Portion material quality?

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  • Yandy
    New Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 6

    Portion material quality?

    I'm new to Snus, I've got myself quite a few cans with my first order, and I've been enjoying snus for about a month now, but I was wondering if I could get some input on what companies have the best portion material.

    Just in the past 2 days, I've had 3 portions of General wintergreen break open, 2 in my hand and one in my mouth. The 2 in my hand were from rolling the portion around trying to break up some clumps, and the one in my mouth was just moving it around a little bit. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. I've got several different brands, and none of them seem to have this problem.

    What companies make the best snus portions? In terms of most comfortable, least likely to break (or, I guess, which should I look out for because they DO break), etc.

    Thanks a lot guys!
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    Gotlands has the softest portions. The SM black portions are almost buttery.

    The only portions I've had break were General Wintergreen and Oden's. The Oden's was an issue with the end seals, the General was random breaks.


    • MojoQuestor
      • Sep 2009
      • 2344

      Hi Yandy. Other people have mentioned the General Wintergreen portions breaking, as well. This doesn't seem to be at all as big an issue with other General portions. I wonder if something in the ingredients of the wintergreen snus somehow breaks down the portion material.

      TBD mentioned Gotlands, and a lot of people like the feel of those portions, although I remember at least one person felt differently. I noticed yesterday that Taboca portions seem to resemble Gotlands portions, and I really do like the way they feel.

      You might give black portions (they are really white portions) a whirl. Most of these are kind of strong, though: Onyx, Grov Svart, and N&J Black (which I haven't yet tried). There is also LD Black, if you like licorice. It is sumptuous.

      I think LD whites are pretty good, too, although in the can I have, the snus is all clumped in one side of the portion. Sometimes I even them out and break up the snus by gently rolling them between my fingers, and sometimes I just pop them in like that. I have no idea if this is normal for LD White, but sagedil could certainly tell you.


      • Yandy
        New Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 6

        I've got some Onyx, I like the material but I haven't yet acquired the taste for the spicy lemony flavor it has. I just picked up some Roda Lacket and Gotesborg, so I'll give those a go in a few days when they get here.

        I find it interesting that there's such a big difference in material quality between the Onyx and the Wintergreen.


          • Aug 2009
          • 528

          Yes the issue with the wintergreen portions has to do with the flavoring interacting with the glue. It is not an issue with any other SM products.


          • skruf_mcgruff
            • Mar 2008
            • 267

            Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY
            Yes the issue with the wintergreen portions has to do with the flavoring interacting with the glue. It is not an issue with any other SM products.
            If the wintergreen is melting glue is it safe to say those who prefer mild flavors shouldn't try this snus?


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Originally posted by skruf_mcgruff
              Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY
              Yes the issue with the wintergreen portions has to do with the flavoring interacting with the glue. It is not an issue with any other SM products.
              If the wintergreen is melting glue is it safe to say those who prefer mild flavors shouldn't try this snus?
              Only if they are made out of glue


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I've never had a portion break on me. Only Onyx did but I literally chewed it just before I spit it out, and a Knox O when I was pressing it and mashing it flat with my hands.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  My first tin of 02 and the first time I've encountered a defective portion. At least one of them has a hole clean through the center.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Welcome to Snuson Yandy

                    as others have said, that issue you are experiencing seems to be unique with the wintergreen.

                    But... The best snus IMHO is F&L. All their portions are just really good and super comfortable


                    • Owens187
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 1547

                      I dont get it, General Wintergreen is my daily go-to snus, and I dont have this problem with them splitting open........


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Owens187
                        I dont get it, General Wintergreen is my daily go-to snus, and I dont have this problem with them splitting open........
                        I think it happens over time. If you left a tin in the freezer or fridge for awhile, I bet the glue would soften up. I've had it happen with Catch Eucalyptus. I assume it's the menthol acting as a solvent.


                        • rkh3
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 110

                          I have ordered General Wintergreen twice and had portions break open in my mouth both times, this morning in fact. I love the taste but I will not be ordering them again.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                            TBD mentioned Gotlands, and a lot of people like the feel of those portions, although I remember at least one person felt differently.

                            Yea, that would be me. I love their snus, but hate the portion material. General Wintergreen will bust open fairly regularly, I've never had another brand do that.


                            • Karanya
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 402

                              I don't care for Gotlands portions, either. The material is soft enough but they're overstuffed and don't fit well in my mouth.



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