trim the portion

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  • scylla
    • Feb 2010
    • 44

    trim the portion

    Hello people. I'm new here and new to snus. Started using it to quit cigs because e-cigs weren't cutting it.

    It is going very well for me. I'm down from 4 packs of marlboro lights per day to maybe 3 single ciggies per day. A real accomplishment for my 2 weeks with snus!

    Really love the snus for what it has done for me.

    Oh yea, about my tip. I have found the ends of portions really irritate me by just kinda flopping around in my mouth during movement and generally just a pita. So I trim the edges off right up to the place where it is sewed/sealed.

    Feels much better and more compact to me.
  • papawinkle
    • Sep 2009
    • 62

    Good god! Four packs a day??? I'm really happy the snus route is working so quckly -- you were in the maul of a monster, there!


    • scylla
      • Feb 2010
      • 44

      Yes 4 packs a day is a lot. But the WAY I smoked was different than most people.
      Because I have a fast moving type busy job I generally could only take a few puffs per cig, then throw it away. I really wasted a lot. I was kinda famous for it around my co-workers.
      Plus, when I inhaled, I just seemed to take the smoke into my throat mostly. Probably didn't get much nic.

      I don't know if it's because I'm a newb or because of my smoking habits, but I have to be careful with sterks. If I use more than 1 or 2 per day or leave them in more than 20 min. I get a real nic overload.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Welcome to Snuson scylla

        Yes, snus an amazing thing. Broke a 2 pack a day habit 3 years ago with it.

        I suspect you will eventually get used to the feel of the portions. But if trimming helps you now, go for it. May be the first time I have ever heard of someone doing that.

        BTW, my girlfriend, deeanne59, came to snus from the e-cigg as well, also was not doing it for her I am sure she will stop in and say hi soon.


        • deeanne59
          • Oct 2009
          • 321

          Hello scylla, and welcome to SnusOn. I am Sages' girlfriend....and I also came to snus from e-cigs. Believe me, I tried all strengths of e-liquid - and all types of models of e-cigs. I know from experience that the e-cigarette does not take care of your nicotine needs, because your absorption is so low. All it will satisfy is the "hand to mouth" need that comes from smoking. Snus are definitely the way to go. The absorption of nicotine with snus is a little slower than cigarettes, but maintains the level longer. I believe that you are on the right track, it is just that you are not quite used to the snus nicotine delivery yet. You might want to try 1 sterk a day, and use regulars or minis the rest of the day to see how it goes. If that isn't quite may want to try 2 sterks and a few regulars or minis. This is a case of having to find out your level requirements.

          I know that the e-cig is supposed to equal what you smoked in cigarettes, but it doesn't work out that way. With snus it is the can't base their usage on what your smoking usage was. Congrats on the cutting down on the cigs, but don't feel that you have to totally "quit" them until you get your snus level evened out. The snus will eventually win out, and you will eventually your surprise, that you won't even want a cigarette or the e-cig anymore.

          Welcome again, and feel free to ask questions. We are here to help.


          • scylla
            • Feb 2010
            • 44

            Thanks deeann. I know that I'm gonna quit cigs with snus. I knew that the first time I took a snus and felt, for the first time, zero desire for a cigarette.

            I have been finding, in the last few days, that I can't just willy-nilly take snus at any strength I want though. But that's o.k. I have minis and sterks and regulars now in my small collection so I'm ready to find what is right for me.

            Your completely right about the e-cig. It has it's shortcomings, but for me it was a good first step to becoming cigarette free.
            Plus, because they are so popular right now I can easily resell my e-cig collection without too much of a loss.

            I'm still way ahead money wise, with not having to buy cigarettes.


            • deeanne59
              • Oct 2009
              • 321

              You are right...the e-cig got me off cigarettes to begin with. It was only later that it failed me in the vitamin N department. I am glad that you got a variety of sizes and strengths of snus....that will help immensely in finding your level. It will probably help if you start with 1 regular portion....say first thing in the morning, and try minis the rest of the day. If you start having cravings, add 1 more regular portion to your rotation. It shouldn't take you long to find your comfort level.

              I have to have my routine is about 4 extra strong portions a day, alternated with strong or regular portions. Sometimes I add a Discreet mini in just for the flavor, because some snus flavors "run together"....and I need to clean my palate to be able to separate the flavors again. I have been snusing long enough though, that I am going to start trying to cut back a little bit on my nic level and see how I can handle it.

              You are also correct in getting some of your money back on the e-cig stuff....and you DO save a lot of money with snus over cigarettes :wink: .


              • BadAxe
                • Jan 2010
                • 631

                Originally posted by deeanne59

                You are also correct in getting some of your money back on the e-cig stuff....and you DO save a lot of money with snus over cigarettes :wink: .
                Unless you are like me and keep ordering 30 can orders when you already have 50+ in the freezer. Jeez I am an addict.

                And yes, I have a shoebox FULL of e-cig stuff. But it never took for me, from the beginning. To get any satisfaction I had to be sucking on that thing all day long. I didn't even make it 2 full days with all that e-cig stuff I purchased. lol.

                Yea, I kinda go nuts when I get a new obsession. And I just ordered some nasal snuff too, look out. LOL.


                • BardicDruid
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 72

                  I also started with an e-cig, it got me off cigs long enough for me to find snus. I like snus a lot better because of the lack of maintenance, e-cigs will keep you busy. My roommate looks at me funny when I pop a portion in but hasn't said anything because of the lack of "spit bottles". I was going to sell all my e-cig stuff but when I started gathering it up I notice some of it was missing, came to discover my roommate is playing with it. So I've told her about my General Mini Mints, she listened but hasn't tried one yet. I figure if I give her enough time I'll start missing cans of snus.


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    Originally posted by BadAxe
                    ... And I just ordered some nasal snuff too, look out. LOL.
                    Get ready for a looooooooonnnnng ride! Nice thing is, it lasts forever and is cheap. Problem is there are so many damn brands, cuts, and flavors to try.


                    • sheilalynn
                      • May 2009
                      • 1103

                      Another convert from e-cigs to snus/snuff the others, it's also what got me off of analog cigs but I was constantly sucking on that thing. I still use mine, mostly just to have the feeling of a stick in my mouth, but I'm using zero nic juice in it when I do use it....not that I really felt much nicotine from the high strength juice anyways.


                      • oarenj
                        New Member
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 12

                        I almost did the e-cig route, but truthfully I never plunked down the cash to do it so I skipped that step

                        I was a pack-a-day smoker for 15 years and stopped just over 2 months ago when I decided to not buy a pack of smokes and instead try the snus (camel, but it was a start) i have not bought anotehr pack since and have had 2 or 3 cigs since then, and thankfully i did not enjoy them a bit. I have no desire to smoke at all.

                        I am now a General fan and am converting my best friend - who is a solid 2-3 pack a day smoker (who doesn't waste a puff) - to snus, at present after a few weeks he smokes around 5-6 cigs a day and snus the rest of the time.


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          Originally posted by oarenj
                          (who doesn't waste a puff)
                          thats how i was....smoke it to the filter


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