope this helps!


    • alex
      • Jul 2007
      • 226

      Originally posted by jqlynch
      Also, once it's in place, try to keep your lip relaxed and not compress the pris as much as possible.

      Put that mother in and leave it alone! It's tempting to squeeze your lip to get the juices flowing, but you'll also get the tobaccolanche started. Keep your tongue away as well, if you don't poke the pris, the pris will be happy and share it's tasty rewards. But anger the pris, and his wrath will be unleashed from above!! :evil:

      All kidding aside keep practicing and excersize patience. I thought I would never get the hang of loose, but the rewards are 10 fold the pain of failure.

      I hear that Roda Lacket Loose is a good beginners bake, but have never tried it myself.

      For the redneck style cram n' jam, Offroad LongCut Original works very well : you can just grab a pinch and stuff it up there and use your tongue for location control with no side effects. It acts like no other loose I've tried. Truely a loose for the Snusser on the go!


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        Originally posted by alex

        I hear that Roda Lacket Loose is a good beginners bake, but have never tried it myself.
        Roda Lacket is a very easy loose to start with in terms of learning how to bake by hand. The first loose I tried was Ettan and it was a bit of a challenge, but the second I tried was the Roda Lacket and it was a breeze. It holds together very well.

        Goteborgs Prima Fint is also a good loose to learn with. Just as easy as Roda Lacket.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I finally got my can of Ettan yesterday, and gave it a try. I hand baked it no problems, I'm not overwhelmed by the flavor though. I have a hard time tasting it. With portions I can move the pouch around, poke it, and suck on it a bit to get more flavor. The loose just kind of sits there :P I like the paperboard box, and I also like customizing the size, but I really prefer the portions. I'll probably get the occasional can of lös for traditions sake, but my main snus will be portion.


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            I finally got my can of Ettan yesterday, and gave it a try. I hand baked it no problems, I'm not overwhelmed by the flavor though. I have a hard time tasting it. With portions I can move the pouch around, poke it, and suck on it a bit to get more flavor. The loose just kind of sits there :P I like the paperboard box, and I also like customizing the size, but I really prefer the portions. I'll probably get the occasional can of lös for traditions sake, but my main snus will be portion.
            I kind of had the same reaction to loose snus at first. I liked it, but the flavor did take longer to get going and it was hard to resist poking it.

            But watch out! It grew on me to an insane degree in very little time. Now I mostly use loose and tend to only use portions when I'm at school or in a very public place. And for coffee. Lucky Strike is still my go-to snus when it comes to going out for coffee.

            Just don't give up on loose too soon. It's absolutely magical once you get comfortable with it.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              There's a few snus' I want to try that come in portion and lös styles. I'm going to try them in lös form first, but so far I'm not very impressed.
              I've had it in for over 1.5 hours, and I have a hard time getting flavor out of it. It numbs the hell out of my gums, but that's about it :^/

              I had a pris of Ettan in today, when I had to blow my nose. I ended up squashing it through my teeth, and started a strong snus run :lol: On the bright side, it did strengthen up the flavor some


              • Skadelphius
                New Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 12

                right shape?

                should the pris of loose be a lot longer than it is wide? i dont get the sense when i put it in that its a little nugget of snus in my lip, rather its like a long line in my upper lip. i just cant get it to stay good and tight in my hand if i try to make it more ball-like. any thoughts?


                • jqlynch
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 132

                  Typically the end result of a hand bake is cylindrical, so that's normal. I know some people roll it into a ball, but I've always gone for the cylinder.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    For shape, I like a flattened football (American :wink: ) with stubbed ends.


                    • Coffey
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 150

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
             (American :wink: )
                      Is there any other kind?!? USA USA USA USA :lol:
                      Sorry, I couldn't resist.


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by lxskllr
                        when I had to blow my nose. I ended up squashing it through my teeth, and started a strong snus run
                        LOL! Man, just wait till you get a sudden urge to sneeze.
                        Here's a hint: aim your face away from everything but the floor.
                        Every year around May/June I suffer pollen allergies.
                        Thus, earlier this year I discovered the unpleasant result of such an involuntary action. I'm still finding teensy bits of snus around my computer, desk, wall etc.


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          ^ that.... that there is a nasty picture you have just painted me, mate :lol: :lol: :lol:


                          • alex
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 226

                            It was probably a nasty picture he painted when he did it!


                            • TheInsulator
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 65

                              hilarious :lol: loose is definitely messy. i'm getting much better at baking now but getting it out is still an ordeal. It just plasters itself to my gums.


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