Reviving los

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  • CoderGuy
    • Jul 2009
    • 2679

    Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
    I see alot use distilled water any difference between that and purified?
    There is a difference between the two but I assume the important thing is you don't impurities in your water. I found this online:

    The Difference between purified water and distilled water is that purified water has been filter to certain specifations depending on whoever or whatever is filtering the water. It may include different minerals that naturally exist in water. Now Distilled water is what scientist use to do experiments or what you would put into your iron. Distilled water contains absolutely nothing else. It is Pure H2O and when boiled or steamed will leave behind no impurities or minerals. Distilled water can actually kill you if you drink to much of it. Because of its property of having nothing else to it, it will cause an imbalance in your cells swell and burst. It has the opposite but same effect of drink sea water. It will dehydrate you. But it is perfect for scientific or cleaning purposes. Not for drinking!


    • raptor
      • Oct 2008
      • 753

      It's the same thing, except purified might indicate a different process to remove contaminants in water.

      ^^^ there is also deionized water which definitely should not be consumed; DI is what labs use. Purified and distilled as purchased in a store is safe to drink, there's just a lot of consumer terminology which means essentially the same thing.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
        There is a difference between the two but I assume the important thing is you don't impurities in your water. I found this online:

        ...Distilled water can actually kill you if you drink to much of it. Because of its property of having nothing else to it, it will cause an imbalance in your cells swell and burst. It has the opposite but same effect of drink sea water. It will dehydrate you. But it is perfect for scientific or cleaning purposes. Not for drinking!...
        This is bullshit. Water is a natural solvent so yes it will leach out nutrients (and waste products). As long as you aren't trying to survive on 100% distilled water without any other form of liquid/food intake, you'll be fine. I drink lots of distilled water and use it for making my coffee, orange juice, lemonade, tea......



        • CoderGuy
          • Jul 2009
          • 2679

          Originally posted by justintempler View Post
          This is bullshit. Water is a natural solvent so yes it will leach out nutrients (and waste products). As long as you aren't trying to survive on 100% distilled water without any other form of liquid/food intake, you'll be fine. I drink lots of distilled water and use it for making my coffee, orange juice, lemonade, tea......

          Cool, always good to get to the bottom of things


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            Originally posted by raptor
            It's the same thing, except purified might indicate a different process to remove contaminants in water.

            ^^^ there is also deionized water which definitely should not be consumed; DI is what labs use. Purified and distilled as purchased in a store is safe to drink, there's just a lot of consumer terminology which means essentially the same thing.
            I deal a lot with DI systems since my company builds a lot of hospitals and we install those DI systems. That stuff will kill you if you drink too much. But you can use it to rehydrated snus if you got some lol. It's very bacteria free.


            • raptor
              • Oct 2008
              • 753

              What definitely will kill you is heavy (deuterated) water. Deuterium distorts most enzyme kinetics. Yes, drinking enough heavy water will kill you.

              Fortunately it's not readily available to the public.


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                Yes drinking too much distilled water can kill you, but so can drinking too much tap water. Drinking too much of any type water will kill you......

                It's called Water Intoxication, hyponatremia.


                The drinking distilled water myth is just like that fiberglass in snus myth.
                It's one of those myths started by a someone selling a competing product so they can badmouth the competition and then it takes on a life of its own.


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                  Yes drinking too much distilled water can kill you, but so can drinking too much tap water. Drinking too much of any type water will kill you......

                  It's called Water Intoxication, hyponatremia.


                  The drinking distilled water myth is just like that fiberglass in snus myth.
                  It's one of those myths started by a someone selling a competing product so they can badmouth the competition and then it takes on a life of its own.

                  But the website said so! lol It's like everything else... no way to get the real truth.


                  • AtreyuKun
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 1223

                    I have a can of LD los that's like clods of dirt. I'm gonna try to bring it back to life tonight.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      How long does I take for an open can of Los to go dry? I had a can of ettan Los open for about two months I kept in a ziploc in the fridge and I finished it it was still moist.. It doesn't happen to Los in the freezer I hope.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        How long does I take for an open can of Los to go dry? I had a can of ettan Los open for about two months I kept in a ziploc in the fridge and I finished it it was still moist.. It doesn't happen to Los in the freezer I hope.
                        It depends, usually it starts drying out after 7 - 14 days after you open the can (if you keep in on your desk)

                        If you keep them in the fridge, they won't dry for more than 2 or 3 months.

                        Can't tell if they ever dry out if you keep them in the freezer though, since the moisture freezes along with tobacco content.

