Snus Can compartments, and other snus questions.

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  • pvtgoodapple
    New Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 4

    Snus Can compartments, and other snus questions.

    Hello everyone,
    My friend's girlfriend flew in yesterday, shes from Sweden and brought with her a roll of General portion ( I use American Copenhagen Long Cut and requested some Swedish type tobacco to try new things.) I Noticed that the top of the lid has a little compartment, I was just wondering what that is for, I assumed for short term placement of used portions.
    Also, I didn't find the General to be very strong compared to Copenhagen but I did notice it had a similar saltiness to it, which I like. I am unfamiliar with snus and was wondering if anyone knew any types that were similar in strength to Copenhagen but with the same taste, I've seen remarks about Skruf stark and Nick and Johnnys being around that type. Any information about both questions would be helpful.

    Mike- TX, USA
  • mwood72

    Re: Snus Can compartments, and other snus questions.

    Originally posted by pvtgoodapple
    I Noticed that the top of the lid has a little compartment, I was just wondering what that is for, I assumed for short term placement of used portions.
    That's right


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Skruf Stark or Nick and Johnny would be the choices, definitely. You may also like to try loose snus - I find I get a bigger kick from loose than I do from portions. Unfortunately, Nick and Johnny has been discontinued in loose form, but you can still get Skruf Stark.


      • pvtgoodapple
        New Member
        • Jan 2008
        • 4

        I just recieved a package from which contained the Goteborgs Rape loose, General loose, and General Onyx...along with a prismaster. I dug into the General loose first, indeed a big difference between the loose and portions, flavor wise and nicotine effects. I haven't tried the Goteborgs or Onyx yet but looking forward to it. I'm sad now that I didn't order more cans and some Skruf but soon enough I will.
        The Prismaster I ordered because the price of the Icetool scared me a bit, but with the Prismaster I found putting in some loose was very easy and a good amount. What are some of the differences with the Icetool? I may purchase one with my next order. Thanks.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Zero nailed it. I was a cope dipper before i found snus (just recently). I currently have a roll of skruf stark loose and a roll of N&J portions.

          The one thing you will find is that using snus is not going to be the sledgehammer of juice and flavor that cope gives. it's more of a time-release thing. I am finally getting to the point of placing my loose and leaving it alone to do its thing, but with portions I still find myself tightening my lip around it to get a bigger shot of juice.

          As far as the prismaster vs icetool; the both so the same thing. I use the icetool 3ml. Icetool is just a stylish piece of tobacco paraphernalia.


          • OzCatter
            • Dec 2007
            • 19

            My friends make fun of me for snusing in public with my Skruf Stark portions, so they use the lid for an ashtray to piss me off. It's actually kinda funny and easy to use.

            And I use a PrisMaster as well as I'm not one that has much money but it does it job and it does it well. I dont know if I'll ever bring myself to getting an Icetool but probably will eventually. BTW, Skruf Stark lös is by far a bunch better than the portions


            • phish
              • Jan 2007
              • 265

              Icetools are the roles royces of the snus tool world. Get one if you can.

