How many cans do you have open at one time?

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  • llewelynt
    • May 2007
    • 61

    2, one flavoured, the other 'plain'. Though I do have three open right now, as I'm going through the Gotlands and only use it as the first snus of the day (I don't like it but I hate wasting snus).


    • littledog
      • May 2006
      • 44

      19 right now. 8 are loose and the rest portions.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by littledog
        19 right now. 8 are loose and the rest portions.
        19 cans open, are you serious, littledog?

        I guess, these are these all brands, that you don't like and only keep as a backup, in the freezer!?

        I personally have 3 cans open most of the time, 2 portions (Skruf Stark and some other brand) and one loose (different brands).



        • littledog
          • May 2006
          • 44

          I guess i am just a snus ho. Can't wait to try out the next can.

          19 cans open, are you serious, littledog?

          I guess, these are these all brands, that you don't like and only keep as a backup, in the freezer!?

          I personally have 3 cans open most of the time, 2 portions (Skruf Stark and some other brand) and one loose (different brands).



          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            I think that when I finally get into the groove of things, I'm going to settle on three cans at a time.

            One for regular, everyday use at work
            One of the strong ones for occasional use
            One of the foofoo flavored ones for after dinner or relaxing

            I have already noticed that the cans I have open are starting to mellow out as far as flavor, but most are white portion, so it's not too bad.


            • Gurn Blandston
              • Jul 2007
              • 51

              10!!! 7 loose, 3 portions.

              Holy beans. I just like having alot of options. I tire of anything if I use it too much, even Ettan. Roda Lacket I really like. You can bake this stuff with both arms tied behind your back. When I use RL I use it all day, then ignore it for 2 or 3.

              I got a can of Onyx portions that I don't really care for, some Tranbar for occasions when I'm especially fruity.

              I do notice loose gets crumbly after being open awhile, but it's no biggy to me. The flavor gets a little subtler too. One could say weaker but I'm a glass is half full guy and choose to say subtler...



              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I have strayed from my 1 portion, 1 loose method as of lately. I currently have 2 portion and 3 loose.


                • razor
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 78

                  One can of loose, and one can of portions. I don't refrigerate open cans. The loose lasts about 9 days and the portions about 4 days. Since I use portions more than los, because of my work environment, they never drys out. I it is interesting to see how some los progress to dry out over time. Some times its a good thing. I like probe, but when it is fresh it tends to flatten out fast and get little slimmy. After about 6 days it stays together much better, but with a little loss of flavor. Now, Skruf Stark dies fast and need refrigeration. Gotlandssnus Gulsnus (Yellow) Loose seems to stay consistant the whole time. So i think there is some thing to be said about opening one can of los at a time and analyzing how it holds up start to finish unrefrigerated.

                  Also with constant use you may find a change of opinion by the time you get to the end. I liked Gotlandssnus Gulsnus (Yellow) Loose a lot at frist, but found it started reminding me of cow manure by the end of the can.


                  • STORM6490MT
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 138

                    I have about 6 cans of different snus in my fridge. I like to shift them around a bit. Still trying to find ones I like. Don't worry about them going bad. As long as you keep them cool, they last for months.


                    • exexpat93
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 76


                      I am sampling so I had up to 5 open - now down to 3.

                      When I start running low on a can I mix and combine.

                      Tobacco Flavor with Mint and other Tobacco flavors.
                      Citrus with Citrus.
                      Coffee with Coffee.

                      If a brand is too tart (hardcore tobacco taste or heavy citrus) when I first start I add a pinch of sugar substitute to the can until I get used to the flavor alone.


                      • Soliex
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 58

                        Im a newbie snuser, so I only have 1 portion can open. I am getting some new flavors and brands this week so I will more than likely open some others.

                        I keep it in the fridge and use an empty can for my daily allowance


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          LOL, I just read my reply from back in January, then I was really good and only kept two open. Now, my how things have changed, Right now, I have 14 cans open. I have so many in the refrigerator, I am always knocking one or two out as I get something else out. I really am trying to cut it down, but then will suddenly feel the need to open something new, so they never seem to really go away.


                          • GenuineSpirit
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 225

                            I am really trying to just finish some of what I have open which is 8 cans, but did have 13, before I open anymore new.


                            • toekuttr
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 197

                              I'm pretty new to the Snus thing, but by practicing a little self control (after 3 orders from Buysnus in 3 weeks), I've managed to open only 12 or so tins. When I get more accustomed to this "hobby" I look forward to cutting that number down a little.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                Yeah sure. Or, as you get more "accustomed", you will open up even more. At least that was the way it worked for me.


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