Regular portions and discretion

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  • Langdell
    • Jun 2010
    • 255

    Regular portions and discretion

    I see a lot of posts about people using minis or long portions when they want their snusing to go unnoticed. But I'm just wondering how many people really find that it's noticeable to others when they use regular/large portions? (I guess I'm thinking specifically of the men here; I can see how a lady snuser could easily find minis more discreet or more comfortable anyway.)

    I generally use regular portions all day, and I doubt most people around me even have the faintest idea I'm snusing (or whatever they would think I was doing since most are probably unfamiliar with snus). When I look in the mirror, whatever slight bump there is isn't really noticeable unless I'm looking for it. A maxi portion is a different matter--I find them both uncomfortable and noticeable. But from the outside I doubt anyone could tell I'm using a regular portion when it's just sitting there. But maybe this varies by individual, and I just have a big mouth.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    When I'm at work or on a date I find the thin portions to be a little more discreet especially when smiling. Other than that I don't worry about regular portions but do find the longer 01/02 to be very comfortable. Me can't wait for General Long.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      My problem with regular/larger-than-mini portions is that,
      if I'm dealing with someone for some time, they tend to
      dry out to a degree and present a 'speech impediment'
      which is noticeable/hearable (and then the weird looks
      that say: 'You got a marble in your mouth, do you!').

      This happens when there is nothing liquid available to
      freshen the portion. It's happened often enough that I
      tend to stick with the smaller sizes when out-and-about.

      Thunder Frosted Mini at 8mg nicotine is usually my choice
      since there ain't no stronger mini that I know of; wish they
      would do a mini Thunder Berry Blend and Thunder Frosted
      Strong! I'm awaiting my WON (Wise/Oomph/Northerner)
      portions at 6mg for a change of pace but, here again,
      stronger portions would be welcomed!!

      NO, I ain't gonna double-barrel -- hard enough sometimes
      to keep just one in its place!

      (Biting my tongue I am: almost wrote 'kinda like juggling
      but I thought that might sound sexist.)


      • texastorm
        • Jul 2010
        • 386

        Since I tend to push the portion to the side just a little instead of directly over my front teefs, I am positive no one could know I am snusing.

        When I use los, or double barrel, or place the portion over my front teeth then you can really tell.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I don't think any ever knew I had one in, or it was noticible, especially with my hasid beard.

          But I have been thinking of getting some minis, which I don't have any, as I am wanting to lower my nicotine usage.


          • jtwh20
            • Nov 2009
            • 833

            i try to push the portion back further when in the office - sometimes i'll fold a portion so its more like an 01, and its more discreet.


            • ratcheer
              • Jul 2010
              • 621

              A regular portion makes a fairly noticeable bulge in my upper lip. I also agree about the slight speech impediment, although I hadn't thought about it until reading snusgetter's post.



              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                When I first started using snus, 1g portions were pretty noticeable. Now, there is no bump at all, even when I pinch in a 2 gram prilla. I think the visibility of snus decreases over time because the spot where the portion is placed stretches out and depresses the gum line, making portions unnoticeable to the human eye.


                • BrianC
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 463

                  Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                  When I first started using snus, 1g portions were pretty noticeable. Now, there is no bump at all, even when I pinch in a 2 gram prilla. I think the visibility of snus decreases over time because the spot where the portion is placed stretches out and depresses the gum line, making portions unnoticeable to the human eye.
                  That ^ It used to be pretty noticable whenever I had a regular portion in, but you can't tell anymore. I snus all the time at work, and I work retail, but no one is yet to notice. I do prefer the long portions purely for their comfort, but neither one shows.


                  • PipenSnus
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1038

                    I don't think regular portions are all that noticeable, but I use long portions or minis when I want to be very sure of discretion. Not difficult for me, as 01/02 are favorites of mine, and I always have some on hand. The long portions are simply more comfortable, too. I don't use minis often, but I also keep the Thunder Frosted minis on hand.


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      I have huge mustache and use large prillas. Nobody can tell. If I shaved, you would notice my current sized pris, but no way you'd notice a regular portion I think.


                      • WickedKitchen
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 2528

                        I think my gums have changed to accommodate the portion over the years. It changes the way my face sits a little though. I only notice it if I'm looking for it but up close, say in the car mirror, I can tell that it causes one nostril to sit differently only really notice when I move my face such as to talk. I don't think that people notice when I'm out and about. Someone that knows me well might be able to tell, but otherwise regular portions are discrete. Los, on the other hand is initially quite noticeable IMO. The lump mellows out after a while, but I make my prillas on the tighter side so sometimes with something fine like Roda the lump just stays the same cylindrical shape for the most part. it's one reason I don't use los that much.

                        On the other hand, EVERYONE knew when I was smoking a cigarette...and after.


                        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 2781

                          Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post

                          On the other hand, EVERYONE knew when I was smoking a cigarette...and after.
                          That's a really good point


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            Portions of the regular size no one can tell. Lös they can tell. lol


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                              That's a really good point


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