Questions before becoming Snuser - then trying to become one

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  • asvm
    • Mar 2008
    • 28


    Well, the package arrived this morning and what a lovely smell greeted me when I took my Women's Try Out Box (from Northerner) from the envelope. But I waited till I smoked another couple of roll ups to finish the pack off.

    The box contained portions of:

    2 x 6g Mini tins of white - menthol and eucalyptus

    3 x 10g Mini tins of white - general, tre ankare and goteborgs rape
    1 x 10g Mini tin of original - licorice

    2 x 24g Large tins of original - general and general silver
    1 x 24g Large tin of white - licorice

    First impression after my first portion - Utter Disappointment!

    Even with my first portion in, I spent the first hour and a half longing for a cigarette. And even though I started with the smallest minis from the 6g tin, it felt like I had a maxi portion in my mouth. There was no taste at all and I reckoned there was no way I was going to be able to give up smoking.

    Second impression with my second portion - Got Potential!

    I realised that the mini minis from the 6g tin, no doubt the very smallest portions you can get, are not going to be enough to replace 20 cigs a day. The next size minis in the 10g tin are almost double the 6g, and the large are FOUR times in size, so probably 4 times the nicotine.

    So I reckon the mini minis are enough to start me off. I eventually had to open a fresh pack of tobacco but at least I am going 2 or 3 hours between roll ups instead of just half an hour. When I get to the 10g tins, I'll probably last longer inbetween cigs. Then when I get onto the 24g tins, I may be more able to quit smoking then. And this gradual reduction in cigs should also cause less dramatic effects on the gunge removal process from the lungs.

    Re no taste, I eventually got taste (and some nicotine satisfaction) after I messed around with it so moistening it. It must have been too dry with it being white. But with the portion being moist now I find it goes all over the place when I speak.

    Of course it's going to be really odd having something stuck under my lip with never having had that before. Hopefully in a few days I'll get used to it, then be ready to have the next size up out the 10g tin, though it'll be quite a jump up by the time I'm ready to start on a 24g tin.

    So, all in all, I'm quite positive and hopeful. I've had 2 portions and 3 cigarettes instead of about 10 cigarettes, which is really good.

    A couple of questions:

    1. Is it normal for the portions to go all over the place when you speak? If it's like this with minis, I can't see me coping with loose. Are there tricks to keep it still?

    2. Is it best to use one tin only till it's finished before you open the next tin? Or can you have 2, 3, even 4 tins open at the same time so's you can choose whatever flavour you fancy at the time out of any of the open tins?

    Well so far so good for the first day. I'll stick at it. Thanks for all the good wishes.


    • STORM6490MT
      • Mar 2008
      • 138


      Glad you got your snus.

      Make sure you are putting the portion in your upper lip between the gum and lip. Just to the left or right of the skin in the middle of your lip. Push it up with your tongue or finger to set it in. They take a while to loisten up and give off flavor. I don't care for white portions so much. They tend to be a bit dry.

      I would make sure to keep your snus in the fridge if you open them. Don't freeze them. Don't be afraid to open them all and try them out. They don't go bad for a long time if you keep them in the fridge.

      See if you can get rid of your smoking tobacco. Having it around will just give you that option to roll one up and smoke. If you don't have it, you will be forced to use snus. After a few days you won't even want one.

      Every time I freaked out, I would just make some tea and put in a Skruf Stark Portion to give me a kick. When you use the stronger portions make sure to take them out as soon as you feel a buzz or you may start spinning.

      Drinking and smoking go hand in hand so you may want to cut down a little when you are getting used to snus. Not sure if you drink or not. It really triggered me.

      Good luck!

      Let me know how you are doing..



      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Those little ones are hard to get flavor out of. That's one reason I don't like minis as much. It sounds like moistening them helped, you can also try sucking on them a bit to get excess moisture out. This will give you more flavor and nicotine, and may help them stay in place a little better because they'll be dryer.

        I don't have any problems with them moving around, but I do what I said above. I only keep portions in my lip for short term storage. I'm usually sucking on them, and moving them around my mouth.

        Keep at it. This'll be a learning experience as you find out what works for you. You can ease into snus use, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately want to throw the smokes in the trash :^)

        As an aside... What kind of smoking tobacco do you use?


        • Mariner
          • Feb 2008
          • 21

          If you are/were a heavy smoker, I say don't bother stepping up and easing into it. If you have a tin of General original portion there, open it and pop one in to get a feel for the (big) difference between white and brown portions as far as instant nicotine kick is concerned. Just follow STORM6490MT's advice and put it way up there next to the string in the middle of the inside of your lip. I find that rolling/folding the bag lengthwise so it looks like an upside-down mini canoe or hot dog bun helps it stay put.

          I see in your post that you roll your own, so you are probably not even close to the "ultra duper wossname menthol light with perforated filter" camp. If the kick from the General originals work better for you, I'd make sure to include a few tins of strong stuff in your next order to switch it up a little. I recommend Nick & Johnny, which was developed to target converted smokers, and has quite the nicotine punch and an interesting flavour, and Skruf Stark Portion, which has this nice hint of rose and bergamot, and never fails to deliver instant relief to me.

          I stopped smoking in January. Courtesy of the snus, I actually haven't felt any cigarette cravings at all. Not one second, even when drinking and mingling outside with my bad friends, the smokers. Before that, I had been smoking 20-40 cigs a day non-stop for just over 20 years. For me, quitting was almost disappointingly easy. Your mileage may vary, of course.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I don't have any problems with them moving around, but I do what I said above. I only keep portions in my lip for short term storage. I'm usually sucking on them, and moving them around my mouth.
            I think you're the only one who sucks on them like candies :lol:

            At any rate, as for them moving around, you eventually get used to them being in there and they find a way to stay put. You also get used to having something stuck up there and soon it won't feel nearly as awkward or conspicuous. If you find the minis don't do it for you, you can always double-up with them, and as above, do be sure to roll the white ones around on your tongue at first to moisten them up - helps get them working faster.

            I'd say try the General portions next - those should give a nice kick to them 8)


            • Mariner
              • Feb 2008
              • 21

              There you go - one long-winded Norwegian and one concise Canuck stating the obvious at the exact same moment. Try the General original portion already. 8)


              • asvm
                • Mar 2008
                • 28

                lxskllr, I smoke Golden Virginia. I've got 2 pouches of it left - the one I opened today and an unopened one. I hope to not finish the opened one and give the unopened one away. Thanks for tips, advice and encouragement. Yes, I'll certainly keep at it. When I re-order I'll not get the 6g tin again.

                Storm, I've got a wee system going now which I'll use for a few days, I think, at least till I've finished the 6g tins. It's to have a roll up after my meals, immediately followed by a mini mini. That way the roll up will keep me going till the portion gets going, given that it's the very small white ones for now. That one portion seems to last me for hours though, then it's time for a meal. So I think just 4 roll ups is much better than 20. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to cut it out altogether. I plan to include mocca in my next order, after your recommendation.

                Mariner, good advice and I'll try the hotdog thing and your flavour recommendations for next time.

                Yeh, Zero, I'm slowly getting used to having something there. Guess in a few days I'll even stop noticing.

                I tell you, it's really helped being connected to this forum. It gave me the confidence to go ahead and make my first order. It helped to iron out my doubts and questions. And when I was depressed about my first snus, knowing that I had you all here helped me to think more positively about it and not give up. So thank you very much for all your support.

                There's no-one in my life here that uses snus so I'm kinda all alone, and all that. Yet being a part of this here forum, I'm in with a whole bunch of snusers so that makes me part of a crowd now.

                And now I can officially declare that I AM A SNUSER! (Albeit that I'm only on my third!)

                So thanks, pals. Now now, Mariner, be nice!


                • Mariner
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 21

                  And now I can officially declare that I AM A SNUSER! (Albeit that I'm only on my third!)
                  That's great! Congratulations!

                  In my experience, there is a lot of disappointments in wait when first trying this stuff. Fortunately, there are enough varieties available that pretty soon, you'll identify a staple that you can fall back on until you uncover the next winner. Good luck getting used to the new sensations. There's always plenty of friendly people here to keep the obsession going whenever you need it.


                  • asvm
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 28

                    Cheers, that's good to know.

                    Well, I'm kinda tired now. Been a big day, this becoming a snuser!

                    So goodnight from me in Britland. Shall check in again tomorrow to report on day No.2.

                    Cheers all!


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I currently smoke American Spirit, but in the past I've used Drum, and Old Holborn regularly. The Drum we get over here now isn't like it used to be. I don't know where it's made now, but it's not nearly as good as it was.


                      • theguitargeek
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 24

                        Quitting Smoking

                        I too had my first Experience with snus and didnt think I could quit the smoking. I bought one of those cans of catch dry of Ebay (Yuck). Gave up
                        Then I found the Camel ones we have here in america (very Sweet, Little Nicotine) but better.

                        I thought what the hell, did a 5 and 5 order from Northerner and buy Snus
                        they both showed up the same day ( ordered on Sunday and Arrived on the following Friday). tried the level, the Offroad Cran, the Scruff Cran then.....
                        Drum roll!!! The Nic and Johnny!!!! Bam it has been 3 full days of Nick and Johnny and not a Cig yet or a Craving. I have smoked for 28 years and heavy. tried to quit many times. I have found the golden ring.

                        a special thanks also to this forum. I am Leaving for vacation this Thur and did not want to run out of N&J, So I placed another order with express ship to make the deadline. Included Gotlands Yellow, N&J, Onyx, General and of course thanks to Zero Ettan.

                        My Last vacation a few years ago I had almost quit, the closest I had evercome. Vegas, Gambling and Boose. dont want to falter again

                        Best of Luck to ya



                        • asvm
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 28

                          2nd Day on Snus

                          Originally posted by Mariner
                          In my experience, there is a lot of disappointments in wait when first trying this stuff.
                          That sums up how it's been on my 2nd day on snus - disappointment!

                          Thought I'd give the General a go. That was the first disappointment as it was my first Large one and it felt absolutely HUGE and uncomfortable and I also found it to be an unpleasant taste. As it happens, nobody at all has recommended that flavour to me even though it's meant to be the No 1 favourite.

                          Then it didn't help when I ignored Storm's advice and had a drink tonight when a friend was round and whilst I was disheartened after the General portion. In a f*** it mood, instead of using snus, I bloomin smoked instead!

                          So now I feel, I'm never going to be a proper snuser and I'm never going to quit smoking!

                          But bearing Mariner's statement above, I'll just try to think that other people can find it difficult at first as well. (Do they really?) Tomorrow's another day. I'll give it another go then.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Well, If the General didn't give you enough nicotine, then there's only one recourse - strong portions! Skruf Stark, Nick and Johnny, or any of the Offroad Strongs. The former two are more plainly flavoured, the Offroads tend to be heavily scented with a variety of flavours, but all of them represent the hardest hitting of the snuses to be found in portions.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Have you had the Catch Eucalyptus yet? So far that's my favorite "womens" snus, and one of my favorite snus' in general. I do prefer the regular portions to the minis though.


                              • asvm
                                • Mar 2008
                                • 28

                                It's not that General wasn't strong enough, I just didn't like it. I like the Catch Menthol I'm also using though.

                                It's just been over 24 hrs that I've been using snus. It's just a matter of getting used to getting nicotine a completely different way. At least feeling awkward using the large General made the mini Menthol afterwards feel a lot easier.

                                Was it really easy for all you folks, or was it a bit hard getting used to at first??


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