homemade portions = greatest thing ever

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    homemade portions = greatest thing ever

    I get a teabag, like the kind any mass-produces tea comes in. Cut off the tag, dump the tea(if you wanted to be efficient you could save it), pull it apart at the seam. then cut it into 3 pieces that are all rectangular. Basically by cutting 1/3 of it off, and the other 2/3 in half lengthwise.

    I then take my pris-master(very helpful for this), pull out some snus and put it on the strip of paper.

    I lightly break up the snus, then fold the paper around it, long side of the rectangle first. Not like rolling a joint; I leave it on the counter. If the paper can't stretch around it at first, just lengthen the snus distribution.

    Then I simply take the short sides, and fold them over. They typically overlap eachother. Just think when you fold "top, bottom, left, right". All the folded sides will be facing you. Combined with how the snus basically sticks to the paper, it keeps together quite nicely.

    I then place them in an old portion can, I make 6 at a time. I've had only one fall apart and I've been snusing homemade portions for months. If you made more at a time, they'd be even more secure. I have an active lifestyle, too. I don't do anything to seal them. When I go to use them, It takes a little handling(the short folded sides will stick straight up), but it's not hard.

    So that's it! You can imagine the many advantages; being able to have your favorite los with no mess, choosing exactly how much tobacco you want in each portion, etc. But I'll tell you the biggest one: COST.

    The only 2 snuses I've been using for months are ettan and skruf estra sterk los. I bought a roll of each, and over several months of making homemade portions I'm not even halfway through each roll. When I think about how much I spend on tobacco per day it's negligible. Of course your mileage may vary. I use 6-10 of these portions a day.

    happy snusing.
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    also props to stubby2 and this thread. . I'm basically repeating myself, but I wanted to let everyone know this has worked great in the long-term.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Sounds like a great idea. I tried this a while back, but I used a coffee, that came in an individual serving bag. But it was not good, as the coffee flavor stayed on the bag, and well, it didn't taste good. Does the tea bag leave any tea taste? Granted the coffee one I used were rather old, and the material was thicker than standard tea bags.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I might have to try this one day just for the hell of it. :P


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I would use this brand. Notice how the finished product looks identical to a factory-made snus portion:



          • deebocools
            • Nov 2008
            • 661

            No, there is no tea taste. But it's probably the cheapest brand of tea on the shelf- my roommates ex-girlfriend bought for making sweet tea.

            There's no moisture in low-price tea bags so I really doubt the flavor would linger. After I'm through with them I might try to buy tea bag material in bulk; the thing is, with shipping and all that it may be cheaper to keep buying tea just to dump it out.


            • snupy
              • Apr 2009
              • 575

              I'm using coffee filters and have to agree with you that homemade portions are the BEST thing ever! After snussing for more than a year, I still can't take either regular portions or mini-portions without liquids. If I do try either regular or mini portions without liquids, I get the niccups, which totally sucks. I am not a fan of strong nic hits anyway. However, no los that I have tried has EVER given me niccups. Los also seems to have less salt and less 'burn' compared to portions. Using one click of los with a 3 ml Icetool, then plopping it on a cut piece of coffee filter, then rolling it up and folding the ends over works PERFECTLY for me. I get my nic. I get the flavor. But I don't get the niccups or burn. I can't believe it took me this long to find the perfect snus for an ex-ultralight smoker such as myself.

              I see many rolls of Offroad Licorice and Offroad Frosted los in my future, along with Phantom Blue, provided I ever use up the remains of my pre-PACT stash.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I've been thinking about reusing tea bags. For as little as I use portions, it wouldn't be a big hardship washing a few bags. I go through plenty of tea bags. I use 4 every 1.5 days making iced tea, the the occasional pot of hot tea in addition to that. I'll have to try it as a proof of concept next time I make tea :^)


                • Jwalker
                  • May 2010
                  • 1067

                  I've always wanted to try this I'm thinking of doing it right now actually.


                  • Jwalker
                    • May 2010
                    • 1067

                    Eh I've got one of these in, I basically ignored the directions and didn't split it at the seem but it works fine, got some grov loose in a bag, I don't have my prismaster so I think I made it a little big.


                    • Habs
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 86

                      i usually just take a pinch of los with a square of tea bag between my fingers.

                      just wrap it up an enjoy. less hassle


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885


                        That works too.

                        Nothing beats los though.


                        • Habs
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 86

                          Originally posted by precious007 View Post

                          That works too.

                          Nothing beats los though.
                          yea, i used to do it all tidy by making a pris and placing it on the tea bag and carefully folding it up and stuff

                          now i take the easy way and pinch and go

                          cheesecloth works good too for mega-sized pinches


                          • Mykislt
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 677

                            I can't believe no one has posted this http://snus2.se/product_info.php?cPa...roducts_id=904
                            it's snus portion bags for sale


                            • stubby2
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 436

                              Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
                              I can't believe no one has posted this http://snus2.se/product_info.php?cPa...roducts_id=904
                              it's snus portion bags for sale
                              Not sure if they even ship to the US.


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