You know, if you are smoking as much as 20 cigs a day, and roll ups at that, you might as well just go for the strong regular protion. That way you would be getting enough nicotene to feel some satisfaction and would feel rewarded instead of deprived.
In my attempts to cut down with pipes and cigars (which worked by the way, down from a pack and a half to 2 or 3) people were always recommending what they thought a newbie pipe or cigar smoker should smoke. Their recommendations left me feeling nicotene starved and until I discovered that their were higher nic alternatives available, it just didnt work for me.
So get some strong portions and work down from there if you want. With the nicotene habit you have now those dainty little cutesy portions might not do anything and you may continue to smoke and that would be a shame because cigarettes kill people.
Originally posted by asvm
In my attempts to cut down with pipes and cigars (which worked by the way, down from a pack and a half to 2 or 3) people were always recommending what they thought a newbie pipe or cigar smoker should smoke. Their recommendations left me feeling nicotene starved and until I discovered that their were higher nic alternatives available, it just didnt work for me.
So get some strong portions and work down from there if you want. With the nicotene habit you have now those dainty little cutesy portions might not do anything and you may continue to smoke and that would be a shame because cigarettes kill people.