RE-HYDRATE stale snus

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    RE-HYDRATE stale snus

    I think I've found the perfect thing to liven up my dry snus.

    Simply Saline from Blairex labs, Inc.

    I always have a can or two around the house. You nasal snuff users should too. It's way easier than a neti pot. I don't trust my tap water either.

    Anyway, it's sterile, bag inside a can, compressed air propelled. No preservatives or drugs.Just purified water and 0.9% sodium chloride.

    It sprays such a super fine mist. It's so easy to control how much moisture I was putting back on my snus. With any other method I've tried I either over did it, under did it, or got half soggy and half still dry. Plus this adds the tiniest bit of salt to revive the flavor that always fades from not so fresh snus.

    I know PP tried a humydrol and I've seen the holes drilled in the catch lid trick. Again, I don't trust my tap water, and I'm a bit too lazy to dick around with stuff like that.

    Anyone else have any suggestions for reviving tired snus?
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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    It's all about the spray.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      Good idea; I never thought of that before. Sometimes I will spray water into a can, but the results are never pleasing.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603



        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Put it in a cool stainless steel can and sell is as magic snus saver for like $20 a can...


          • 7rx07lacos
            Banned Users
            • Jun 2010
            • 41

            Good idea with the saline. I have used bottled water. Using distilled water in a mini spray bottle would work great. I think that is what that chew renew is.


            • myuserid
              • Jun 2010
              • 1645

              This is a good idea.

              I've used distilled water in a spray bottle, and that seems to work okay.

              I tried the "humidor in a can" trick and it seemed to work too.

              I may have to try the saline sometime.


              • Curtisp
                • Jun 2010
                • 189

                Can you re-freeze an open can of snus?..just wondering cuz i seem to like those portions a little frosty in the a.m.


                • dxh
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 340

                  I have not tried snus, but for other tobacco/herbal items I used a small piece of apple. Cut of a little chunk and throw in. Moisture from the fruit will help rehydrate the snus. Also get a nice flavor.


                  • zeb
                    • May 2010
                    • 53

                    Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
                    Can you re-freeze an open can of snus?..just wondering cuz i seem to like those portions a little frosty in the a.m.
                    You can refreeze an open can if you need to.I have put several cans back in the deep freeze.If it's going to stay in the freezer for awhile I'll tape it to reseal it.As far as just wanting a frosty one in the morning just keep an open can in the freezer just for in the morning.


                    • skyline142
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 193

                      I ended up buying 10 rolls of Claq Qui on Buysnus when they were selling it, buy one get one. And put them in a large ziplock bag, rolled it up so there was minimum air, and I noticed if I just take one out, and stick it in the refridgerator, they end up drying out. A lot of the portions are half dry, eh. But if I take that whole roll out, and let it defrost right without taking it out of the bag, they come out flawless. Does rehydrating them affect the taste? Or are they already trash can material? I hate throwing them away, but, idk. Same with a lot of the General OP 'near date' ones I have. All expired June 15th. But, hey. I need some tips.


                      • stevematthews79
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 74

                        I found a pretty good way using steam from the kettle, but it goes without saying to take care. I put my dried out snuff or snus in a medium sized airtight food storage container (Still in its original box not loose in the food container), then seal the lid. I pop open one corner of the box and stick it over the kettle spout as it is coming to the boil. Then simply slide the box off after a few moments and close it and just leave for a while as the extremely humid air re-hydrates your snus/ snuff. Leave for an hour or so and re-check. If still too dry repeat. I also leave a wet, clean sponge in the box with it to keep humidity up. Like I say, be careful use oven gloves if necessary or fashion a safer way of getting steam into the box.


                        • Tricer
                          Banned Users
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 9

                          I have a small spray bottle I use with tap water but I never thought about saline. I'm a nurse so I have ready access to it. Think I'll take my sprayer to work and fill it up. I also have a never ending supply of Ghetto Ice Tools! LOL


                          • SnusoMatic
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 507

                            for portion snus i use bottled water just to make sure i don't add a bad taste to the snus. i put a whole can of snus in a zip lock bag and add about a cap of water. these are small caps and if you get too much water it is not good. so if i was starting out i would use a half a cap and see how it goes before adding more.

                            i add the water and try to dribble it around good. shake around the portions to try and spread the water. Then i push all the portions to one corner of the bag together. i will then have what looks like a hunk of snus mashed in the corner. twist the bag so they are in real tight. Put the bag in the refrigerator for two days or longer and let it simmer.

                            The idea of mashing them in the corner is just so you have one hunk of snus and not individual portions. This way the water and other goodies can move and mix together when it simmers in the refrigerator.

                            Each brand is different but i can make a dried out can be almost as good as new. If you leave a can open to the air and it drys out that way you may not get good results. Normal use causing it to dry or maybe just some that got old works best. One may think it silly but the two days in the refrigerator is half the trick to bringing it back to life. I do loose snus the same way pretty much and it turns out better than portions. i doubt this works with white portions but i never tried it on them.

                            At first i wanted to add too much water and that is not good. Don't ask me why but too much water kills the whole thing.

                            Good, bad or ugly that is how i revive dried snus ;-)


                            • CoderGuy
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2679

                              I usually stick with white portions and until I started using the Jakobbson stuff and Grovsnus Black I hadn't used regular portion. I was popping a portion today and realized that it was as dry as a white portion and thought, "hmm, I think this is supposed to be moist" so I dumped the contents onto a paper towel and proceeded to wet them with a spray bottle filled with purified water. What a difference, even using immediately. I can actually taste much more flavor now. Nice.

                              Unfortunately I do not know how moist a real fresh portion should be. If anything mine are still not moist enough but much better than dry as a bone. Anyone have a frame of reference I can use to gauge the moistness (or what the moistness should be)?

                              Edit: I a also getting a much better nic hit as well so I guess dried out portions do NOT become white portions LOL


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