Tips to quitting smoking using Swedish Snus

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
    He means pick up a stress ball or something.
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • myuserid
      • Jun 2010
      • 1645

      Great tips.

      I'm a new snus'er, and I've already tapered way off on my cig intake.

      I've gone from a pack and a half to two packs a day to about 5 or 6 total in a day so far.

      I'll eventually cut those out and solely snus.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by myuserid View Post
        Great tips.

        I'm a new snus'er, and I've already tapered way off on my cig intake.

        I've gone from a pack and a half to two packs a day to about 5 or 6 total in a day so far.

        I'll eventually cut those out and solely snus.

        It's the Green Lantern..........I remember the emblem from when I was a kid.............welcome to the forum mate and congrats on the success so far. Keep us posted
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Langdell
          • Jun 2010
          • 255

          I may not be qualified to give tips because (1) I'm not an ex-smoker and not trying to completely quit smoking, but have used snus to cut down my smoking a great deal, and (2) I never have been a habitual cigarette smoker--I smoke a pipe. But here's my tip for what it's worth--while snusing, just hold and suck on an UNLIT cigarette (or your smoking implement of choice). This gives you the hand and mouth action you are used to, while you are getting your flavor and nicotine from the snus. I usually snus while holding and chewing on an unlit pipe.


          • burtclifton
            New Member
            • Jun 2010
            • 8

            My quitting process was a gradual 'tapering off'. It took a little willpower, but at the start (when my first Snus order came in) I had to make a conscious decision to have a portion of Snus between every cigarette, instead of just chain-smoking (and I was a chronic chain-smoker!). It usually takes a couple of days to get a feel for having the portion in there and to get used to the salt in your gums, but stick with it!

            I found that the hardest cigarette to give up was that first one in the morning. For about a month, I'd cut down to 2 cigarettes a day in the morning and Snusing from after breakfast onwards. It took a bit to enjoy that first Snus in the morning (I'd recommend Oden's Extra Sterk!), but I got there =)

            I guess the important thing is to take your time and try not to bite off more than you can chew. If you should happen to slip off the wagon and have a cigarette in a time of stress, don't beat yourself up about it!

            One thing I found really helpful was reading or hearing the stories of other people who made the jump from cigarettes to Snus. There's plenty out there!


            • stubby2
              • Jun 2009
              • 436

              A little different for me as after 40 years of smoking I was not getting much joy out of it. Health wise it was catching up with me but I needed it to function. I gladly and quickly switched from smoking to snus. The thing I found that made it easier was the much belittled Oomph snus. It's not unusual for me to wake up at night and I always needed a smoke to get back to sleep. That was the hardest part for me. When I started using the little Oomph 3 mg snus I would just pop one in if I woke up and I was off to dream land. After over 13 months without a cigarette I still us it. I would guess a heavy snus user would do well with the 6 mg Oomph but being on the moderate side of snusing with only 5 to 6 grams of standard snus a day the lesser works fine for me. That's nearly the only time I use the stuff but I would feel very insecure without a tin (plastic actually) on my night stand.


              • Nikolaos
                • Mar 2013
                • 30

                Very helpful tips! thank you very much. Im in the seventh day without smoking, i hope so to save at least my lungs... :tranquillity:


                • trebli
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 797

                  Originally posted by Nikolaos View Post
                  Very helpful tips! thank you very much. Im in the seventh day without smoking, i hope so to save at least my lungs... :tranquillity:
                  Congratulations on your success and welcome to SnusOn!


                  • Nikolaos
                    • Mar 2013
                    • 30

                    Originally posted by trebli View Post
                    Congratulations on your success and welcome to SnusOn!

                    Thank you trebil nice to be here!


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      I found it helpful to have a nice wide selection to dip into at the start . It,s a bit like Christmas unwrapping your parcel and having lots of variety, it makes it quite fun. Another thing which may sound absurdly obvious is if you don't like a sinus or if it makes you feel bad stop using it! Being a bit of cheapskate I would make myself get through a tin before opening another even if it really wasn't very pleasant . This is stupid , you should enjoy the process as much as possible and not make stopping the fags anymore of a challenge than it already is.... again this seems obvious but something that took me a while to figure out


                      • alopezg1
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 722

                        Sinus not sinus. You don't want to spit out your sinuses .... damn predictive text


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          It did it again! Snus not sinus


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            I hate these damn tablet devices


                            • lillilz
                              New Member
                              • May 2015
                              • 5

                              Last year it was easy, but it took a couple of times, and I weaned down, and used some starks... but I'm more determined this time to never have to go back to smoking. Even if australian customs are pretty determined I smoke... So I'm reading the alan carr's pdf book, the easy way to stop smoking. He makes you feel like a "mug" (lols) for smoking. (Even though I disagree with some of his reasoning, as tobacco can be medicinal). I don't even want one and it's been 3 days. 1st day snus & ~ 3 smokes. 2nd day, snus & no smokes. Today, same so far. I have been sick though, I think that's a good time to start. You feel so much better, not taxing your body while you're ill. I'm only using minis and it's all good.


                              • piks101
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 691

                                Originally posted by stubby2 View Post
                                A little different for me as after 40 years of smoking I was not getting much joy out of it. Health wise it was catching up with me but I needed it to function. I gladly and quickly switched from smoking to snus. The thing I found that made it easier was the much belittled Oomph snus. It's not unusual for me to wake up at night and I always needed a smoke to get back to sleep. That was the hardest part for me. When I started using the little Oomph 3 mg snus I would just pop one in if I woke up and I was off to dream land. After over 13 months without a cigarette I still us it. I would guess a heavy snus user would do well with the 6 mg Oomph but being on the moderate side of snusing with only 5 to 6 grams of standard snus a day the lesser works fine for me. That's nearly the only time I use the stuff but I would feel very insecure without a tin (plastic actually) on my night stand.
                                I think the Northerners are a great route for smokers, no drip, small and inconspicuous and they hit hard for the size and strength. I am not a fan of the Oompf flavor, tasted off to me kinda mediciney. Have you tried the Northerner Wintergreen? Not a Wintergreen fan typically but I find this one is nice and it seems this flavor goes out of stock more than the other flavors, so I think it tends to sell the most of all the Northerner flavors.


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