Having only one or two cans open at a time to me is boring.... I like variety and varying strengths of nicotine throught the day....
So I currently have 15 cans open... 10 portion and 5 Los.... I have been known to have at least 20 open....
But I keep all my opens in 2 vacuum sealed containers in the fridge that prevent any drying.... They are easy to open with a flick of a finger and vacuum seal with a couple quick pushes on the lid....
Jack's Mint
Jack's Wintergreen
Oden's ES Licorice
Thunder Frosted
Thunder Cola
Claq Qui (almost out, 1 can left)
Ettan los
Roda Lacket los
Bla los (last can)
Jack's Mint
Jack's Wintergreen
Oden's ES Licorice
Thunder Frosted
Thunder Cola
Claq Qui (almost out, 1 can left)
Ettan los
Roda Lacket los
Bla los (last can)
All my favorite snuses are open usually. I like to change the flavors if so I can't get bored that way.
I have couple snuses I'd like to use regularly but usually I don't have tem.
I have a good 20 cans open in my snus fridge, plus a few more in the freezer that I got sick of. Never have too many open cans as long as you rotate and freeze what you don't use.
This may be a dunderhead move (can provide lots of examples in my life, just ask the wife) but how many open cans do you have right now?
Combined I have purchased 15 varieties of portion snus. Of those 15 only two cans are empty and one is still sealed leaving 12 open cans in various stages of consumption. They are all stored in their own sandwich size Ziploc freezer bag then all in a big box in the freezer itself and I take a handful of portions out at a time but am curious if this is typical noob behavior or a more common trait?
2-3 atm.. 2 lös and 1 portion.. switching to just ES portions next week when is my next trip to Sweden, for the price and long lasting flavor so then just 1 :P
I did the same thing. At one point I had about 15 cans open. A can of Odens Kanel Los was open for at least 10 weeks. After a while you will cut it down to about 3 or 4 cans some guys only keep one loose and one portion open at a time. I got to the point where I had one Extra Stark one Stark one regular and one loose open. However I found that boring as Hell and realized I was not enjoying snus as much so now I'm back to about 8 open right now.
Right now it's
Thunder Frosted
Grov Black
General Mint
Jakobssons Classic
Phantom Blue Los
Ettan Los
Hello everyone..... I placed and received my 1st order of snus last friday 7/23/10 from Northerner here is what I have and the ones i tried so far. 10...
I am wondering if anyone has a system in place for when a new order comes and they get some stuff they haven't tried before. I made the same mistake a...