Questions before becoming Snuser - then trying to become one

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  • asvm
    • Mar 2008
    • 28

    Questions before becoming Snuser - then trying to become one

    Hi, I have just learned about snus and would like to try it as I would like to stop smoking. After searching, I am unable to find answers to some basic questions.

    I thought I'd try out Northener's Women's Try Out Box which has 8 tins of mostly mini with some regular portions. But I have no idea how long this might last me.


    (a) I smoke 20 a day so how long might a tin of 24 mini pouches last? How many pouches might I require per day?

    (b) It seems that pouches can be kept in the mouth for hours. I don't fancy doing that. Can a pouch be put in and out the mouth many times for, say, 10 minutes at a time over many hours? If so, would the pouch need to be put back in the fridge between each use? Or must the pouch be in the mouth one time only, then discarded?

    (c) How do you know when a pouch is done with?

    I hope my questions can be answered. It will help to know if my first snus order is likely to last me 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months. I hope I will like it.

  • Kindrd
    • Oct 2007
    • 266

    A) If you chain snus, about a can every two days. I went from two packs a day to a tin every 3 days. You can strech loose out even further.

    B) Snus takes a little longer to get going then that. About 10 minutes before you will even really taste it. It is a long slow ramp up of nicotine that lasts much longer then the nicotine effect in cigarettes. Using a portion for about an hour will become your norm. I guess you could reuse them but the thought of putting cold spit in my mouth even if its mine would deter me.

    C) When the taste fades mostly or your own personal preference. I use a portion for about an hour and the taste is pretty much gone by then.

    Snusing is much different from smoking. My suggestion would be to completely drop the smokes right off the bat while the snus nicotine ass kicking is still in effect. Happy snusing.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      I would say that snus is an acquired taste, in way. The nicotine release is slower than cigs but just as satisfying in a different sense. I usually discard a portion after 30 - 45 minutes, or when they begin to start "juicing." The best way to get into the snus, in my opinion, is to just keep going and find your own comfort level.

      I go through a can of 24 portions in about 3 days, but sometimes faster, depending. And I do not miss smoking at all.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        Yeah, even if you went quasi-hardcore you might get through half a tin a day. Imagine one in the morning when your feet hit the floor, one after breakfast, one on the way to work, one with coffee, one after lunch, one with second coffee and maybe another late afternoon and evening (if you eat a bit later), one after dinner and maybe one more and that still only makes 10 portions, which is less than half a tin. I normally do fine with a pinch of loose in the morning, maybe 3-4 portions during the day, and a couple servings of loose in the evening.

        You don't get the instant crack-hit of nicotine like you get from a cigarette, but it certainly kicks in within a couple of minutes and, unlike the crash from cigarettes, it just keeps a steady torque-push of nicotine for about a half-hour or so and tapers off slowly so you don't get the same hard cravings like you do with cigs either. Everything just smooths out nicely - it's much more like a cup of coffee in terms of the onset and duration of effect, I think. Wouldn't keep portions for later, though....that's a bit nasty. :lol:


        • asvm
          • Mar 2008
          • 28

          Thanks for all the helpful answers and advice.

          I feel more confident about now ordering my first batch. As yet I can't imagine having the same hit as with a cigarette but I'll give it a bash and persevere with getting used to this new way of getting the nicotine fix.

          Hopefully in the end I'll be converted and be able to get off the cigs.



          • Kindrd
            • Oct 2007
            • 266

            Originally posted by asvm
            Thanks for all the helpful answers and advice.

            I feel more confident about now ordering my first batch. As yet I can't imagine having the same hit as with a cigarette but I'll give it a bash and persevere with getting used to this new way of getting the nicotine fix.

            Hopefully in the end I'll be converted and be able to get off the cigs.

            I used to feel the same way but snus is the nicer product all around. You will not be giving up anything in the trade. Just imagine if the effects from cigarettes were an hour long instead of 10 minutes. Then instead of tasting like a dried out turd it actually tasted good. Thats snus. Get your first order in and give it a shot. Remember that at first it will taste salty. Takes a little while before you actually taste the snus.


            • asvm
              • Mar 2008
              • 28

              Thanks, I'll bear what you say in mind and give it a fair shot. I really ought to quit smoking but can't, so it will be brilliant if snus might allow me to finally do that. I made my first order last night so I'll be having my first this weekend or the beginning of next week. I'm looking forward to it but still can't really believe it'll be able to satisfy me like a good puff.

              A couple more questions:

              1. I have to assume that I'll be able to still speak ok with one of these things at my upper lip. Is it a bit more awkward to speak? I guess after a while you get used to speaking with something there?

              2. What about eating and drinking, though?

              Cheers and thanks for everyone's help and advice. It's all helped to smooth my way into becoming a snuser too!


              • Smarvy
                • Nov 2007
                • 86

                At first I'm sure it will feel a little awkward in your lip, but you will soon get used to it. Talking wont be any problem (until you buy a 5ml Icetool and jam pack it full anyway).

                Drinking is no problem either, in fact it's quite enjoyable. I don't eat much with a pris or portion in, but it can be done if it's just a quick, small bite. It was incredibly easy to quit smoking using snus, it actually was shocking how easy it was. I hope you enjoy it!


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Originally posted by asvm
                  I'm looking forward to it but still can't really believe it'll be able to satisfy me like a good puff.
                  After trying snus you'll try to kick yourself for ever having smoked. So did I.

                  But seriously, I also had my doubts, especially after I had read a bit on another forum, where people said how they quit smoking and how much of a nicotine-kick they get from nasal snuff or nicotine gums ... and then there was a sub-forum of snus users saying the same about snus. Well, I don't know if you've ever tried nasal snuff or nicotine gums, but there is virtually no nicotine at all in these products.
                  So, I didn't really expect snus to be better, but tried it. Believe me, snus is in a total different class. After 20 years of heavy smoking, snus made me quit cigarettes within 3 days.

                  Snus needs some getting used to, it burns on the gums for a few days, it is salty and the overall taste is a bit strange at first. Also, you have to wait 5 minutes till it kicks and 30 minutes to get the full impact, but this full impact is comparable to the feeling one gets after chainsmoking for a while.

                  Shortly said, you won't find anything better than snus. I hope you'll like it.



                  • Asquar
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 256

                    Originally posted by asvm
                    I'm looking forward to it but still can't really believe it'll be able to satisfy me like a good puff.
                    When I first switched from smoke to snus I had the same issue. It was difficult to imagine snus providing the kind of kick I was used to with cigarettes. This is because, as smokers, we have an ingrained psychological (or Pavlovian) association with blowing smoke and nicotine satisfaction.

                    On one of my first mornings without cigarettes, I had to go a meeting where everyone was smoking, and because I overslept, I was still in groggy morning coffee mode when I got there. The smoke smelled so good, and I was craving a cigarette badly, but rather than bum a smoke, I took an N&J portion instead. It took two or three minutes, but all of the sudden I was cool...

                    ... snus really is a much cleaner, more wholesome way to use tobacco. Now, instead of missing cigarettes, I'm only wondering why I didn't make the switch years ago.


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      I was never a heavy smoker - one or two on easy days, five or six on stress days, all hand rollies, and I only really smoked for about two years... a bit less actually, but I was definitely addicted. My first trip to Sweden a guy gave me a portion of Grov and that was the end of it. It was instant - I didn't even want a cigarette again, I wanted snus! He gave me the rest of his tin and I bought two more at the airport before I left. I panicked when I got back to the UK and realised the situation I was in. I ordered more snus but ended up buying a pouch of rolling tobacco to tide me over until it got there and the smokes just disgusted me. I smoked them because I wanted the nicotine but the snus arrived before I finished the pouch and I threw the rest of it out. The rest is history. Most everyone here has quit smoking with snus and, I think I can say quite comfortably, that most all of them have been shocked at both how easy it was and how much nicer snus is. Best of luck!


                      • DraculaViktor
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 66

                        Agreed. I pretty much was like you Zero. Instant quitting of cigarettes. When are those anti-tobacco psychos gonna realize the lives that can be saved with the ease of use of Snus and its effectiveness? Stupid excuse to hear them say that it's a gateway to smoking and young kids will use them. Young kids are smoking more nowadays! What the hell? It blows my mind to see 8 year olds chewing American tobacco and smoking. It's a sin that big tobacco knows how to make a much safer product, yet still doesn't do it. How much money is enough??


                        • STORM6490MT
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 138

                          My wife likes Mocca, anis and pomegranate mini portions. The nicotine will hit you slower and last a lot longer. Lenka says her Mocca snus lasts about 30 minutes before she doesn't like the taste. The mocca tin does not have a place for half used or discarded snus like many of the feminine brands. I guess they figure women will not reuse their snus. If you start to get a major buzzzzz, take it out or you will start to spin. It's way more nicotine than in your smokes. Try to put it in for just a few minutes at first to see how the nicotine reacts to you. If you do want to reuse them, just put it back in the tin and use it later. It's a little strange but when you are used to snus, its not so gross. Always keep your snus in a cool dry place. I always try to keep my open cans in the fridge after having them in my jacket during the day. Fresh unopened cans can be put there as well. If you order a bunch you can freeze the cans. I don't suggest you do it to an open one. It may work with Los snus but the portions tend to get stale of you keep putting them in the fridge.

                          Don't run out or you will relapse Like I did. Your lungs will get itchy when your tissue grows back in your wind pipe. Your taste will come back. The stains on your fingers go away and your skin and hair will become more vibrant. You may cough up some nasty stuff but that is just your lungs kicking out the crud and death cookies.

                          Good luck! I documented my mission to stop smoking on youtube. Check it out if you get a chance.



                          • STORM6490MT
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 138

                            Re: Very basic questions before becoming snuser

                            Oh yeah, you will need some sunflower seeds to get over the psychological disorder of needing something in your mouth. Gum can help as well. Just don't do the nicotine gum poison!


                            • asvm
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 28

                              Hi! Back online. Thank you everyone for all your tips, advice and info. It has really helped and my confidence and enthusiasm about entering the world of snus has grown.

                              My first order of it has not arrived yet but should be here soon. It is funny but now when I smoke my cigarettes a voice in the back of my mind is panicking! Just like when I try to give up smoking.

                              I guess I still don't believe the snus will do it for me but, from what you have all being saying, it seems like the panicking addict in me will have nothing to cry about when I start on the snus cos it'll still be getting its fix - and from what you say, an even better fix than the smokes.

                              But as Asquar says, we associate the satisfaction with inhaling and blowing out smoke so, as yet, I kinda feel you are all mad that you can get off on having something lodged under your lip. But I guess also people think that smokers are all mad to be getting off on sucking smoke into themselves.

                              Thanks for everybody's best wishes to me for starting the snus and quitting the cigs. It will be a most momentous time in my life if I succeed! And from what you all say, success should not be a problem with snus.

                              Yes, DraculaViktor, I agree with you and snus should be as available as cigarettes. Unfortunately, the powers that be may have lots of power but I don't think that common sense is very common amongst them! It's really a great shame - but it's early days yet. Hopefully in years to come/soon, things will change and the argument for snus become stronger. I haven't switched from smoke to snus yet, but already I want to sign a petition or something for snus to be allowed everywhere.

                              Thanks, STORM6490MT, for your tips and also letting me know the effects of stopping smoking - I had forgotten about that sort of thing. Yeh, I'll get some sunflower seeds or something. Watched your videos - great!

                              Some more questions:

                              1. If smoking can damage your lungs, can snus damage your mouth??

                              2. I've got your experiences about snusing but they are about using portions, or I've assumed they're portions. Since I'm a complete beginner, I'd like to learn as much as I can. What's your experience with White?

                              3. What about the loose stuff? Is loose an appropriate thing for a female to use? From what I've deduced, there's a couple of different tools to make it into lumps, or it can be done by hand. If it wouldn't be too messy to use, what's the best way to make it?

                              Thanks and cheers.


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