ASVM: I've now been eight months without cigarettes. I failed miserably last year using snus. Made it 45 days. I FULLY understand that a cigarette has been your best friend for however long you've smoked. It's a reward for a task accomplished; a break from boredom. It's always a pickup. And it's instant, unlike snus.
So here's what works for me: Throw EVERYTHING at the cig habit. Do not make it either cigarettes or snus. Either pipes or cigarettes. Either nasal snuff or cigarettes. Look at every alternative to inhaling smoke -- and use all you want. It much easier to quit the alternatives later than it is to quit cigarettes.
And I see how little Zero smoked to say snus after dinner is a substitute for a cigarette. I beg to differ. NOTHING replaces a cigarette after a meal. Nothing. Don't think snus will or Stonewall dissolvable bits or Oliver Twist or even a mellow pipe of latakia tobacco. You will have to live with that fact, using willpower and replacement products to pass the time of maximum desire. Each, however, provides a different kind of pleasure. You will come to enjoy each.
I am very excited now about electronic smoking devices online from China. This is a tidal wave about to break over the world. I have an electronic cigarette, cigar and pipe that I use all day. They each mimic their counterpart and deliver the same nicotine as a puff of a cigarette. A user inhales nicotine vapor! I usually have a snus in at all times, but use the e-smoking devices much as I would my old cigarette habit. And they're legal where smoking is not. if you want to see the products.
I still want a cigarette. But I know I can't have even one or I'll be back to my 30 a day. Try what I did. Throw everything at your habit/addiction and just vow to never inhale tobacco smoke again. Use what feels right for you at the moment. And good luck.
So here's what works for me: Throw EVERYTHING at the cig habit. Do not make it either cigarettes or snus. Either pipes or cigarettes. Either nasal snuff or cigarettes. Look at every alternative to inhaling smoke -- and use all you want. It much easier to quit the alternatives later than it is to quit cigarettes.
And I see how little Zero smoked to say snus after dinner is a substitute for a cigarette. I beg to differ. NOTHING replaces a cigarette after a meal. Nothing. Don't think snus will or Stonewall dissolvable bits or Oliver Twist or even a mellow pipe of latakia tobacco. You will have to live with that fact, using willpower and replacement products to pass the time of maximum desire. Each, however, provides a different kind of pleasure. You will come to enjoy each.
I am very excited now about electronic smoking devices online from China. This is a tidal wave about to break over the world. I have an electronic cigarette, cigar and pipe that I use all day. They each mimic their counterpart and deliver the same nicotine as a puff of a cigarette. A user inhales nicotine vapor! I usually have a snus in at all times, but use the e-smoking devices much as I would my old cigarette habit. And they're legal where smoking is not. if you want to see the products.
I still want a cigarette. But I know I can't have even one or I'll be back to my 30 a day. Try what I did. Throw everything at your habit/addiction and just vow to never inhale tobacco smoke again. Use what feels right for you at the moment. And good luck.