Los at work

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Los at work

    I have read a lot of people say they only use los, if at all, while at home, and are reluctant to do so at work(if they do work) and out. I was thinking this myself for the longest time as well. I have been on the fence about los in general for a while, as for me, it always seemed to break apart, and was not comfortable. Well, I recently decided to try los again, and decided the other day, to make a hand formed pris, and just stick it dead center top deck. Well, that worked very well. It did not break up, like it always did on the side of my mouth, and was not uncomfortable, and even the flavor came about much more.

    So, today, I thought I'd try los at work. Now, bear in mind, I have a desk job, and basically work alone in my office, so I am not out and about mingling with others. Now, I do like the discreetness of snus, and I really don't think anyone would care, I myself just didn't want to call attention to it, or have a mud mouth, so I always just used portions at work.

    Anyway, since I have been placing the los dead center, I now feel totally fine and discreet using it at work. It is not noticable, has not broken up, and I don't think it would be any problem to use. Now, I still have a bunch of portion cans, so I'll alternate to use them, but I feel fine using los at work now. I also don't feel the need to rinse my mouth afterwards either, just using my finger and tounge to remove the pris and any remains when done.

    Anyone else use los at work, and what is your work environment like, if you do?
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    I do, but I work in an office, and quite frankly don't care if people see it. I work in construction, so I go to meetings where the bosses have spit cups.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      Funny you should mention that, Vegan. I do remodeling work (full-service interior primarily) so I don't think my opinion on how a person can and can't use tobacco at work has any bearing on 90% of people's reality. Most of the people I contract with are either not around while I am working, or just happy that I am not smoking cigs inside their house and drinking all of their beer. I explain if they ask, but I don't think that many people really notice.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        I have used los at work but occasionally it went wrong.

        I work in food service and walking into a kitchen with a mudslide is never good. Same for talking to guests. I can do it but prefer not to take chances.

        I prefer a mini at work and los everywhere else.



        • lawofficegirl
          Banned Users
          • Mar 2010
          • 293

          Originally posted by Monkey
          I prefer a mini at work .

          yeah, minis are good, i was in court the other morning and was so happy to have general original mini. i was in love!


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            No los for me when I'm working. I couldn't imagine doing an in-home presentation w/ a pris in. I don't even use portions in a home w/ a customer or potential customer. The second I pull out of their driveway, however, Grov is at the ready. Then I snus all the way to the next house, clear the field and go sell again. I have done a few prillas on long drives but I haven't mastered the clean out (which is one of the biggest reasons I didn't take to los the first time around...other being pris size) with all different snus. Some are easier than others. I've been kinda craving los more and more though.

            I did have a portion during a meeting at headquarters yesterday. It was nice.


            • gambino
              • Feb 2010
              • 182

              i work in forestry so i can los free and easy all day everyday.
              pant leg cleans off the hand...and like mentioned above, when i go to meetings in a office setting most of the people there are dipping.
              i got an award a few weeks ago and had to go on stage to get it...fat los in didn't even think about it nor was it mentioned


              • MojoQuestor
                • Sep 2009
                • 2344

                Originally posted by lawofficegirl
                Originally posted by Monkey
                I prefer a mini at work .

                yeah, minis are good, i was in court the other morning and was so happy to have general original mini. i was in love!
                I was in a "case management conference" in a judge's chambers a couple of days ago. I had an LD mini tucked away the whole time. Minis are great for gigs, too. I love Taboca strong minis, the LDs, and Generals, natch.


                • deebocools
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 661

                  Originally posted by gambino
                  i work in forestry so i can los free and easy all day everyday.
                  pant leg cleans off the hand...and like mentioned above, when i go to meetings in a office setting most of the people there are dipping.
                  i got an award a few weeks ago and had to go on stage to get it...fat los in didn't even think about it nor was it mentioned
                  The american dream...


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    I'm about to start using los at work. I work in fast food. I even got noticed for using portions before, so I'm sure I'll get noticed. They didn't care then so they won't care now. but because of customers, I will lower-lip, the only place it can slide to is down(in theory)


                    • asidrave
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 195

                      im an IT administrator in a warehouse. i come to work in jeans and a t-shirt. i dont deal with company clients. with that..... i can los at work all i want and nobody cares


                      • TWISTED VICTOR
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 38

                        Eh..I'm not so lucky. Work is a Nazi "tobacco free" facility so portions are a survival tool. Los on the home front only.....sometimes. I'm usually the only one around on weekends, so los isn't a problem. That's also when I used to roll a carton of smokes.


                        • asidrave
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 195

                          Originally posted by TWISTED VICTOR
                          Eh..I'm not so lucky. Work is a Nazi "tobacco free" facility so portions are a survival tool. Los on the home front only.....sometimes. I'm usually the only one around on weekends, so los isn't a problem. That's also when I used to roll a carton of smokes.
                          Hey TV

                          i never understood how companies can get away with "tobacco free" or "smoke free" facilities....that is descrimination against the tobacco user...oh well

                          gotta love the portions....i see they are a lifesaver for ya TV


                          • bsd777
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 261

                            Originally posted by asidrave
                            Hey TV

                            i never understood how companies can get away with "tobacco free" or "smoke free" facilities....that is descrimination against the tobacco user...oh well
                            The FL "Supreme" Court has ruled it ok to discriminate based on the logic that the employer has to pay higher medical costs. Using the same logic it would follow that employers should be allowed to monitor diet too, no? Anyway, these are the same incompetent a-holes who got spanked by the US Supreme court back when Gore and company thought they could get the answer they wanted if they counted enough times. I know Bush "stole" the election, spare me. Regardless of some individuals displeasure with the outcome, which, I'm sure, causes them to believe the courts were wrong, the Supreme Court's very simple admonition to the FL court was..."you need to show us the legal basis for your ruling" you can't just pull something out of your ass, there must be a legal basis. If they weren't incompetent idiots, they'd be embarrassed. Hopefully this helps explain the legal brilliance of their prior decisions.
                            F-ing Statists!


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              I don't use los at work even though I'm somewhat removed and have minimal face-to-face interaction with coworkers and clients for this reason: after 3 years of using and despite my love of los, clean removal just doesn't happen for me save for on the rarest occasions. I have straight teeth so I don't know what it is, but because of it I use los almost exclusively at home and even use a designated toothbrush half the time to tidy up upon removal. It just cakes on to my gum line in such a way that I can't get even close to all of it with a swipe of the finger/tongue/tissue and a good rinsing. Am I the only one or are there other fairly experienced losers out there who can't effortlessly swipe it clean and remove a pris without incident? I do love los, though, and at home or around friends what I have described is never much of an issue, but I do take care to not be seen in public with brown schmutz on my teeth or have to visit the restroom every time I need to ditch the snus.


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