Turning Original Portion into White Portion

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  • Erik327
    • Dec 2007
    • 64

    Turning Original Portion into White Portion

    So, i've found that I'm partial to Grov and some of the Offroad Limited Portion flavors, but I don't like the excess moisture.... I've placed a massive order of white portion snus which should be arriving shortly, but in the meantime, i've taken to changing my orginal portion snus brands (listed above) to white portion.... I'm basically laying out a 2-3 paper towels, lining the portions up, then putting 2-3 more paper towels on top, and rolling over them with a rolling pin to extract the excess moisture. Seems to work pretty well. Just wanted to share that little tip, and see if this would work for anyone that could only find their prefered flavor in original (like the limited Offroad).


  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I like the original portions much better. Maybe you can mail me your extra juice :^P


    • Erik327
      • Dec 2007
      • 64

      I like the original portion flavors better (mostly the flavor options), but they just seem to run too much for me, and I wind up having to use a spitter after 15-20 minutes. Right now, i've got one of my Offroad Limited Coffee Vanilla portions in, that i've *bastardized*, if you will, and i'm still getting flavor, plenty of nicotine kick, and no running. It's working well for me!

      Seriously though, after doing my ritual to a couple of cans, i could wring out the paper towels and bottle all the juice...


      • perique
        • Sep 2007
        • 75

        Re: Turning Original Portion into White Portion

        I prefer original portions, the jucier the better. IMHO, it's where all the flavor awaits. If your little "trick" suits you, that is all that matters.

        Happy snussing !!


        Originally posted by Erik327
        So, i've found that I'm partial to Grov and some of the Offroad Limited Portion flavors, but I don't like the excess moisture.... I've placed a massive order of white portion snus which should be arriving shortly, but in the meantime, i've taken to changing my orginal portion snus brands (listed above) to white portion.... I'm basically laying out a 2-3 paper towels, lining the portions up, then putting 2-3 more paper towels on top, and rolling over them with a rolling pin to extract the excess moisture. Seems to work pretty well. Just wanted to share that little tip, and see if this would work for anyone that could only find their prefered flavor in original (like the limited Offroad).




        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Erik327, I'm guessing you are still a bit new to snus???

          I think the running issues becomes much less of a factor the longer you use. It seems for some folks, there is almost an involuntary secretion issue when you are first getting used to having snus in. Also, I think the longer you use, your body just doesn't notice the moisture after a while.

          Have been using for about 8 months now. I haven't felt ANY need to spit in over 7 months.


          • Erik327
            • Dec 2007
            • 64

            Yeah, only on for about 4 months or so. Didn't use American snuff or chew before, so I don't think it's a habit trait. I'm hoping like you saysagedil, after awhile, I'll get used to it, but in the meantime, I gotta do what I gotta do until the next shipment comes in!


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              LOL, I must say, I appreciate your creativeness. Honestly, if you have been using for 4 months, I'm not sure your reactions are gonna change that much. So I am glad you have found a way to enjoy the non-white portions in a way that doesn't bug you.

              Snus is a very personal thing. We all have our little kinks. But you do make me curious now, I will have to try your method soon. Just to see how it works for me.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                What if one of the snus companies or icetool were to somehow make empty white bags that had a fold that could be lifted and packed by the consumer. Say someone likes X brand, but feels they would prefer a white portion to original or loose. Said brand or flavor is not offered in a white portion but is available loose. You could use your icetool to load up said type of snus and pack your own portion. This would allow you to create your own size, taste, blend of different snus maybe?

                It would probably be a niche market thing for those who feel the way that Erik feels, or others wanting to create their own custom tastes. Who knows? but it could work. They couldnt be too hard to make, nor expensive to buy.



                • Kindrd
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 266

                  You could probably just sit them out and let them dry, you are removing quite a bit of the nic/tobacco when you towel them off.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by Xobeloot
                    What if one of the snus companies or icetool were to somehow make empty white bags that had a fold that could be lifted and packed by the consumer. Say someone likes X brand, but feels they would prefer a white portion to original or loose. Said brand or flavor is not offered in a white portion but is available loose. You could use your icetool to load up said type of snus and pack your own portion. This would allow you to create your own size, taste, blend of different snus maybe?

                    But white portions are more than just the white bag, the snus is manufactured differently.

                    There are custom snus kits available out there, for those who want to go that direction.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Rgr that blue leader. I didnt realize that there was a difference in the snus itself. Thought it was just a patter of the portions being wet pre or post bagging process.


                      • darkwing
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 415

                        I agree that white portions are an easier and more comfortable way to snus, and so that is what I use too, after 4 months of snusing. The whites stay put better, don't run juice nearly as much, and are more easily handled. I know some loose fans and others feel that the portions, especially whites, give less taste or a different taste, but so be it.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          White portions are what I use at work but I sometimes find they feel a bit more abrasive on my gums. As I'm waiting for an order I have been using Tourney snus (known as Grand-Prix in other parts of the U.S.). As they are a dry white portion I sometimes soak them or take a drink of water and moisten them right after placing them in my lip. Although I prefer regular portion I like the fact that as the white ones have a lower moisture content I can leave them in my desk at work and they won't lose there flavor fast.


                          • TropicalBob
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 316

                            When I first began, I tried a lot of snus. And when I'd open a can of regular snus, people in the vicinity would wave their hands as if I'd just opened a tin of dog poop. Some snus stink! I don't have that problem with dry. And white portions don't feel like I'm putting someone else's spit-soaked teabag in my mouth.

                            Plus, you can always soak a dry portion in a compatible alcoholic beverage of preference, for an initial taste hit. Beer, brandy, rum, creme de cacao. I really like the dessert quality of CatchDry Peppermint soaked in creme de cacao. Almost replaces the after-dinner cigarette ...


                            • aika
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 133

                              Wow, I will have to try that.. you may have found a way to make the dreaded Catch decent tasting!


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