Ok, guys. I'm going to try a general sticky that'll encompass the wisdom of SnusOn. Here you can nominate topics that'll get linked below which provide useful information for everybody. Instead of having walls of text, people can click on the topic that suits their needs. There'll be some chaff that needs to be sorted through with this method, but I think it'll give a broader view of what people think. Instead of somebody reading lxskllr's view of storing lös snus, they can read a few opinions, and make their own decision.
Nominate your topics in this thread, but don't get offended if your post gets deleted. I think it would be better to limit discussion here, and keep it all purpose based. I'll start off with the first tip.
Re-Moistening Dry Snus
EDIT: Due to the fact that this is an older thread, many of the links posted below are no longer operative. However, all of the posts, threads, and information they point to are still available on the site. I would simply search the topic of any of the links to find the information
Nominate your topics in this thread, but don't get offended if your post gets deleted. I think it would be better to limit discussion here, and keep it all purpose based. I'll start off with the first tip.
Re-Moistening Dry Snus
EDIT: Due to the fact that this is an older thread, many of the links posted below are no longer operative. However, all of the posts, threads, and information they point to are still available on the site. I would simply search the topic of any of the links to find the information