Questions before becoming Snuser - then trying to become one

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by asvm
    Some more questions:

    1. If smoking can damage your lungs, can snus damage your mouth??

    2. I've got your experiences about snusing but they are about using portions, or I've assumed they're portions. Since I'm a complete beginner, I'd like to learn as much as I can. What's your experience with White?

    3. What about the loose stuff? Is loose an appropriate thing for a female to use? From what I've deduced, there's a couple of different tools to make it into lumps, or it can be done by hand. If it wouldn't be too messy to use, what's the best way to make it?

    Thanks and cheers.
    1 Snus can cause gum recession, but as far as I know oral cancer is almost non-existent. I linked a article that's somewhere around here about a 90 year old man who got cancer of his lip in the exact place he put snus for 70 years. That's not too bad, and I would imagine that snus years ago didn't have the same quality control as we have now, and probably had more TSNAs in it.

    2 White? White is just a style of portion if I understand the question. A white portion is the same as a regular portion, except the tobacco's dryer, and the pouch material is more white rather than tobacco stained brown. They're generally favored by women, especially in the mini size. I don't care for them because the flavor isn't as strong as a regular portion, but that's personal preference, and you should try both to see which you prefer.

    3 Lös would be unconventional for a woman to use, but if you're curious I highly recommend you try it. A portioning tool(IceTool, Prismaster) makes using lös much neater, but you may have snus visible to others, especially if it starts to run. You need to be confident in yourself, to pull it off. Here in my area of the USA, woman who use oral tobacco would be looked down on as backwoodsy/redneck. I think it's more excepted in the south, but still considered outside the norm. There was a time when women who smoked were looked down upon as loose/immoral, and that changed rather quickly, and it became glamorous to smoke. My only advise is to do what you like , and screw the rest of the world. You're here to make /yourself/ happy, and everybody else can go to hell if they don't want you happy ;^)

    I got into snus after a buddy of mine wen to Norway on vacation, and told me about men and women who used snuff(snus), but didn't spit. My only experience with this type of tobacco was American dip which I used a bit when I was younger. There was a couple of times I got violently after swallowing too much of the juice, and it was unfathomable to me that men and women!?!? would use this product and swallow. A little later I saw a display in a local store advertising Camel snus, and figured I'd give it a try. After using this I realized I didn't want a cigarette for quite a long time. I had no intention of quitting, but with snus I didn't /need/ cigarettes. I previously smoked the equivalent of 1-1.5 packs of handrolled cigarettes per day, and I had been doing that for over 20 years. I now smoke about 2 cigarettes per day, and that isn't all of the time. I haven't had smoking tobacco in a week now, although I'll probably pick up a pouch today. If I don't it won't be a big deal though because the snus is satisfying.

    The hard part for you to switch to snus will be the physical habit of using cigarettes. It's the taste, aroma, and physical act of smoking that's hard to overcome. I would smoke even when I didn't want a cigarette just for something to do. Once you break the habit of handling cigarettes, the snus will be a more than acceptable replacement for the nicotine. You don't have to quit smoking completely. Just make sure you only smoke because you really want a cigarette, not because it's what you're used to doing :^)


    • STORM6490MT
      • Mar 2008
      • 138

      If you are using snus, you need to take regular care of your teeth and gums. I use a sonicare tooth brush in the morning and night. I try to use only natural tooth paste. The stuff I'm using right now has tea tree oil in it. Kinda cool. I also use a Curaprox brush instead of flossing. It's a new way to floss the teeth and gums and is way easy to use. I doubt you will ever have a problem with snus if you are using portions. Most women do not use Los. At first your cheek will feel funny but you will get used to it. I tend to like the juices so the white portions seem a little dry. The white portions are the most discreet and don't make you salivate at all.

      Check out some of that mocca stuff. You will like it.


      • asvm
        • Mar 2008
        • 28

        Thanks, lxskllr, for your informative and helpful answers.

        I am awaiting my first order of a women's starter box which has a selection of 8 different types of 24-portions cans. All going well I'll maybe then try out white portions, then have a go at the loose at home.

        I must say that this forum has been marvellous for educating someone who knew next to nothing about snus and has never tried it.

        I feel I have graduated now and am adequately qualified to start my new occupation of snusing! I feel certain that it will be rewarding.

        My sincere thanks to all my tutors above who have inspired, taught and guided me on my course!



        • asvm
          • Mar 2008
          • 28

          Thanks STORM6490MT for your advice re taking better care of my teeth and gums when taking snus. Looks like I'm going to get healthier all round taking snus - better lungs and better teeth!

          Anyway, think I've got the teeth one dealt with. Have you checked out the WATERPIK? I kinda think too much brushing on the teeth, especially electrically, will eventually wear down the enamel so I use a waterpik which replaces brushing and flossing.

          Hope my package arrives tomorrow.


          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            I have noticed some staining between my teeth but the fronts of my teeth are much whiter now the smoke stains are gone. Its a toss up but many people seem to report no staining at all. I quit smoking in three days of getting my first order of snus. I just loved it. I never would have thought after 15 years of smoking, anything else would do. My gums did go through a sore period when I first switched completely. For about three days they were tender. At first you might also notice your inner lip wrinkling up from the salt. This passes in a couple days. I feel so much better being off the smokes, any negatives have been minor.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by asvm
              I am awaiting my first order of a women's starter box which has a selection of 8 different types of 24-portions cans. All going well I'll maybe then try out white portions, then have a go at the loose at home.
              Just to clarify... Most of the snus you'll get in the womens tryout box will be white portion snus, primarily minis. If it's marked as "dry", and of course "white" it'll be a white portion. Looking at the picture, it appears that one, possibly 2 of the snus' will be regular portion style(Catch Eucalyptus, and possibly General). It'll give you a good idea of the type of flavors snus comes in though. You'll be missing out on many of the "manly" flavors, which you could end up liking.


              • asvm
                • Mar 2008
                • 28

                Hi, I note your comments, Kindrd. I guess for the first week I'll go through several different changes - my mouth getting used to the snus and my lungs getting used to being smokeless.

                I think it's amazing. From what I have read here, everybody's more or less quit smoking from taking snus. I dread to think how many millions of cigarettes I'll have smoked in my life, the damage that's occurred as a result, and my half-hearted efforts to stop which have all been flops. Yet I sit here now thinking that by this time next week that habit could be ended forever! WOW.

                Well, soon I'll be able to find out for myself if everything you've all been saying to me is true...



                • asvm
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 28

                  Thanks, lxskllr, for info about what's likely to be in the women's starter box. That gives me an idea of what to expect. You say I might be missing out on the "manly" flavours which I could end up liking. What manly flavours might that be??

                  I know I've not even got my first lot in yet but I reckon by the end of the week I'll have to make my second order to allow time for delivery before I run out of it. STORM6490MT recommends I try out Mocca, so I'll do that.

                  What I would like is for everybody to tell me their THREE best flavours please. The ones that come out tops the most, I'll get for my second order, along with any favourites from the women's box.

                  Thanks and cheers.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by asvm
                    You say I might be missing out on the "manly" flavours which I could end up liking. What manly flavours might that be??
                    You'd be missing the natural tobacco flavors, like Ettan and Grov, the strong ones like Skruf Stark, and General Onyx. Also Probe caters more to the male market, and many of the other brands are bolder, with a fairly strong citrus/bergamot flavor.

                    Here's my favorite flavors separated by category:

                    Portion only

                    Catch Eucalyptus
                    Grov original
                    Gotlandssnus Yellow

                    Lös only

                    Gotlandssnus Yellow
                    Gotlandssnus Grey

                    Portion and lös

                    Gotlandssnus Yellow lös
                    Grov portion

                    It sucks thinning them out to 3 only LoL. There's so many I'd miss having after awhile, but I think that's what I'd stick with if forced to.


                    • snoosiphant
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 175

                      Originally posted by asvm
                      Thanks, lxskllr, for info about what's likely to be in the women's starter box. That gives me an idea of what to expect. You say I might be missing out on the "manly" flavours which I could end up liking. What manly flavours might that be??

                      I know I've not even got my first lot in yet but I reckon by the end of the week I'll have to make my second order to allow time for delivery before I run out of it. STORM6490MT recommends I try out Mocca, so I'll do that.

                      What I would like is for everybody to tell me their THREE best flavours please. The ones that come out tops the most, I'll get for my second order, along with any favourites from the women's box.

                      Thanks and cheers.
                      I just got my first order of 8 cans yesterday and yes, kid in a candy store about covers it
                      Of the snus I got I think my favorite so far is Ettan loose, with skruf stark los a close second.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Yeah, I think the women's box will have a lot of Catch and, also, will only be Swedish match brands, so you won't see any Metropol, Mocca, etc, all of which I would consider to be more fruity/minty/hint-of-sweet flavoured and, likely, more amenable to the stereotypical "women's" palette (if there is such a thing...). I think lxskllr basically hit it on the head with some good flavours. My favourites are Gotlands Yellow, Ettan, Göteborgs Rapé, Skruf, and a few others (I'll keep it to my tops!). Aside from the Rapé, they are more bold and plain flavoured, but Rapé has a nice spicy taste to it that is quite addicting, I think.

                        At any rate, the tryout box should give you enough of a sampling to gauge your tastes and decide where to go from there - who knows, you may find the lot of it mings and you might not want to have anything further to do with the stuff :lol: I'd say taste what's coming and shower us with the report - from there it would be easier to say which varieties you may be more inclined to enjoy.


                        • asvm
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 28

                          Thanks for the top threes.

                          So far I've learned that good places to get it are BuySnus and Northener. Don't know yet if they do only Swedish match brands or other brands as well. I'd like to try the mocca.

                          It's incredible all the different kinds. I'm really looking forward to trying it out. And I'm glad I got to find out about it in the first place.

                          Shame it's such a "secret" - at least here in the UK. I know lots of people who, like me, would love to give up smoking but can't or don't really want to. If I succeed in becoming a proper snuser and give up smoking I'll certainly want to spread the word about snus. I'm sure a lot of people would be very interested in it.

                          It's also really great to have a forum like this that is helpful for tips and sharing experiences etc. Just one of the joys of the internet.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Originally posted by asvm
                            I kinda think too much brushing on the teeth, especially electrically, will eventually wear down the enamel so I use a waterpik which replaces brushing and flossing.
                            There's no worry about hurting your enamel with mechanical brushing - imagine trying to take your kitchen range down to the steel with nothing but a toothbrush :shock: Your teeth are simply too hard to take any damage from a toothbrush - it's like trying to scratch glass with your's not likely to happen.

                            At any rate, like Storm, I also have a Sonicare and I love it. The good electric toothbrushes don't brush with any sort of scrubbing or traditional mechanical action, but rather use the bristles more as a means to channel high-frequency ultrasonic pulses. The vibrations act like shockwaves and clear out things even stuck in very fine crevices, etc. It's incredibly effective. To vouch for the science, my day-job is in academic research and we routinely use ultrasonic baths to clean materials when the surface quality requires a very demanding level of cleanliness (such as during electronic device fabrication, for example). Don't throw away your waterpik, mind you - I've used those as well and they're all singing and dancing in my books. I'd think of an ultrasonic brush as more of a complement rather than a replacement.

                            (bit of an aside, eh :lol: I just noticed Storm's post now)


                            • STORM6490MT
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 138

                              Have you checked out the WATERPIK?

                              I had a water pik years ago when I was a kid. My parents took it away as my brother ended up on the working end of the wand instead of my teeth.

                              My dentist in Slovakia is completely different that the one I use in America. She said the same thing about me damaging my enamel. Good point. I use only the first two cycles of the sonicare for all four areas of my teeth and gums. I guess you are supposed to start from the gum and brush to the end of the teeth. Only one direction with the brush. Using a sonicare like a traditional brush would sand down your teeth!

                              The curaprox brush is really cool. I don't think the water pik can remove plaque and stains that hide in the cracks and under the gums of your teeth but I could be wrong. The curprox brush is a cool swiss made invention that really gets in there and stimulates your gums. It really helps me when I use los snus.

                              I wish you all the best. Hope you get your snus today! Who did you order with?


                              • Mariner
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 21

                                Just before the weekend, I went to my dentist for my yearly checkup. He was very pleased on my behalf about me switching from cigs to snus.

                                Evidently, smoking is a many-splendored thing, which will probably hurt your dental health much more than snus will. In addition to the increased likelyhood of calculus forming (hardened plaque), smoking will directly affect your gums, and, by extension, put the structural integrity of your jaw-bone's tooth sockets at risk.

                                Compared to this (at least according to my dentist) the negative effects of snusing are definitely the lesser evil, as the effects are very localized. Apparently, most changes due to snusing should be reversible, too - within reason.

                                Finally, good luck to you asvm. I hope you find something you like about snus. FYI, all the girls/women I know that use snus have been snusing for years (before it had a renaissance of sort due to stricter bans on smoking), and they all use loose snus, mostly General. Most of them with a very casual attitude towards baking ("grab and shove"), very impressive lip bulges and telltale circular wear patterns on the pockets of their jeans... Of course, all this greatly impresses a snus newbie like myself.


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