Tips to quitting smoking using Swedish Snus

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  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    Tips to quitting smoking using Swedish Snus

    Disclaimer: I myself have only been smoke free for going on 7 weeks at this point. The following is what worked for me but I expect that other members will chime in and give their advise and I expect that you will also have modifications to your own regimen. You can quit smoking with snus. You will quit smoking with snus if you give her a try. This is not a guide on snus use in general.
    UPDATE: The tips I have provided below have worked for me for almost 9 months now. See... It can be done!

    Tip 1: Use sterks/starks
    A. Sterks/Starks can help control the hard cravings.
    1. If you are like me (semi-heavy smoker) you may choose this range of strength as your "normal" strength snus, thus using Extra Strong snus as your craving control snus.

    Tip 2: Use as many as you need.
    A. Use your own judgment on how many and how often you use.
    1. Snus is A LOT safer than cigarettes and you would be hard pressed to use as many portions in a day as you did cigarettes.
    2. Its not chain smoking!

    Tip 3: Gum Soreness
    A. Gum soreness is normal for a new snus user, don't let it scare you.
    1.When you brush your teeth, message your gums a little more than normal and rinse with warm water. (Mouth wash is fine but may burn more at first.)
    2. Switch sides every so often, this will help with saving off irritation.

    Tip 4: The mental craving offensive
    A. Stay focused on snusing.
    1. Come to the forums and talk about snus!
    2. Go and pick out your next order and contemplate which brands you want to try or use this go round.
    3. Take out the snus you have in and put in a fresh one. ie. Sterk/ES

    Tip 5: Use stronger snus in the evening and in the morning

    A. Using stronger snus before bed can help you sleep a little better after giving up cigarettes.
    1. Higher nicotine snus can have a calming/sleepy effect to it but this is not the case for some users, you may have to test this to see what right for you.
    B. Stronger snus can help you wake up like a cigarette did albeit a little slower.
    1. Who doesn't like snus and coffee? Am I right? lol

    I hope that these tips (and tips left by others) can help you with your transition from cigarettes to snus.
    Welcome to the fold! Ex-Smokers Unite Group on SnusOn!

    This was re-posted by the advise of SnusDog.... Thanks!
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Great tips Tim!!!Thanks for posting them.

    One thing that I found that helps with the gums is to use Baking Soda toothpaste (non gel, just the original mint). It seems to really help with gum irritation.

    Also I can't stress switching sides enough. I rarely snus the on the same side back to back.

    Anyway great tips.
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • danielan
      • Apr 2010
      • 1514

      Hi Tim, great list of tips!

      On #1, my experience was that even after 20+ years at up to 2 packs a day, Starks were too much. I started with mini's and worked up to regular and stopped there = no vomiting

      Instead, I used #2 and basically kept one in my lip all day (changing hourly or so) for a couple weeks.

      On #3 - holy hell! That mouthwash burns! Try to not snus for a bit and rinse a couple times with water before you hit it with the Listerine - it might help - it seems to for me.

      On #4, I got up and did something physical when I got big mental cravings. I had become excessively sedentary with all of the smoking, so this was nice. I don't mean that I went mountain climbing or ran a marathon, but I would go pull some weeds, wash down the driveway, bug the wife, etc. I also, as you mentioned swapped to a new snus.

      #6 - Get used to your new life! Go do things that you avoided because you couldn't smoke. Go to concerts, fly to Sweden , try out a gym, etc.


      • PipenSnus
        • Apr 2010
        • 1038

        Originally posted by danielan View Post
        On #3 - holy hell! That mouthwash burns! Try to not snus for a bit and rinse a couple times with water before you hit it with the Listerine - it might help - it seems to for me.
        If Listerine irritates your gums, go to your local drug store and get some Biotene mouthwash (or the generic equivalent). It's formulated to be gentle. A lot of pipe smokers use it because it soothes tongue bite.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          As a 38 year smoker. 2-3 packs a day when I quit.....

          I didn't need sterks, regular will do but the most important thing for me was to always keep a portion in my mouth. When one came out another went in so I always had a steady stream of nicotine and never went into nicotine withdrawal.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752


            We need more x~somkers to share a tip or two that has really helped the quiting process
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • AllanH
              • Mar 2010
              • 213

              I'd go for a pack of Pall Mall plains, US-made. That's the only cigarette I'd smoke again. Or Sweet Afton.


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                OK I think we may be drifting here

                This isn't the "Tips on how to fall off the wagon" thread.

                We are supposed to be offering help to those who DON"T WANT to pick up a pack of Camels or Pall Malls or what have you

                Focus guys
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074

                  Yeah Snusdog!

                  AllanH is making me want a Pall Mall...........just kidding


                  • midnight
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 175

                    Although I'd applaud anybody who was able to transition over from cigs to snus completely within a day, don't give up the smokes if you find you still really 'need' them. Snus will always win out over the cigs, and if you can't deal with going straight to snus, try to just smoke a few cigs a day until you think you're ready to give em up completely. Snus will provide nicotine, but the psychological addiction to cigs can be strong enough to keep you craving one. Don't give up on snus just because it's difficult to stop smoking at first. As others said, keep a portion in all the time at first and only smoke if you really want to / need to. Good luck!


                    • GENERAL BILLY
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 528

                      I found having something to keep your hands busy helped. Also, drink a lot of water. Basically all the seemingly stupid tips you would read in a stop smoking pamphlet work when you are getting another source of nicotine from snus.


                      • LaZeR
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 3994

                        Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY View Post
                        I found having something to keep your hands busy helped.


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                          He means pick up a stress ball or something.


                          • pcguy
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 139

                            my experience quitting with snus was fairly easy.

                            Once my nicotine needs were completely satiated with snus, the only thing I had to work on was the physical triggers.

                            For months after quitting I would find myself walking outside for no apparent reason, only to remember that was a "smoke break" LOL, now after 2 years it doesn't happen anymore, as the physical triggers are now gone for the most part. Now I couldn't imagine going back to smoking.


                            • GENERAL BILLY
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 528

                              Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY View Post
                              I found having something to keep your hands busy helped. Also, drink a lot of water. Basically all the seemingly stupid tips you would read in a stop smoking pamphlet work when you are getting another source of nicotine from snus.
                              Originally posted by LaZeR View Post

                              I thought about putting (insert joke here LaZer) after the first line but I decided to let it play out naturally.


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