i just cannot keep a pris together.

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  • muddyfunkstar
    • Aug 2010
    • 967

    Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
    You can also use that maneuver to get rid of the pris... Just keep your lips and mouth closed blow air in your mouth and hold the air and at the same time shake your head fast like your saying no and the pris will plop out whole on your tounge to spit out.... Cleaner than the finger swipe....
    Nice one, I'll bear that in mind.

    I got about 25-30 minutes out of that before it started to slide down. Tried to push it back up with a finger edge, but it started to fall apart - although from what I've read, that's not uncommon for RL.

    If it wasn't time to go to bed, I'd be up for another one

    Cheers all, snuson!


    • Connavar
      • Jan 2011
      • 237

      sorry, "the finger swipe" sounds like something from an "adult" film.. just sayin


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Grov would be a good choice for another lös. It's the polar opposite of Röda for texture, and might be easier for you for mouth control.


        • muddyfunkstar
          • Aug 2010
          • 967

          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
          Grov would be a good choice for another lös. It's the polar opposite of Röda for texture, and might be easier for you for mouth control.
          Noted. I've got a can of Ettan on order, but will deffo get a Grov too as I like the portions.


          • muddyfunkstar
            • Aug 2010
            • 967

            I have my first successful hand-baked prilla of Roda Lacket in. Tastes much better than the ghetto icetool one last night.

            I might be getting the hang of this los business


            • monkeypunch
              • Feb 2011
              • 125

              Originally posted by snusjus View Post
              I don't even bake loose snus that much. I just pack it against the inside edge of the can and throw it in my upper lip. This causes juices and nicotine to be released faster. This method is the old school way of doing it, but I prefer it since my lip doesn't bulge. As well, the snus will conform to the shape of your gums and won't stick onto your teeth as much.
              This method has worked best for me. I've used a ghetto tool and could only get about half an hour or so out of a pris. I tried packing it tight, loose, just couldn't get it to work. I tried it like this and I'm at over an hour now. Thanks, snusjus!


              • bippyskid
                New Member
                • Apr 2011
                • 2

                kept a pris together for my entire commute today AND drank a large coffee to boot!


                • garrick619
                  New Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 4

                  Softer is better

                  Hello all - newbie here - just found this site. Nice to find snus lovers on the web.

                  Snus (General brand, loos at home and white portion when I'm out) got me to quit smoking, and even if I've traded mouth cancer for lung cancer, my friends all appreciate not having to smell me.

                  My trick to hand-rolling a pris was to use less pressure when creating the "ball". The harder you try to form it, the more it crumbles. It's almost like you have let it form itself - give the moisture in the loos enough time to gel it all together. I hardly ever use my prismaster anymore, unless I'm on my last container, it's all dried up, but I'm desperate for a hit.

                  Hope this helps someone master the hand roll! Although most of you seem like experts already.


                  • Mdisch
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 805

                    Originally posted by garrick619
                    Hello all - newbie here - just found this site. Nice to find snus lovers on the web.

                    Snus (General brand, loos at home and white portion when I'm out) got me to quit smoking, and even if I've traded mouth cancer for lung cancer, my friends all appreciate not having to smell me.

                    My trick to hand-rolling a pris was to use less pressure when creating the "ball". The harder you try to form it, the more it crumbles. It's almost like you have let it form itself - give the moisture in the loos enough time to gel it all together. I hardly ever use my prismaster anymore, unless I'm on my last container, it's all dried up, but I'm desperate for a hit.

                    Hope this helps someone master the hand roll! Although most of you seem like experts already.
                    I would just like to state that there is apparently no link between using snus and getting any type of oral cancer. So snus away!
                    And welcome to SnusOn!


                    • tattooer601
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 942

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      The point I'm trying to make, is it'll feel awkward, and precarious at first, but will start to feel more natural with time. Technique can't really be taught. That's something you have to figure out yourself, and you learn what it takes to bring it all together.
                      This is above all the best information, nothing new comes naturally.........snus on.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Really one of the keys is to let your upper lip get used to having something in it....this might take a few months of regular use

                        after a while when you reflex to stop pushing it out subsides..... mudslides become far less of a problem......in turn precision baking becomes less important.......pinch and shove will work just fine at that point.
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • crullers
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 663

                          I think a big problem is that everybody over thinks it or looks for a gadget to make a prilla for you. It just takes practice and getting used to.


                          • Skell18
                            • May 2012
                            • 7067

                            Originally posted by crullers View Post
                            I think a big problem is that everybody over thinks it or looks for a gadget to make a prilla for you. It just takes practice and getting used to.
                            This! Just bake it into a ball and shove it up there, stuff like Röda Lacket and Prima Fint are the easiest to learn with, and they also taste good. Hand baked prillas also tend not to be as compacted as icetool prillas etc so mold to your gum easier I find.


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