i just cannot keep a pris together.

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  • ChemicalsLie
    • Feb 2008
    • 22

    i just cannot keep a pris together.

    So i'm from the american dip school, and i'm just not trying snus for the first time (except for some camel portions here and there), so i thought i'd go with skruf loose. i'm not having issues with feeling sick or the nicotine rush, which is pretty damned wild, but i can't keep the pris together.

    i'm packing little ones and getting up there nice and high, but they always work their way down in ten or so and i end up aborting snus cuz i'm getting mud mouth. any tips for keeping that sucker in place?

    sorry if this is a common post, i have looked around, but no one seems to have given a definitive answer.
  • Harry
    • Dec 2007
    • 213

    There should be a sticky to Zero's youtube.

    The thing I found to be most helpful was to place the amount you want in your palm first. Scrunch your hand together to begin compression. When you feel like it can take it, use your fingers to form it further into the shape/size you want.

    Dont mess with it too much with your fingers. It's not going to be a little hard pellet of snus. It will just be "loose" snus that has been shaped.

    Once it's in your mouth, the more you mess with it the wetter it will get, (insert the stupid ass, duh here) If you want more flavor, mess with it. Gradual releasing flavor, let it sit.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Stickied the baking video and I think I'll sticky this one too. Let's have a load of tips in this thread about how everyone managed to get over the snus mud/snus avalanche stage and finally get their prillas staying put.

      My general tips are to :

      1 - Keep the portion closer to the centre of your top lip rather than too far to the sides - it's like a downhill slope the further back you go.

      2 - Don't fuss with the pris - just set it and forget it. Poking and mashing it with your tongue will only make things worse. A bit at first seems fine, just to shape and position the pris where you want it, but then try to touch it as little as possible.

      3 - Relax. It seems a first-instinct to tighten and squeeze with the top lip onto the pris. The more you do this, the more you mash the pris into mud. Just chill and let it sit there.


      • PrisMaster
        • May 2007
        • 208

        For me it was really getting the baking down. Once I started using the pris master it came down to making sure you got it as compact as possible by placing your thumb on the end and pushing the tab up and against your thumb to compress the snus in the tool. I would do it quite a few times just to make sure that thing was compact. After a while though I did not need it as compact because I got more used to it and just could do without. It takes practice thats for sure, but soon enough you will get the hang of it. Make sure to keep the pris in the upper middle of your lip. The farther back the more it will get messy.

        IMO though it really comes down to the baking so maybe try buying a pris master with your next order or something to start like i did. They are only like 2 bucks. I do not use it hardly at all anymore and I like to hand bake mine now, but the pris master got me started very well. I remember I could only get it to stay up there for like 30 minutes the first few times when I started and now I keep it up there from 2-5 hours without any problems.

        Good luck


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Should you decide to get an Icetool, one thing to maybe keep in mind is pris length. Too long a pris will likely become messy a lot faster than a shorter pris that stays at the front of your mouth and doesn't go around the curve of the gums toward the back of the mouth. If I want no mess at all, two to two and a half notches on the Icetool is a very safe bet.

          However, sometimes you just feel like a bigger pris. It can be done, you just have to be more careful.


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            When I switched from dip to snus, I just could not stop poking my pris with my tongue (this is bad m'kay!). I now use loose about 100% of the time. Some are going to run/migrate/fall more than others. It seems the finer ground stuff just does it by default. Other than leaving it in place and relaxing my lip; I have also found that I can release some flavor by opening my mouth and relaxing my lip/jaw and giving it a light tongue poke. If it starts to fall a bit after the poke, I will use my tongue and sweep lightly from front to back along the bottom to drag away the mess (which i tend to just swallow if it isnt a huge amount). After that, a quick sip of whatever my choice beverage at the time and a light swish between the teeth will wash away and remaining mud.


            • STORM6490MT
              • Mar 2008
              • 138

              Re: i just cannot keep a pris together.

              Hey Bro!
              I had the same problem at first. I was not baking the pris properly. I purchased some Roda Lacket. That stuff not only tastes great but sticks together real well and does not seep to the left or right of your gums.

              The funny thing about baking a pris is that you don't want to over do it! Too tight and it will get dry and crack apart in your lip. Too loose and you know....

              I finish up the shape of the pris just after the moisture starts to come off into my hand and make sure I don't pack it too hard. You want the shape of a pencil eraser and can go up in size if you want. My pris looks like a tootsie roll now!

              Pull up on your lip and place the pris as close to the center of your upper lip without going over that little flap of skin. Pull the lip over the snus and you just packed it in properly.

              Don't suck on the snus to get it started. I do this all the time and it breaks it down. Just let that sucker sit up there. If it does, you can push it back with your finger. Your tongue will make it worse.

              Good luck!


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                When I switched from dip to snus, I just could not stop poking my pris with my tongue (this is bad m'kay!).
                It might be bad and not traditional but I do it all the time. This is partly to get more taste and partly to keep the prillas in place. It's just the way I feel comfortable with my snus. Of course, this means that I swallow about half of every prilla, but that's no problem at all.

                I guess everyone just has to find an own best way. Leaving the prises alone didn't work for me. After an hour they turned to mud anyway. Now I keep loose even longer than portions. 3 hours and more are not unusual.



                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  When I first started using loose, I was never able to touch the pris with my tongue without causing a catastrophe. But now that I've gotten used to using loose almost constantly, I find myself touching the pris with my tongue all the time without incident. It might be because I use mostly coarse snus (i.e. Grov, Gotlands) but I've also done it with finer brands like Ettan and haven't had any problems. I guess it all just comes down to comfort level and experience.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Yeah, same here - maybe not all the time, but just a light nudge here and there to keep it in place. It's a fine line between extending the pris lifetime by keeping it in the right spot and accelerating the mudslide by overprovoking it. I think the general tenet of "just leave it alone" is the best advice for beginners, then to slowly approach the whole messing-around-with-the-pris thing from the side of treading very carefully.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      A new little "trick" I have found over the past bit of time is the "inflate-and-poke". If I start to get some slide, I close my mouth and puff out my cheeks/lips. The pris tends to stick to the outer lip area and not the gums when I do this. While puffed out, I am able to use my tongue and actually roll the entire pris so that the side that was sliding is now on the top. It sounds crazy, but with practice, it works!


                      • gentlemanly
                        Banned Users
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 247

                        I also am new and cannot seem to keep it from falling. I only use montecristo los (its the only los that I have or have tried) and my question is this. I have gotten pretty good at baking, but I go straight from the freezer....would it be easier if I let it warm up a little before I bake it? My max is only about 45 min. before it is all in my teeth.


                        • eli
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 243

                          You're losing moisture in the snus with every freeze and unfreeze, also you should let it warm up a bit before attempting to bake it as a lot of the moisture will be locked away in ice cystals.

                          I have been handbaking more lately but still use my prismaster at work at it crates a much tighter pris than i am able to hand bake.


                          • jamesstew
                            • May 2008
                            • 1440

                            I use the prismaster to measure the pris and then gently roll it by hand to make more of a cylinder shape.


                            • Latina
                              • May 2008
                              • 65

                              I'm a mess with lös! I love it, that's why I keep trying. I prefer the feeling over portion snus, with the exception that I miss being able to mess with it to have more flavor.
                              I found out that if I do absolutely nothing it stays well. But as I drink mate all day long, seems like the mouth movement to sip from the bombilla (metal straw) squash the pris. I always end up with a muddy mess!
                              I'm baking instead of using the prismaster 'cause like that I can do a smaller pris. Anyway, I'll keep practicing :cry:


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