i just cannot keep a pris together.

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  • muddyfunkstar
    • Aug 2010
    • 967

    Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
    Hillbilly or bust. Handbaking and tools are crap once you learn how to grab a pinch and just throw it up there and form the snus with your tongue.
    I look forward to the day I'm able to post the same sentiments!


    • BradenL
      • Dec 2010
      • 187

      If I don't use my prismaster I just put it on my tongue and let my tongue get it into place and packed.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        It's not about baking the prilla

        you have to avoid a few things.....

        talkingg too much, moving your toungue and reaching the prilla to often...

        at the beggining............ everything gets easier in time...


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          You just gotta build up a los "pocket" in your mouth. After time, you'll have no issues.


          • jagmanss
            • Jul 2010
            • 12213

            You also need to not squeeze your lips while a pris is in, If your used to portions the temptation to squeeze your lips to get the juice and flavor will not help.... Loose works different than portions.... Just relax your lips and just let it set up for about 5 min. Practice and gravity makes the pris stay Don't worry about that... The important factor is to keep your lips relaxed ..... After that if you want a Nice release of flavor keep your lips and mouth closed and blow some air into your mouth this will cause the pris to release from your gum and when the pris rest back on the gum whamo flavor release... This is all done in one quick maneuver, Just don't keep the air in your mouth too long...


            • Connavar
              • Jan 2011
              • 237

              OR!! you can just toss the entire can in a blender with beer and steak for a man smoothie!


              • WickedKitchen
                • Nov 2009
                • 2528

                I did the steak in a blender thing when I was a teenager with braces. The absolute nastiest stuff I ever did...but with tobacco added it might not be so bad.


                • Connavar
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 237

                  yeah.. but after saying it i realized the other things the phrase "man smoothie" could stand for... i take it back lol


                  • muddyfunkstar
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 967

                    Ok, good tip about squeezing with the lips. I do that a lot with portions.

                    I'm going try again when I get home tonight - when the wife is in bed and won't think I'm grosser than she already thinks I am. It wad hard enough to win her round to portion snus, let alone when I'm drooling mud like a retarded hippo.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
                      Ok, good tip about squeezing with the lips. I do that a lot with portions.

                      I'm going try again when I get home tonight - when the wife is in bed and won't think I'm grosser than she already thinks I am. It wad hard enough to win her round to portion snus, let alone when I'm drooling mud like a retarded hippo.
                      Yeah I hear ya on that, I got one of those too... And she keeps making her comments and I keep making mine... I just tell her if you want gross I could go smoke instead and ya can smell that and kiss me.... That shuts her up everytime... It's kinda funny too because she has no idea if I have a portion in or los or nothing when I kiss her anyway...


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        It just takes a little practice. Everything everyone has said not to do, you can do, it just takes the right touch. You only get that through experience. When handbaking, I do it half-assed; something between a pinch, and a bake. I throw it in my mouth like a portion, and tuck it up with my tongue. I'm then constantly poking/prodding it, and squeezing it with my lip without issue. The only time I make a mess, is during heavy exertion. I clench my lip tight, and that destroys the pris, and it gets all over my mouth.

                        The point I'm trying to make, is it'll feel awkward, and precarious at first, but will start to feel more natural with time. Technique can't really be taught. That's something you have to figure out yourself, and you learn what it takes to bring it all together.


                        • muddyfunkstar
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 967

                          Well, I cheated and fashioned a ghetto icetool out of 5ml plastic syringe. 5ml is a bit too wide, so I finished by hand to oval it out a bit and I've got a pris in now with no real problems bar a couple of bits of snus in between two teeth. I'm finding it quite easy to leave it alone compared to a portion because it's much more comfortable under my lip.

                          Not getting much in the way of flavour, maybe because I'm so used to squeezing the hell out my portions, maybe because it's Roda Lacket and I'm not used to it, or maybe because it's packed so tight.

                          Ettan's in the post, can't wait to try that!

                          Thanks for tips Jagmanss, the blowing air manoeuvre works a treat


                          • Connavar
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 237

                            the more you use it the easier it will be to start picking up the flavor of RL los plus it does take a bit for it to come on depending on the firmness of the prilla. once it does though it is very pleasent and unique, not an all the time one for me but i use it at least 3 or 4 times a week.


                            • LincolnSnuff
                              • May 2010
                              • 676

                              The beauty of los and an Icetool is that the snus will last much longer. It usually takes 20 minutes for me to start getting flavor out of it, unless I push some saliva up there. I can routinely keep a prilla in for upwards of 90 minutes with very little disintegration and constant nic flow. Regular portions start to drip within 5 minutes, so it is definitely a different experience.


                              • jagmanss
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 12213

                                Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
                                Well, I cheated and fashioned a ghetto icetool out of 5ml plastic syringe. 5ml is a bit too wide, so I finished by hand to oval it out a bit and I've got a pris in now with no real problems bar a couple of bits of snus in between two teeth. I'm finding it quite easy to leave it alone compared to a portion because it's much more comfortable under my lip.

                                Not getting much in the way of flavour, maybe because I'm so used to squeezing the hell out my portions, maybe because it's Roda Lacket and I'm not used to it, or maybe because it's packed so tight.

                                Ettan's in the post, can't wait to try that!

                                Thanks for tips Jagmanss, the blowing air manoeuvre works a treat
                                You can also use that maneuver to get rid of the pris... Just keep your lips and mouth closed blow air in your mouth and hold the air and at the same time shake your head fast like your saying no and the pris will plop out whole on your tounge to spit out.... Cleaner than the finger swipe....


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