Reducing nicotine tolerance?

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  • willisnotlost
    New Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 1

    Reducing nicotine tolerance?

    I miss the light headed buzz smoking or snus used to give me! I only snus now, but even if I double barrel extra sterks, at best I'm just going to get a headache. How long would I have to quit for to get that feeling back for a few weeks? Any other methods anyone's tried?
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I have to abstain for a day to get that "buzz" back but then it's only for the first one or two and five minutes at that.

    I start the day with a sterk that I can definitely feel. After that it's reg portions or reg los only. Sometimes I hit another sterk after lunch but 8mg is enough for me. If I have my last snus of the day at 6:00 or so then I'll buzz w/ my sterk in the morning, but like I said it's only for a few minutes.

    Beware of sterks...they'll raise your tolerance something fierce.


    • midnight
      • Mar 2010
      • 175

      You could always try cutting back to mini portions, or any style snus with less nicotine per gram than what you typically use now. If you're a lösser just try making smaller prillas without adding to the number of portions you typically use each day. After doing this for a few days, pop in an ES and it should hit you nicely.


      • deebocools
        • Nov 2008
        • 661

        I could get a "buzz" for about 3 months after starting. It was pretty great, but sort of like I was on speed all the time. I quit all tobacco for 5 months. When I came back to it, my body/brain clearly liked it, but I can't get that same "buzz", I don't care much.

        I use skruf stark in the morning and it peels my eyes right open, makes me feel good. but no buzz. If nicotine is really helping you, then You'll continue to use nicotine for the more subtle effects. I just think chasing a buzz is a losing battle, not That it's not fun when you get one.

        Heavy drinking works better for a buzz


        • BadAxe
          • Jan 2010
          • 631

          lol, Don't use nicotine for a buzz, thats not good for you, makes your heart raise, your blood pressure skyrockets. Use snus for the nic addiction, use the ganja for a buzz. Much better for you.


          • Owens187
            • Sep 2009
            • 1547

            Originally posted by BadAxe
            lol, Don't use nicotine for a buzz, thats not good for you, makes your heart raise, your blood pressure skyrockets. Use snus for the nic addiction, use the ganja for a buzz. Much better for you.


            • redsfan1005
              • Nov 2009
              • 64

              I remember the nic buzz, last one I got was in like 1998. Now I just get sick if I get to much nic in my system. How I miss the old days....


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                It takes 72 hours for nicotine to completely become expelled from the body. If you have the desire, go 3-4 days without any nicotine. I would recommend using a strong snus after ending your abstinence. My question is: why go through 72 hours of torture just to get a short-lasted buzz?


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by snusjus
                  It takes 72 hours for nicotine to completely become expelled from the body. If you have the desire, go 3-4 days without any nicotine. I would recommend using a strong snus after ending your abstinence. My question is: why go through 72 hours of torture just to get a short-lasted buzz?
                  Word. I've just discovered for the first time in life, an abstinence from sex has the same effect and relevance. :?

